Prayer for Salvation

Lord God,

How marvelous are the works of Your hand. How lovingly You hold us in the same mighty hand that moves mountains, that silences strongholds, that comforts the broken hearted. Oh, Father, how marvelous You are!

Lord, may I sit before Your Throne, gathered together with my prayer warriors, in request for truth? Lord, You are Truth. Your words are truth. Your very presence as the Great I AM is truth. Father God, will You reveal Your truth today?

Lord, may it seem right in Your eyes to use our lips to proclaim Your truth. Will You fill us with the abundance of Your greatness? Will your words of power and of love and of truth spill upon all whose ears are open? Will You use us this very day to proclaim the evidence of Jesus, the risen Son of God?

Oh, that our world needs to hear!

Jesus, Your love for our eternal soul sets You apart from all others. You showed us the depth of Your love for us in a way that has never been seen before or duplicated. Your love is beyond belief. Yet, belief is all you ask for in return.

I pray for those who have placed their faith in your death on the cross.

Father, I pray they, Your children, will stand on their faith in You. I pray they will find victory in who they are, for they are Yours! I pray for their eyes to be set on You, their heart to be full of you, their soul to be overcome by you, and that they will proclaim the everlasting steadfast love of Jesus Christ! Father, strengthen your sweet child this very moment. In the name of Jesus I pray this for my brothers and my sisters in Christ.

I pray for those who are searching for truth.

Oh, that they will connect truth with You! That they will see Your word as undeniable. That there is concrete evidence of God’s love for mankind. Demonstrated by Christ in the flesh. Alive in those who believe by the filling of Your Spirit. You are Truth. And You are trustworthy. In a day when truth is debatable and faulty and unknown, You are trustworthy.

God, I pray salvation (belief in Jesus) in the heart of the one reading this prayer right now. Speak truth to their heart right now. I pray they hear the truth of Jesus’ love, that they will believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and that -in their belief in Your evidential truth- they will be set free. Free from doubt and fear and uncertainty.

Marvelous. Yes, how deeply marvelous are your ways.

Amen & Amen

**Romans 10

Learn more about the love of Jesus here: Jesus is Truth


Freedom in Christ Bible Study

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

God Answers Prayers

Prayer for Our Thoughts

Oh, Lord God,

How I have been wrestling with this study of Freedom from our Thoughts throughout this week. Where does one go with one’s thoughts. This is my question. Why are we prone to assume that our thoughts are evil and sin-filled and self-condemning? This also is my question.

Personally these two questions scream within me. Daily I ponder my thoughts. Daily I sit on guard of myself, working diligently in controlling my thoughts. Fighting, as with a Sword, the cruelty that resides within my inner self-condemnation, within my thoughts.

Yet, tonight I sit here at your feet surrounded by your words as if they are a belt wrapped tightly around me. Words that straighten my posture. Words that keep me centered. Words that cause my head to relax, to breathe.

These are the words I find myself sitting with. These are the words my heart is pondering louder than that of my internal thoughts. These are the words penned years ago for your daughter today. These are the words of my Father.

The thoughts of the righteous are just. (Pr. 12:5)

Father, this is your thought process. I sit in that truth. I sit in Your thoughts of Your presence in me, making me righteous and my thoughts just. Yes, Father God, I have been sitting in this truth for quite some time. Selah

The simple believes everything; but the prudent gives thoughts to his steps. (Pr. 14:15)

I am not a simple believer. I do not easily believe what is laid before me. That is not my character. That is not my person. Quite opposite, really. Yet, when I speak within myself, simple statements of unjustified depth, I believe me. Lord Jesus, this is causing my heart to want to fight for me the way I fight for my Scripture, for my country, for my family, for my Sisters far and wide. Lord, that I will be prudent in the steps of my thoughts. That they will not stumble me as a simpleton. That’s shameful. That’s gross. But mighty amazing to contemplate at your feet. Selah

Search me, Oh God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! (Ps. 139:23)

Sweet Father, this plea of praise and admiration poured out before you from your friend, David, has been swirling within my core these last few weeks. May I, in full adoration of your love for me, join him in pouring out this proclamation of praise and trust and love?

Father God, You know my heart. Oh! You know it greater than even I. And You call me Yours. You love me unconditionally. You dislike the cruelty that seeps within my soul toward myself, don’t you? My thoughts of me do not walk in step with your thoughts of me.

  • God, will you quench my thoughts that compromise your thoughts?
  • Will you know my thoughts and make them known to me?
  • Will You make them louder than the ones on repetition?
  • May I hear and know the thoughts that declare Your truths over me?

I am righteous because I am a follower of Jesus, washed in His blood, raised in His resurrection, and renewed daily by Your Spirit. Therefore, my thoughts are seen as just in Your eyes. Father, that I will comply and see and think in that beautiful truth.

I am prudent -not simple- because I have Your wisdom and understanding deep within my heart and soul. Therefore, my thoughts go before my every step, including my every thought. Oh, that I will remember that I am not simple in believing the foolishness that I muster! Ugh. This is shaking me and driving me toward a victory. I hear your song of victory over me. Selah

Lastly, Sweet Lord, help me to rest in Your arms as You know my heart and my thoughts. That I will trust You to fill my heart and my thoughts with what You know is found in me, thoughts worthy of Your praise. That my thoughts will produce praise upon Your creation and upon Your presence and Your work within me.

In the silence of awe at your feet,


We Have Questions

We have questions. We have a lot of questions. We have questions about our yesterday, about today and about our tomorrow. We have questions as a nation and as individuals. We have questions regarding health and wealth and sorrows and tears. We have questions.

Too often we look for solutions too grand to attain. Allowing us to remain in the comforts of asking. We are accustomed to asking for the answer to our problem. But, at times, asking the same question time and again becomes easier than hearing the answer and responding in the action that accompanies the answer. So, we remain in the comforts of asking.

At times, we jump into answers that satisfy our immediate hope. Things that provide a quick smile, a simple ease, a respite, a breath, a bandaid. In seeking these answers, we are provided an action that is comprehensible and attainable and in our viewpoint of accomplishment. Then we find ourselves asking the same question again.

My proposition to you and me today is that we stop this cycle of asking and begin looking to Jesus.

Jesus is the answer.

He declares His love for you. He demonstrated His love for you. He sealed His love for you. And He has proven Himself and His love to you time and time again.

Is it possible the answer your heart is craving is already whispering your name? Is it possible He is saying, I am. Is it possible He is taking your hand, walking by your side, leading your way, protecting your cause, hearing your words, healing your sorrow, and shining His light upon you.

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16


I pray you will allow our eyes to glimpse your presence in our worlds today. Open our eyes to your fingerprints upon our days. Lord, we have such diverse questions.

Will you strengthen us to pursue the situation at hand, to rest in the moment when we can, to study, to seek, to find, to heal, to hear, to understand, to walk, to talk, to respond, to achieve, to accomplish, to complete.

Lord, there is much that we lay at your feet. Thank you for faithfully hearing our prayers. I pray that we will begin today seeing you as the answer that goes with us. For when you are with us, we are equipped with a plan and a future and a hope.

Jesus, you are good. In your goodness, you love us. As simple as this may sound from my lips to your heart, thank you. Thank you for being who you are and for being what we need!



Jesus. There is no other name.

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Jesus is Truth