Freedom From Your Weight

Freedom From Your Weight ~ Week Four

Simple Truth

~ Weight pulls us down in the most unexpected ways. Have you ever noticed that? The timing in which our weight bothers us appears to be nonsensical. But is the timing of our struggle nonsensical? Or is it comfortable, assuming, programmed, expected, protective, _____________?

For some of us, our struggle with weight is deeply connected with sin. Sin thrown at us by another person. This sin, sweet friend, is not your weight to carry any longer. This sin is not your sin. It is not your identity. It is not you. There is freedom to be found in Christ from this weight of another person’s sin.

For some of us, our struggle with weight is rooted in the soil of this broken world in which we live. Expectations and “requirements” are handed to us by the ugliness of this world proclaiming that its answer is the identity of beauty. My friend, beauty is much brighter than the fruit grown from this earth’s soil.

May we unite together on this hillside. May we walk together in the desire to receive this gift of freedom already given us from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Consider: Our weight journey is a very personal journey for each of us, but we need a person to walk this journey with us. Sometimes we need more than a person to walk by our side. At times we need a team.

What is the first/next step you need to set your eyes on in order to press forward in what lies ahead? This is your life. This is your future. Live for you.

Challenge: Give your weight “issue” to Jesus by trusting a friend with your story. Allow her to speak life into the future of your story. Trust yourself to live for your future instead of looking toward the past.

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Your Weight Video Lesson here :


~ Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Have you ever wanted freedom from the cyclical pull that comes with weight? Are you sighing, gritting your teeth, rolling your eyes, and eating a brownie as your response? Or is that just my response?! Weight is a topic, for sure. I think this is one topic we would rather keep under the table. Isn’t it?

For many women, to discuss the matter of attaining freedom from our weight, we have to talk about much more than digits. And when we talk deeper than digits, things tend to get real. My prayer is that we will refrain from caloric or scaled numbers, but will touch the root of our battles.


Prayer for 2020


My heart is uncertain of its emotions. It’s tired of this battle of uncertainty, it’s exhausted of this continuation of ups and downs. Yet, Lord, as I expressed my exhaustion even this very minute, my heart paused before You and smiled at the truth You pressed on my mind that quickly.

“Jaclyn, I have given you ups in the midst of downs. And your downs are open doors for me to pour out that many more blessings.

Father God, how I needed this time with You. For five hours I have been processing my thoughts of Idaho’s newest return to Phase Three. For five hours I have been turning circles in my mind and thoughts and prayers and frustrations and concerns. Then I sit in the silence of Your full presence and instantly You whisper my name and Your truth upon my soul. And I breathe. And I smile. And I shake my head at my inner struggle and at Your mighty power.

All to you I surrender.

All to you I freely give.

I will ever love and trust You.

In your presence I will live.

Here I sit remembering again Who You Are! You are the great I AM! Oh, how truly great You are! I love You. Selah.

Lord Jesus, may I pray comfort and peace and strength upon my friends, my family, my readers, my prayer sisters, and my Women Inseparable girls right now? Lord Jesus, may I pray wisdom and direction and surety upon Your pastors and missionaries this very moment?! Lord Jesus, may I pray for those who are spread abroad from city to city, from country to country, from house to house who are feeling the effects of various phrases and lock downs and regulations? Calm fear, I pray in the name of Jesus! Use proper anger for Your glory, I pray. Settle inappropriate emotions and reactions, Lord Jesus, I pray.

Father, there are words and truths and realities streaming throughout Your children scattered throughout your bountiful world. Please hear every one of them. Please make your presence known in each of their world’s today. Please be the Father You have always been. Be forever and always our Dad, our great I AM.

Father, thank you for the unexpected smile on my heart and on my face as I sit alone with You in a grocery store parking lot. Oh, how deeply I admire and love and cling to You!



Prayer for America

Prayer for Pastors

Prayer for Missionaries

Prayer for Innocence (Girls)

Lord God,

I love you. Since I was a little girl meeting You for the first time, I love You. I am so thankful to have grown up in Your arms, in Your love. I know my life is colored by its stories, but through it all, You, my Jesus, were always there filling my head with knowledge, my heart with scripture, and my soul with strength. You lead me day by day into the woman I am today. You turned my colorful story into a light that shines Your presence and Your power and Your truth.

You, my Lord Jesus, I love so truly for You first loved me.

Father God, there is a war against the innocence of little girls going on throughout our society. This war is not new. Sadly, this is an age old scheme of the devil. One that is tried time and again. One that wages war within grown women to this day. This war is nothing but evil, disgustingly evil. I pray destruction upon the head of this war. Father God, You declared that he will nip at Your heal, but You WILL crush his head. Oh God, I pray Your hand will crush his head in this war against our young girls.

Bring a protection around each of our daughters, our granddaughters, our sisters, our neighbors, our child’s friends and classmates, the little girls across the street, around the corner, across town, around the world. Selah

Cause men and women to stand up for the protection of innocence. Do not allow us to continue in complacency or in ostrich like behavior. Open our eyes to their hurt, open our ears to their cry, lead our hands and feet to their aid, to their protection. Open our lips to pour forth the sweet name of Jesus Christ upon them. Direct our intentions as proactive shields of protection.

Lord, You are ever faithful in loving each of Your precious children. I can testify.

It is so easy for me to spit out names and functions, agendas and programs, individuals and parties that are advocating for the destruction of innocence upon our girls. Lord, it is too easy… But God I pray You will keep my prayers set to the core of the war. Destroy, I pray, the root of this evil. Silence the lies. Close the ears of the foolish from even hearing his lies. Shine Your radiant light upon the darkness about him. Let the world see how ugly he is. How destructive he is. Oh, Lord, defeat this war with the sound of truth, purity and victory!

I pray these things in unity with prayer warriors far and wide. Hear our voices and pour out our united prayers upon our little girls both near and far.

Jesus, I love you. Thank you for Your fervent love!


Prayer for Children

How to Fast

God Answers Prayers