When Things Seem Too Big

Dear Father,

Things seem too big for me. Selah.

I let that truth slip from my lips. My words want to quickly run circles around my vulnerability, yet my heart longs for the confidence you promise as I trust and obey the thing you have called and equipped me to do for you. Trusting you with my words, I sit quiet, contemplative, eager to hear your voice.

Let Your strength to be seen in my weakness.

Let Your wisdom bind itself upon my heart.

Let Your comfort hold me in the midst of today’s step.

Let Your Truth shine it’s light brightly over my vulnerable truth.

Yes, I wait upon you, Lord, for all the above. Selah.

Father God, my eyes see the next step ahead of me – although I cannot behold the full path that awaits my steady stride. Help me to step in the fullness of your light and guide me in the surety of your Way. Thank you for allowing me to see the ground beneath my foot that I may not slip or stumble upon the Rock.

For I know that I stand upon a sure Foundation.

I stand upon the Cornerstone of all things under heaven.

I stand upon the Rock that cannot be shaken -not even by the gates of hell.

I stand upon you, Jesus Christ, the very Eternal, Ever-faithful Son of God!

Yes, I trust you, Lord, for every step before me. Selah.

Sweet Father, thank you for being alive! For having ears to heart my words. For having eyes to see my heart, my path, my weakness, my strength, my struggle and my smile. Oh, how you know me throughly! Oh, how you love me and trust me to do your will in my life today!

May I love you and trust You to do your will in my life Today!


Finally, brothers,

whatever is true,

whatever is honorable,

whatever is just,

whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely,

whatever is commendable,

if there is any excellence,

if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.

What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me

– practice these things,

and the the God of peace will be with you!

-Philippians 4:8-9

Paul from prison when things were seemingly too big for him.


A Prayer for Strength

Lord, I Come to You for Love

Rise Above the Fog

Let’s Pray for our Fasting Life

Heavenly Father, May I pause for a moment to pray for my Fasting life and for the Fasting lives of my dear friends?

Lord God, will you settle our minds when we hear this word? Will you remove the weighty stipulations that we preconceive each time you call us to fast? Will you fill us with your peace and thanksgiving in place of our self doubt?

Lord, to fast with you is to spend deeper time with you.

May that statement be the starting point of our Fasting Life. May we see your desire for our full attention as an open door to simply…be with You.

All too often, we see Fasting as something too big and unattainable. When, Lord, Fasting is you and me. May we sit in that truth. And, Father, help us to grow in Fasting as we are/where we are. Will you guide our time together? Please teach us what our Fasting Life looks like. May it be more about your words over us and less about “what we can do or not do.” Simply, You.

I pray we will see our Fasting Life as a starting point to hearing your voice. That we will become more familiar with your words for us. And that we will be able to discern your voice above our inner thoughts and above the noise of the world.

Whether we fast with you for one hour or two, whether we spend a half a day or a full day, whether we set weekly dates or monthly, I pray we will practice this intentional time with you so we may know You. Selah.

Above all else, may I say Thank You. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to talk to you about all things and in all ways. Thank you for seeing us as the individual daughters that we are. Thank you for not being a God of expectations and obligations but of freedom and of love. And thank you for always drawing us into your arms, into your thoughts, and before your Throne.

It is before you that I pray for Fasting today.


*Jeremiah 9:23-24

Photography by @macijoyphotography


Let’s Pray for Our Prayer Life

Prayer for Our Thoughts

God Answers Prayers

Let’s Pray in the Spirit

Heavenly Father,

With such a grand title, Let’s Pray in the Spirit, I feel like I need to prepare my prayer space and clear my head or utter a chant. But God that would be all me doing all the work as if to show you that I was in the Spirit.

Lord God, you have given me your Spirit. Selah.

Oh, Father, how I sit in that truth. How the gift of such magnitude overwhelms my heart, causing me to catch my breath. Selah.

Sweet Father,

May I pray for myself and for my prayer sister that we may know you are with us. Always. Father, your Spirit is in us. Always. I pray she will feel your presence. I pray you will capture her heart and mind and thoughts. For when she is in prayer praying all things before the Throne she is praying in the Spirit, for you have promised. And in that promise we kneel, we bow, we sit, we lay, we come before you. As we are before your Throne, we pray, Father God, hear these words. Treasure them. Hold them…

Gather our prayers, I pray. Unite them for the kingdom come. May our words be useful for your way, to pour out your truth, and to offer life -abundant and eternal life- within us and upon those around us. For you and in your Spirit I pray.

God, I adore you. How precious we are in your sight! How magnificent and good you are in ours! Thank you for such a personal relationship with you. Thank you for Christ Jesus. And thank you for your Spirit. I pray we will pray this day in the Spirit. Not in our own efforts but in your promise.



**1 Corinthians 2 (listen to the words spoken over you)

***Ephesians 6:18 (ponder the beauty of this truth)

👉🏻 Friend, if prayer is a struggle for you please join me in this Video Lesson. Perhaps it will bring clarity and freedom to your prayer life. Xoxo

🌸 Photography by @macijoyphotography



What is Prayer

Because Jesus

Freedom In His Love