Lord, I Pray Your Rest Upon Those Who Call You Lord

Lord, Your rest is given to those who call You Lord.


I pray for rest.

I pray for Your rest to wrap its arms around the faces that are flooding my soul with such love and joy.

Lord, there are friends who are working so faithfully for you, who pour out their all for You. Father, give them rest. Give them Your rest. Not from their work, for their work is not done. But, Father God, I pray You will flood their souls with Your rest in the midst of their work.

I think of the mountains that surround my home town. I think of the solitude and peace and rest that welcomes each hiker as they reach the height of each mountainous trail.

All that effort.

All that work.

All to sit in the beauty of Your creation.

All to breathe in Your wonder.

All to rest in the palm of Your handiwork.

All to gear up for the path that leads back down into the valley.

Lord Jesus, Your rest finds us in the midst of our efforts. It is felt in the midst of our work. It is a freedom that pushes us forward to our next step.

God, the mountains are breathtaking and the valley within is beautiful. Father, whether Your children (my friends) are on the mountain or in the valley, I pray Your rest will meet them where they are.

Thank you, Sweet Father, for the hands and the feet and the hearts of my friends who serve You with such faithfulness and love and determination.

It is for them I pray this prayer this morning.

In and for the Name of Jesus Christ I pray,


** Matthew 11:28


What Are You Waiting For?

Father, I lay this place at your feet

Prayer for a Soldier

Jesus, thank you for words that connect & encourage

Lord Jesus, may I simply take this quick minute to say Thank You for those who pray with me each week. I have a load of prayer sisters who walk with me in prayer. My phone buzzes with written prayers throughout the day. My hands hold the warmth of others as prayers are delivered from their hearts to yours. And words are spilled on my website’s Prayer Journal that are Amen’d from Idaho to Ireland and from hearts sprinkled in between!

Gracious! I do love the power of unified prayer!! Thank you for the gift of communication with God the Father through your sacrifice on the cross and your resurrection from death to life eternal!

Jesus, may I take another quick minute to thank you for those who walk with me in truth. Lord, there are so many writers and readers out there. And I love how you pair us all up so perfectly to encourage one another through the truths found in your Word and given to us through your Spirit. Your message is ever faithful! Thank you for willingly using us to be the gift of encouragement to one another!

Goodness! How I love being sisters. It doesn’t matter who we are or how differently our seasons of life may be, when we are robed in your love we are instantly members of your family. And in your family there is an endless supply of sisters to laugh with, cry with, learn from, and encourage.

Lord, May I pray that you will use each of us as a gift of encouragement to someone else today. Thank you for the encouragement my heart receives through each and every reader you send my way.

Lord Jesus, we love you and we praise your name together,



Praise on a Monday Morning

Happy Monday, God

Of Prayer and Praise


To have a mother in law is not a right of passage. It is an “aftermath,” if you will, of marriage.

My MIL is a step above the rest! You may want to arm wrestle me on this, you may envy me, or you may fall on your knees begging God for such a gift as a “step above the rest MIL.”

I highly suggest the last, pray! For when you have a mother in law like Judy Palmer, what you get is nothing short of LOVE.

About Judy

Judy Learned who her son grew to be and she learned who he married. What’s more, she continues to learn who we are as the years and seasons of life change. Growth, change, and maturity are a progression in each of our lives. Behaviors will change. Opinions and convictions will change. Maturity will mature.🤞🏻😉 She is always a student of her people! This attribute blows my mind. How many relationships would be healed if we simply became a student of our person!?

She graciously Offers her hands, her heart, and her help without the air of “momma knows best.” I am certain I have broken her heart in declining her offer when I was a newlywed and again as a new mom. I didn’t know how to be a daughter in law. Gracious, I’m still learning. Yet, Judy has never ceased in offering her hands in service, her heart of love, and her eager ability to help.

This woman Validates my decisions as the mom of her grandson. That’s an underline and highlight statement! She validates my decisions as the mom of her grandson. Although I live the truth of these words, I feel the humility and self control and patience this must take for her. Just at the thought, I sit here in respectful awe. She hasn’t agreed with all our decisions (Ha! We haven’t agreed with all of our choices!), but she always validates them, in turn, respecting our parenting decisions. Priceless!

Above all these things, my absolute favorite is her Eagerness to BE with us. She wants to be part of her son’s family. She desires to be a fluid part of our laughter and heartaches, the vacation days and the mundane days. My photo albums can testify of the many vacations we have gone on together. And our memories can testify of the utterly immense, lazily fruitless days experienced at my house. Regardless, she is Present in whatever we do and soaks it in, participating in the reality known as The Palmer Home.

Such simple things when written in word, but powerfully dynamic when expressed with actionable love.

To be a Mother-in-Law has to be a hard season of life, but to be a Judy Palmer is nothing short of the best gift ever!!!

I love you, Judy Palmer. Thank you for being You!!



This Supplement is a Gift from God Intended for Use!

Prayer for the Beautifully Designed