Prayer for Innocence (Girls)

Lord God,

I love you. Since I was a little girl meeting You for the first time, I love You. I am so thankful to have grown up in Your arms, in Your love. I know my life is colored by its stories, but through it all, You, my Jesus, were always there filling my head with knowledge, my heart with scripture, and my soul with strength. You lead me day by day into the woman I am today. You turned my colorful story into a light that shines Your presence and Your power and Your truth.

You, my Lord Jesus, I love so truly for You first loved me.

Father God, there is a war against the innocence of little girls going on throughout our society. This war is not new. Sadly, this is an age old scheme of the devil. One that is tried time and again. One that wages war within grown women to this day. This war is nothing but evil, disgustingly evil. I pray destruction upon the head of this war. Father God, You declared that he will nip at Your heal, but You WILL crush his head. Oh God, I pray Your hand will crush his head in this war against our young girls.

Bring a protection around each of our daughters, our granddaughters, our sisters, our neighbors, our child’s friends and classmates, the little girls across the street, around the corner, across town, around the world. Selah

Cause men and women to stand up for the protection of innocence. Do not allow us to continue in complacency or in ostrich like behavior. Open our eyes to their hurt, open our ears to their cry, lead our hands and feet to their aid, to their protection. Open our lips to pour forth the sweet name of Jesus Christ upon them. Direct our intentions as proactive shields of protection.

Lord, You are ever faithful in loving each of Your precious children. I can testify.

It is so easy for me to spit out names and functions, agendas and programs, individuals and parties that are advocating for the destruction of innocence upon our girls. Lord, it is too easy… But God I pray You will keep my prayers set to the core of the war. Destroy, I pray, the root of this evil. Silence the lies. Close the ears of the foolish from even hearing his lies. Shine Your radiant light upon the darkness about him. Let the world see how ugly he is. How destructive he is. Oh, Lord, defeat this war with the sound of truth, purity and victory!

I pray these things in unity with prayer warriors far and wide. Hear our voices and pour out our united prayers upon our little girls both near and far.

Jesus, I love you. Thank you for Your fervent love!


Prayer for Children

How to Fast

God Answers Prayers

Prayer for Our Plans

Sweet Father,

How thankful I am for this new day that sits before us. You have filled us with your mercies anew. You have given us a new song on our hearts. Our new name shines your light upon our stories radiating the evidence of your love even upon the darkest of shadows.

Yes, Father, how thankful I am for this new day!

I pray You will be with each of us this day. Lord, You know the plan we have set for our specific day. I pray you will give us the strength and wisdom and focus we need to accomplish our personal tasks. I pray that we will be mindful of Your plan for our day as well.

Give us the flexibility we need to engage with the people that need our attention. Father, this is hard at times. I know when I set out to complete my to-do list and my men need my attention…Oh, Father, sometimes I get all discombobulated and end up feeling useless or unaccomplished.

Remind us that the people in our lives are center points of your plan for our days. Caring for them, helping them, teaching them, training them, loving them is far greater than most other things. Lord, employment is a vital part of life. Ministry does not take a break. Life is real. We cannot forego our responsibilities. Again with the feelings of discombobulation! We are pulled in many ways, but God is faithful! You will see us through this day at hand.

You promise to walk with us. You promise to hold us. You promise the fruit of the Spirit to be always within us. Your word declares victory upon us. I pray we will walk with You. I pray we will rest in Your hands. I pray we will spill forth the fruit of the Spirit. I pray we will claim victory.

Father, this day is a new day. I pray it will be according to your plan. Make straight our path and give us grace with each and every step.



Prayer for School

Prayer for Covid

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Decisions

Father, this prayer has been circulating in my head throughout this day. Decisions.

Lord, many decisions we faced last year remain present this year. Decisions regarding food, drink, clothes, sleep, raising children, loving husbands, respecting work environment, communicating with those around us, facing temptations, overcoming trials, shutting down Satan. Lord, the list goes on and on. And for each of us, though the statement may sound the same, the depth and direction of each decision varies dramatically.

Lord, we needed your presence on last year’s path. And we look back and see where you were, what you did, and how you rescued the situation we were facing.

This year, Lord God, this year presents many of the same things but in a different manner. Every one of my minor and major decisions seem tainted by an ever present cloud. Is that fair to say? It is deeply how I feel.

Father, there are so many rants I crave to spill out in this prayer, but You have already heard them throughout these last hours. Gracious, you’ve heard them throughout this year. I understand my personal dialogue is unneeded at this moment. So, I keep my prayerful ponderings at your feet.

Lord, in place of my personal display of jumbled up decisions, may I pray for my prayer sister who is facing her own list of decisions. Lord, whether it be regarding education or health or occupation or location or appearance or preparation or _______________________.

Lord, I pray You will hear the prayers on her heart, listen to her words, see Your desired outcome, and make straight her path! Lord, I pray You will settle the fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, dismay or confusion that may be overshadowing the decision she needs to make. Make each matter clear to her. Help her to see fully the best direction. And fill her with surety, confidence, peace and grace as she pursues the path set before her during this season that is called 2020.

Lord God, I love you.



Prayer for Children

A Prayer for Friends

Prayer for America