Prayer for 2020


My heart is uncertain of its emotions. It’s tired of this battle of uncertainty, it’s exhausted of this continuation of ups and downs. Yet, Lord, as I expressed my exhaustion even this very minute, my heart paused before You and smiled at the truth You pressed on my mind that quickly.

“Jaclyn, I have given you ups in the midst of downs. And your downs are open doors for me to pour out that many more blessings.

Father God, how I needed this time with You. For five hours I have been processing my thoughts of Idaho’s newest return to Phase Three. For five hours I have been turning circles in my mind and thoughts and prayers and frustrations and concerns. Then I sit in the silence of Your full presence and instantly You whisper my name and Your truth upon my soul. And I breathe. And I smile. And I shake my head at my inner struggle and at Your mighty power.

All to you I surrender.

All to you I freely give.

I will ever love and trust You.

In your presence I will live.

Here I sit remembering again Who You Are! You are the great I AM! Oh, how truly great You are! I love You. Selah.

Lord Jesus, may I pray comfort and peace and strength upon my friends, my family, my readers, my prayer sisters, and my Women Inseparable girls right now? Lord Jesus, may I pray wisdom and direction and surety upon Your pastors and missionaries this very moment?! Lord Jesus, may I pray for those who are spread abroad from city to city, from country to country, from house to house who are feeling the effects of various phrases and lock downs and regulations? Calm fear, I pray in the name of Jesus! Use proper anger for Your glory, I pray. Settle inappropriate emotions and reactions, Lord Jesus, I pray.

Father, there are words and truths and realities streaming throughout Your children scattered throughout your bountiful world. Please hear every one of them. Please make your presence known in each of their world’s today. Please be the Father You have always been. Be forever and always our Dad, our great I AM.

Father, thank you for the unexpected smile on my heart and on my face as I sit alone with You in a grocery store parking lot. Oh, how deeply I admire and love and cling to You!



Prayer for America

Prayer for Pastors

Prayer for Missionaries

Prayer for Decisions

Father, this prayer has been circulating in my head throughout this day. Decisions.

Lord, many decisions we faced last year remain present this year. Decisions regarding food, drink, clothes, sleep, raising children, loving husbands, respecting work environment, communicating with those around us, facing temptations, overcoming trials, shutting down Satan. Lord, the list goes on and on. And for each of us, though the statement may sound the same, the depth and direction of each decision varies dramatically.

Lord, we needed your presence on last year’s path. And we look back and see where you were, what you did, and how you rescued the situation we were facing.

This year, Lord God, this year presents many of the same things but in a different manner. Every one of my minor and major decisions seem tainted by an ever present cloud. Is that fair to say? It is deeply how I feel.

Father, there are so many rants I crave to spill out in this prayer, but You have already heard them throughout these last hours. Gracious, you’ve heard them throughout this year. I understand my personal dialogue is unneeded at this moment. So, I keep my prayerful ponderings at your feet.

Lord, in place of my personal display of jumbled up decisions, may I pray for my prayer sister who is facing her own list of decisions. Lord, whether it be regarding education or health or occupation or location or appearance or preparation or _______________________.

Lord, I pray You will hear the prayers on her heart, listen to her words, see Your desired outcome, and make straight her path! Lord, I pray You will settle the fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, dismay or confusion that may be overshadowing the decision she needs to make. Make each matter clear to her. Help her to see fully the best direction. And fill her with surety, confidence, peace and grace as she pursues the path set before her during this season that is called 2020.

Lord God, I love you.



Prayer for Children

A Prayer for Friends

Prayer for America

Prayer for Unity

Hi Sweet Father,

Life is a beautiful gift. I can only imagine what it looked like in its purest form according to your perfect design. I think of being created without a twist in mentality, an urge to defile, a longing for joy and happiness at all times.

~ Peace. Always peace within my soul and in the world around me.

~ Love. Always love spilling from my soul and receiving it fully from others.

~ Life. Always life being experienced at its fullest, purest and sweetest.

Father, your created design is precious to ponder. Yet, here we are living together in a broken world. Greater still, you offer us a way to live the life you created by giving us the filling of the Holy Spirit. His presence welcoming in an abundance of peace and love and life. Father, what a sweet gift. So thoughtful and giving you are!

May I right now before Your throne set my eyes on you and the greater purpose of living, to bring glory to Your Name? May the presence of the Spirit in me spill forth the evidence of peace and love and life!

Father, I pray this for myself and for my prayer sisters/warriors. I pray this for our Christian family worldwide. I pray, Father God, that we will allow the Spirit to shine forth for the sake of unity.

Oh, that we, Your children will live in unity for the sake of the lost world around us! May we gather up our Swords and stand at the ready. May our words be seasoned with Your Words that our responses encourage one another and love the ones in need of a Saviour.

Forgive our family fight. Such permission we give to Satan when we set our words against one another. It’s unattractive and gross. Forgive us, we pray. Selah.

Lord, strengthen us this very moment in unity. Position us side by side. Ready us with Your responses and Your actions and Your timing. Prepare us in Your armor and on Your foundation and as Your soldiers. Lead the Name of Jesus Christ to victory throughout all nations and tongues. Use us as Your children, Your representatives, Your light!

Father God, we love you. Help us to remember that we are on the Lord’s side, together.

Psalm 133,



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