We Have Questions

We have questions. We have a lot of questions. We have questions about our yesterday, about today and about our tomorrow. We have questions as a nation and as individuals. We have questions regarding health and wealth and sorrows and tears. We have questions.

Too often we look for solutions too grand to attain. Allowing us to remain in the comforts of asking. We are accustomed to asking for the answer to our problem. But, at times, asking the same question time and again becomes easier than hearing the answer and responding in the action that accompanies the answer. So, we remain in the comforts of asking.

At times, we jump into answers that satisfy our immediate hope. Things that provide a quick smile, a simple ease, a respite, a breath, a bandaid. In seeking these answers, we are provided an action that is comprehensible and attainable and in our viewpoint of accomplishment. Then we find ourselves asking the same question again.

My proposition to you and me today is that we stop this cycle of asking and begin looking to Jesus.

Jesus is the answer.

He declares His love for you. He demonstrated His love for you. He sealed His love for you. And He has proven Himself and His love to you time and time again.

Is it possible the answer your heart is craving is already whispering your name? Is it possible He is saying, I am. Is it possible He is taking your hand, walking by your side, leading your way, protecting your cause, hearing your words, healing your sorrow, and shining His light upon you.

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16


I pray you will allow our eyes to glimpse your presence in our worlds today. Open our eyes to your fingerprints upon our days. Lord, we have such diverse questions.

Will you strengthen us to pursue the situation at hand, to rest in the moment when we can, to study, to seek, to find, to heal, to hear, to understand, to walk, to talk, to respond, to achieve, to accomplish, to complete.

Lord, there is much that we lay at your feet. Thank you for faithfully hearing our prayers. I pray that we will begin today seeing you as the answer that goes with us. For when you are with us, we are equipped with a plan and a future and a hope.

Jesus, you are good. In your goodness, you love us. As simple as this may sound from my lips to your heart, thank you. Thank you for being who you are and for being what we need!



Jesus. There is no other name.

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Jesus is Truth

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