God’s Answer for Anxiety

I don’t know if I belong here. Do I battle anxiety? No. Like I said, I don’t know if I belong here. Statistically, I should be.

I met God when I was three years old, nearly 40 years ago. I met my mother’s husband when I was eight. I knew the love of The Father for five years, and now I was stuck with the infatuation of a father. They did not mix very well. Oil and water. Throughout those years, I memorized the Word of God. I clung to it, really. His Words drowned out the emptiness. They became my foundation. Life was hard; pain was real. But I always heard His love sung over me. His words washed through me as its promised two-edged sword separated the foul from His Truth. It fought in ways I didn’t see until I got older and was questioned about my lackadaisical approach to anxiety and worry and stress. “The smell of smoke,” I was told, “isn’t even on you.” A statement too grand to not cast at His feet.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 struck deeply within my core. It became the prayer of my heart as a young teenager. Trying and failing at imagining what the Lord could reveal to me, something too grand for my comprehension. I was hungry to see it. I wanted it to be my way of escape.

As I sit here in this room hearing the angst of anxiety and worry and stress, I understand a bit more about this truth. I no longer hear the promise of the Father’s written Word; I see it. I may not have been shielded from the sorrow that is called my upbringing, but I was shielded from the anxiety that should have walked me throughout my days.

I look at the long days that make up this short life of mine and see the great and hidden things that wrapped itself around me. Miscarriages that brought tears without worry. Medical diagnoses that brought pain without anxiety. Life moments that brought reality without stress. Life has thrown itself all around me, but the smell of its presence lay silent on the floor.

God promises that when we call, He will answer. As He answers, He will show us things beyond our comprehension. I have been waiting for something that I could see, but I wonder if it is the unseen evidence of His Presence that explains my feeling of absence in this room. Do I battle with anxiety, No. But I know who does. His name is I AM.

I look around this room offering one word, one promise. Simple yet sweetly complete.


He promises that He will answer.

He promises that He will show you great and hidden things.

Friend, call.

Then, open your eyes and see.

“Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”-Jeremiah 33:3


Father God, our days are so new and unknown

Simple Prayer for Moms

Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

Peeking into Paul’s Journal

Today, I encourage you to read these three verses written below as if you are peeking into Paul’s journal for the very first time. Note his personal account as he centers the verb of love around his reality. Consider your testimony as a child of God as you read through Paul’s testimony.

~ Appreciate the differences,

~ Note the similarities and

~ Develop a heart of love.

Paul’s testimony

  • includes his gifts of the Spirit, tongues and teaching. (1 Corinthians 14:6, 18-19)
  • includes his Apostolic authority: prophesy, understanding mysteries and knowledge, and mountain moving faith. (Matthew 10; Acts 9:15, 1-19, 26:15-18)
  • states his present sacrificial existence of giving it all away. (2 Corinthians 11:22-32)
  • points to his expected end based on the testimony of his Apostle brothers. (2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18) *cf. Christian history

In all these things, he points to the better way. Love.

He compares his gifts to a noisy gong if used without love. Praying in tongues with the Lord and teaching Scripture to others are both beautiful gifts to behold but when done without love for the Lord and poured out upon others, they become dreadfully annoying to the hearer. Consider that God Almighty is our number one audience. How heartbreaking if our gift from the Spirit is an empty sound in the ears of our Creator.

To be an Apostle of Jesus Christ was not an ordinary position, nor is it an available position for us today. But consider if Peter, James, Matthew, or Paul attempted to perform the power that was poured into them by the Holy Spirit without love for their Lord Jesus. Paul declares worthlessness above all measure if he dared to fail in this area.

Lastly, he says when I die a martyr’s death let that be full glory to the King of kings. But if I died for Him without love for Him, oh, that I would gain nothing. When you hear that spelled out in this chapter, does your heart not burn for Galatians 2:20? To die for Christ was an ever-present thought on Paul’s heart. Not because he craved for us to remember how he died for Christ, but that He walked in the steps of Christ and is now in the presence of His Savior.

Your Testimony

  • is found the moment you meet Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
  • shines as Christ’s love plants within you.
  • fruitfully blooms and blossoms deep within your core stirring your every dream, every goal, every victory, every sorrow to point to the love of Jesus Christ.
  • centers around a love does not end at death, for death has no sting. It has no victory.
  • of Christ in you carries you into the presence of God Almighty.

Can you imagine the depth of love that will encircle us that day?

According to 1 Corinthians, love never ends. How this thought causes my heart to sing, my lips to smile, and my love to grow. We are forever loved and in love with our God. This love is a gift given to us, freely. Take a moment to ponder the evidence of His love for you. Oh, how He loves you! From the moment He created you, to the moment you understood your need for His love, and to the day that love welcomes you to your home in eternity.

His love never fails.

As you read Paul’s journal, consider your testimony. For what is a testimony if there is no love? Note how Paul completed each statement. I wonder what these verses would look like if we were to fill in the blanks. I think that will be my personal homework today. Will you join me?

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.”

-1 Corinthians 13:1-3


It always begins with God

A Prayer for Truth & Salvation

Father, Remind Me of This Truth as I Worship You Today

Prayer for The Evidential Presence of the Light of Jesus

My Jesus, my Savior, my Lord and my Friend,

The image of your ever-present light has been running through me this past week. My mind is full of verses declaring your light’s purpose in our lives. And verses of your promise to shine your light on us and around us and before us circle my heart.

These verses are causing my heart to skip a beat.

Jesus, I have been in your light since I was three years old; I was raised in the presence of your light. Not for any other reason than my ‘little girl’ acceptance of God as my Father. Oh, my heart smiles at this gift of your “Father to the fatherless” love!!

Even in the midst of darkness, your light was always there. For the evidence of your presence is what remains in my memory leaving those dark days as my story to tell rather than my weight to carry.

Your light silences my negative emotions when I have to revisit my darkest days while speaking, teaching, writing, or sweetly talking with those who need to hear the truth that they are not alone.

Oh Father God, there is so much weight to carry! I think of my prayer sisters scattered around your beautiful world. I think of the prayer requests on their hearts. I think of the secret cries within their souls. I think of the mental battles that persist day in and day out. I think of the loss that they are walking through. I think of the emptiness that overtakes the days of yesteryear. I think, Father, of the present reality of today that causes such angst in their being.

Oh Father, that you will silence every emotion of dark days. That you will transform her weight into a story to tell. That you will whisper her name upon her heart. That you will make the evidence of your presence known. That you, Dear Father in Heaven, will shine the light of your son, Jesus Christ, on her right now. Oh, that she will see it!

Yes, Father, I pray the emotions of darkness will be silenced in the presence of your most joyous Light!


Jesus, I adore you.

I worship you.

I love you.


Father, Take My Absence and Fill it With Your Glory

Who You Are ~ a proclamation to God

The Father’s DNA

Light’s Perspective