Freedom In His Love

Freedom In His Love ~ Week Six
(Never Forsaken)

Simple Truth

Love is a many splendored thing. 😉 Yet, love has broken us, left us, hurt us, or forsaken us at some point in our life. From our first pet to a parent. From puppy love to your spouse. Love has brought us pain.

Then we hear that God is love and that God loved the whole world and that He will never forsake us.

And we sit there trying to understand His infinite love via our human hurt. And we view God’s love through our personal experience. And we receive His love at arm’s reach as we protect ourselves from being hurt once again.

Because the idea of being hurt by God our creator is a pain too big to comprehend. Such immense devastation. A heartbreaking thought. So, we remain in our space beside His love rather than embraced by it.

Well, we think we do.

We think we have the ability to limit His love for us.

We think we are that big, that powerful.

Consider: Have you received God’s love given to you through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ? Will you share your testimony of when you found His love?

Challenge: Write a letter from God to you. See (via your own words) if you view His love for you through His infinite love or through your human heart.

*Search Scripture if you need to learn more of His verbal love for you.

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom In His Love video lesson here:


~ Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


Come To The Table:

Final Thought

Psalm 118 proved to be a psalm of praise and beauty perfectly set for our study on finding Freedom In His Love. It is one that proclaims the very love of the Father, the personal love of David for His King, and a written testimony of the Savior’s most powerful gift, the gift of Salvation.

I encouraged each of us to spend time in Palm 118 in connection with Hebrews 13. May we see the vitality of the sacrifice of praise. May we understand the importance of offering our heart of worship to God. May we remember to set our eyes on the day the Lord had made. May we purpose to rejoice in the day of our Salvation. May we pause and breathe and be glad in it!

God loves you. God is with you. God will not walk away from you. God will not turn His back on you. He will not leave you or forsake you. He will not fail you. He is God. He calls you His. He loves you always and forever. God sees you. For God loves you.


All Freedom In Christ Lessons:

Freedom From Your Weight

Freedom From Your Weight ~ Week Four

Simple Truth

~ Weight pulls us down in the most unexpected ways. Have you ever noticed that? The timing in which our weight bothers us appears to be nonsensical. But is the timing of our struggle nonsensical? Or is it comfortable, assuming, programmed, expected, protective, _____________?

For some of us, our struggle with weight is deeply connected with sin. Sin thrown at us by another person. This sin, sweet friend, is not your weight to carry any longer. This sin is not your sin. It is not your identity. It is not you. There is freedom to be found in Christ from this weight of another person’s sin.

For some of us, our struggle with weight is rooted in the soil of this broken world in which we live. Expectations and “requirements” are handed to us by the ugliness of this world proclaiming that its answer is the identity of beauty. My friend, beauty is much brighter than the fruit grown from this earth’s soil.

May we unite together on this hillside. May we walk together in the desire to receive this gift of freedom already given us from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Consider: Our weight journey is a very personal journey for each of us, but we need a person to walk this journey with us. Sometimes we need more than a person to walk by our side. At times we need a team.

What is the first/next step you need to set your eyes on in order to press forward in what lies ahead? This is your life. This is your future. Live for you.

Challenge: Give your weight “issue” to Jesus by trusting a friend with your story. Allow her to speak life into the future of your story. Trust yourself to live for your future instead of looking toward the past.

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Your Weight Video Lesson here :


~ Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Have you ever wanted freedom from the cyclical pull that comes with weight? Are you sighing, gritting your teeth, rolling your eyes, and eating a brownie as your response? Or is that just my response?! Weight is a topic, for sure. I think this is one topic we would rather keep under the table. Isn’t it?

For many women, to discuss the matter of attaining freedom from our weight, we have to talk about much more than digits. And when we talk deeper than digits, things tend to get real. My prayer is that we will refrain from caloric or scaled numbers, but will touch the root of our battles.


We Have Questions

We have questions. We have a lot of questions. We have questions about our yesterday, about today and about our tomorrow. We have questions as a nation and as individuals. We have questions regarding health and wealth and sorrows and tears. We have questions.

Too often we look for solutions too grand to attain. Allowing us to remain in the comforts of asking. We are accustomed to asking for the answer to our problem. But, at times, asking the same question time and again becomes easier than hearing the answer and responding in the action that accompanies the answer. So, we remain in the comforts of asking.

At times, we jump into answers that satisfy our immediate hope. Things that provide a quick smile, a simple ease, a respite, a breath, a bandaid. In seeking these answers, we are provided an action that is comprehensible and attainable and in our viewpoint of accomplishment. Then we find ourselves asking the same question again.

My proposition to you and me today is that we stop this cycle of asking and begin looking to Jesus.

Jesus is the answer.

He declares His love for you. He demonstrated His love for you. He sealed His love for you. And He has proven Himself and His love to you time and time again.

Is it possible the answer your heart is craving is already whispering your name? Is it possible He is saying, I am. Is it possible He is taking your hand, walking by your side, leading your way, protecting your cause, hearing your words, healing your sorrow, and shining His light upon you.

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16


I pray you will allow our eyes to glimpse your presence in our worlds today. Open our eyes to your fingerprints upon our days. Lord, we have such diverse questions.

Will you strengthen us to pursue the situation at hand, to rest in the moment when we can, to study, to seek, to find, to heal, to hear, to understand, to walk, to talk, to respond, to achieve, to accomplish, to complete.

Lord, there is much that we lay at your feet. Thank you for faithfully hearing our prayers. I pray that we will begin today seeing you as the answer that goes with us. For when you are with us, we are equipped with a plan and a future and a hope.

Jesus, you are good. In your goodness, you love us. As simple as this may sound from my lips to your heart, thank you. Thank you for being who you are and for being what we need!



Jesus. There is no other name.

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Jesus is Truth