Freedom From Your Thoughts

Freedom From Your Thoughts ~ Week Three

Simple Truth

~ Warfare is not a typical conversation among girlfriends. “Typically” our strongholds take precedence in our conversations. Easily we spit out the things that annoy us about ourselves. Throwing ourselves under the bus, so to speak. In return, we lay down our own card of self-annoyance to level the playing field. In this, we connect. Oddly, it’s truth. It’s real. In the end, It’s not all that bad. For, in sharing our truths, we become relatable.

But what if we enter weapons greater than that of mass destruction into these conversations. What if we respond with a sword?

What if we respond with a helmet?

What would happen in the midst of that girlfriend conversation if we held up a breastplate?

Friend, when was the last time you laid out shoes for a friend in the midst of a battle? Come on, shoes?!

We have weapons of warfare that have divine power to destroy strongholds. What would happen if we helped a girlfriend use them?

What, Sweet Friend, would happen if we used them when our own thoughts attacked?

Consider: the purpose of a weapon is for self protection. Yet, when we attack ourselves it is difficult to hold up that weapon. We become torn within. Wanting to defend ourselves from the thoughts that rage, yet wanting so desperately to cling to the Truth. What weapon of divine warfare can help you defend yourself from your inner thought battle?

Challenge: Who can you ask to help you use that weapon? Is there something you can ask them to do specifically to help you bring freedom to your thoughts?

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Your Thoughts Video here:


~ 2 Corinthians 10:5

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,

We have the ability to transform our thoughts. Scientifically and Spiritually, we have the resources and ability to rise higher than the thoughts we give permission to linger within us. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a brilliant resource in this matter. I have read two of her books. This, her most popular, is next on my list.


Freedom From Your Past

Freedom From Your Past ~ Week Two

Simple Truth

Freedom is equally given and received.

The moment you called upon Jesus Christ to be your Savior you were given freedom from your past. It is now in our hands to choose to open this gift.

I wonder if fear of opening up our Pandora’s Box of the past will be void of the presence of God.

Sweet Friend, whether or not you were a child of God during your moments of the past, God is your Creator and Father today. Trust Him to be present in your future, in your today, and in your yesterday. He will heal. He will renew. He will make all things new. The good and the bad are washed in a Newness that will outshine anything the past has to offer.

Consider: Do you have a success statement you tend to share when you need to build yourself up? Do you have a fail statement you cling to when Jesus desires to draw you forward? Are you willing to share one with a friend today? Are you ready to replace these (and the other statements on your personal list) with what Jesus has for your future?

Challenge: Consider giving your past to Christ Jesus. Write them down in order to see what you truly cling to from “what lies behind”. Ask a Sister to help you replace each statement listed with “what lies ahead”.

*Cheat sheet: What Lies Ahead is LIFE. Life Everlasting! See that.

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Your Past Video Lesson:

Week Two


~ Philippians 3:13

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”

Not all past is bad. Some is good. But all past has a voice that is either silenced, comparable to loud noise, or held by the voice of God. My prayer is that we will study Scripture to find freedom from our past and choose which voice we desire our past to have.


Freedom in Christ Bible Study

Welcome to week one of a new fall series, Freedom in Christ. These next few weeks I will be studying Freedom in Christ as pertaining to very specific topics. I would be honored if you would join me in a sweet study of His gift of freedom. Each Friday I will share a simple truth and a short video lesson that connects that simple truth to Scripture.

You can view the full Freedom In Christ outline here…

I look forward to walking together with you in Scripture and truth,


Free To Be You ~ Week One

Simple Truth:

You. What a powerful word at times. A lost word. A negative word. A word with a past, a story, a shadow of what was. A word so uniquely set apart. A word too big to comprehend.

You. Designed meticulously by the Creator. Breathed in the breath of life. Loved to the point of Sacrifice. Cared for by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Forgiven by the blood. Washed by the Spirit. Renewed. Whole. Holy. Pure. You.

You. What would your ten truths say about you? Could you/would you take the time to write ten things about you as seen by the Father? You were given you to take care of, to know, and to grow. Will you consider becoming a student of you?

Consider: How well do you know you? Do you know how to see who you are through the eyes of God? Can you say, “I am knit together by Him.” Can you say, “my weaknesses are boast worthy, for His glory shines upon them.”

Challenge: Study yourself. In kindness, pay attention to who you are in the eyes of the very One who created you, loves you, and is cheering you on to growth and strength and success. (Joshua 1)

Video Lesson:

Watch Free To Be You Video Lesson here:

Free To Be You ~ Week One


~ Psalm 139:13

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

“But he said to me, “My grace Is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

My prayer is that we will all find freedom in the person He created us to be, uniquely and beautifully. Be confident in who you are, for you are His!
