God Answers Prayers

God answers prayers.




Oh, that we pause and claim these three words.

The big picture before us may appear blurry.


See the details.

See the fingerprints of the Designer.

Set your eyes on the intricate details of truth.



What prayers are you laying before the throne of God today? Do you trust the Lord to hear them? Truly, do you trust Him? If so, even through the faith of a seedling, look at the Father. See the throne at which your prayer is laid. Do you see Him? Do you see the throne? Do you see His hand pick up and hold your gift of faithful prayer?

Prayer sister, know that God’s hand is big enough to hold your request. Now is the time to wait, to sit, to stand, to step, to run, to soar in the freedom that comes with knowing who holds the answer.

God answers prayers.

My personal prayer today has yet to find words. I will simply say, I am praying for my son’s High School career. In this, I kneel before the throne. I wait for the Spirit to intercede on behalf of my son. I sit at His feet in comfort and strength. I stand ready to do my part. I am eager to step, to run, to soar.

In the process, I rest in this truth…




What is your personal prayer? Where are you laying it? Do you see who is holding it? Do you have the strength to proclaim God’s promise to answer prayer? Prayers for all these things are being poured over you today. xo

Walking together in prayer,



Prayer for Decisions

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Confidence

United We Pray

Sweet Father,

My prayers have been so heavy lately. Prayers for my country, for our police officers, for the movement that is destroying our nation, for “countries” that are staking claim within our land.

Father, I am tired. My eyes are tired of seeing constant destruction. My ears are tired of hearing vulgarities regarding President Trump. My heart is tired of turning upside down each time a monument falls. Oh, Lord, it hurts. Every time, my heart aches at the loss of our history.

I think of the Israelite nation and the continuous cycle of kings following God and building up alters to the Lord that are knocked down by the following kings who do not follow God. These events were cyclical in the history of Your people. I have never felt the blow of the knocking down of monuments, temples and wells of our forefathers until these last two weeks.

It’s as if this behavior is expected with the disrespect and absence of You and Your holy name.

Father God. I know Your Name! And I pray to You through the blood of the Lamb. And, Father God Almighty, I am not the only believer of Jesus Christ that is praying to You on behalf of America. I know I am joined by thousands.

And I, we, know You hear our prayers. And we will pray again. Lord God, we trust You and You alone to gather up our united prayers and pour them out where and when they are needed. We may pray for our desired outcome and direction, but we trust You to do with our prayers of faith as You see best.

Lord, see best.

Jesus . . .

Jesus. At the sound of Your name my body relaxed. At the breath of Your name my heart skipped a renewed beat. At the sight of Your name, I smile.


I will magnify and praise the name of Jesus.

Oh, how greatly I love you! That our eyes are set on Your name. That we will pray in Your name. That we will stand on Your name. For we know that we will not be shaken or torn down as we are founded upon the foundation that is called Jesus.



Prayer for America

Prayer for Police Officers

Prayer for Seattle

Prayer for Lives

Prayer for Unity

The Key Difference in Prayer

The key difference between the empty prayer of the Pharisee and the new prayer instructed by the Lord is the spirit of humility and understanding as to what prayer is truly about. Prayer is about your relationship with your Father not a verbal affirmation of yourself.

How great is our God! Jeremiah says of him, “His ways are not our ways. His thoughts not our thoughts.” Yet, when He hears our prayers, He hears our requests simply. Although we may express them as big prayers and small prayers, He doesn’t. We saw in the last chapter that what we consider small (hatred and lust) are comparatively the same as what we consider big (murder and adultery). Just the same, the wants and needs of our hearts are comparably the same in God’s eye. God looks at your needs and desires as a way to shower down blessings on you. Open your hands wide when you pray, for when you pray, believing, you will receive. This is a promise.

Jesus tells His disciples, who were recently out of work, to think on this:

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown in the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore, do not be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” Or “What shall we drink?” Or “What shall we wear?” -Matthew 6:30-31

Food, drink, clothes what are those to you? Even the most practical of women have to admit that they are everything to us. Come on, without food we would be hungry, without drink we would be dead, and without clothes we would be celebrating our birthday one too many times. These three things are important to all mankind. They are a necessity.

That being said, because they are everything we need to live, they are everything to God. You are everything to God. He created the plants; He provides for them. He created you; how much more will He provide for you? Too many hours are wasted in panic and worry. Worry is a sin. It is a lack of trust in the Father. We do not know what tomorrow holds, God does. We are not promised tomorrow. Why waste today worrying over something completely out of your hands?

God created today. He created you. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him and take no thought.

Which matter of prayer needs to be brought to God and laid before Him with pure trust in His power to provide? Read Matthew 6:25-34 again and commit God’s commands and promises to heart.

**Excerpt from The Beautiful Reward; pages 57, 60-62


The Blanket of Peace (excerpt from The Beautiful Reward)

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When You Don’t Know What to Pray