Freedom From Slavery

Freedom From Slavery ~ Week Five

Simple Truth

Chains only have an effect on us when we give them permission to remain.

We think of those bound in slavery and our hearts break. We pray, we give, we stand, we walk, we subscribe, we fight for the freedom of children and men and women that are forced to succumb to the reality of living in the existence of chains and slavery.

We think of our loved ones who have chosen the chains of bondage. Their chain being the substance that confines them to their own demise. We see “how easy” it is to receive freedom, but all we can do is sit and watch and wait.

Then we sit in our own thoughts. We see our own chains. We acknowledge that we have allowed ourselves to become enslaved by our chain. And we sit. And we hide. And we hurt ourselves -physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. We pray without words and without depth and without faith and without hope. For we know that this chain is comfortable. This chain fits. There is security in this slavery.

Freedom from this slavery is out of your grasp; it is not out of His.

Consider: Chains of slavery are much like the weight discussed in Hebrews 12. These chains pull us down. They keep us from pressing forward to Life. They cause us to simply “remain” in our slavery. This week’s study ties these last four week’s together. How can you compare/contrast Psalm 139 (Free to be You study below) with your experience of slavery?

Challenge: Can you give your chain a name? Once you name it, will you share its name with one person? Often times, if we can name it and pronounce its name aloud, the bondage of that chain begins to set you free. Are you ready to receive this freedom?

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Slavery video lesson here:


~ Mark 5:1-20

He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. (V. 3-4)

Final Thought

Freedom from Slavery -from that sin that is craving your future- is an unwrapped present sitting on your lap. It is there. It is given freely to you. It is attainably yours. Will you receive it? Will you live in it? Will you give your sin permission to leave? 

We talked today about naming our sin.
We talked today about claiming the power of Jesus over your sin.
We talked about finding freedom from that sin.
We talked very openly about sin this week.

May we acknowledge our place in this personal battle with sin. May we see the effect it has on us within and without. Friend, you are not alone in this valley. It is brave to run and fall on your knees before Jesus (Mark 5:6). It is healing and freeing to give your sin a name. Verbally express the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust (Mark 5:9-10). I testify, there is healing and freedom in expressing the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust.


A Prayer for Friends


What a beautiful day this is. I do love raining, lazy days. But here’s the deal. I need to not be lazy. So, I ask you now to fill me with a new day’s energy to accomplish my To-Do list. That’s my request.

Lord, I also pray for my prayer sisters today. Lord, I pray that you will hear their requests. See their needs. Understand their emotions. And make yourself known in the midst of their day. Regardless of the request on their hearts, Father, you are able to provide the answer. That is who you are.

I think of friends who are battling cancer. Names pressed on my heart. Their health held in your hands. Father, I pray their hope and faith and trust will rest in You. I pray they will cling to the promise of your presence. I pray her eyes will behold the beauty of your majesty. And I pray for those who are around her, loving her and caring for her. Lord, fill their hearts with joy, their mouths will kindness and humor, and their lips with abundant smiles.

I think of friends who are revamping, if you will, their ministry. With this {long} spring season coming to an end, summer norms still up in the air, and fall routines wrapped in uncertainties, there is much to figure out. Father, I pray for solid truth to be laid as her building foundation. Give her the Scripture passage You would have her to build on. The one that will encourage her to press on despite the roadblocks that may come her way. I pray for creativity and brilliance and excitement for these next steps.

I think of friends who are “done”. So often we say this in the midst of our personal chaos and then wake up fine the next day. But, Lord, those days in which we are “done” are long and frustrating and lonely. I pray for grace to overcome the soul overwhelmed. Lord, that your grace and understanding will crush the chaos that is spiraling within your daughter’s head/heart/emotions/thoughts/truths/lies/etc… And Lord, I pray she will be bold enough to text a friend to simply say, “I’m done. Pray for me.” Then Lord, I pray that trusted friend will pray for her. Bond the sweetness of that relationship.

Father, thank you for this beautiful day. I pray that we will pray for our friends as we live the day ahead. And Lord, thank you for the sweet and loving gift of friends.



Today’s Prayer List

Six Ways to See Your Value

A Prayer for Peace ~ by Denise Pass

Father God, our days are so new and unknown

Father God, I love you and I thank you for being my God. How spoiled I am to talk to you right now and to know that you are hearing my words, listening to my prayer and holding my heart.

I could write a book of words before you and you would sit with interest the whole time. I could pour a bucket of tears before you and you would treasure each drop, storing them in a bottle. I could sit with you not uttering a single syllable and you, O my God, would understand the depth of my silence.

Father God, I do love you and thank you for being my God.

May I enter your presence hand in hand with my sisters?

May we gather our words, tears and silence and cast them before You?

Will you hold us?

Father God, our days are weird. Each day feels so new, unknown, and unsettled. Our emotions are rollercoastering (for sure my word) with each new announcement, closure, statistic, and regulation.

Lord, we are so accustomed to doing life together and now we are advised to separate ourselves from each other. This is the reality that crushes my heart the most. I think of the women I engage with every Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and for spontaneous coffee dates throughout each week.

I think of the prayer requests that are shared and prayed over while we are united together. I think of the tears that are held. I think of the laughter that spreads. I think of the rejuvenating breath that occurs for women as they pause in one another’s presence. I think of the joy that spills from Your Scripture and the giggles that erupt from inevitable rabbit trails.

Father God, you gifted us with girlfriends and sisters in Christ. Being socially separated from each other is going to open doors for discouragement, defeat, and depression. Oh God, I pray You will shut those doors! Lord, that they will not even crack open. I pray Your mighty hand will separate Your daughters from any tactic of the devil. Fight for each of Your daughters during these days.

Lord, You promise that Your Word will be evident in our hearts and minds.

~ I pray your grace will abound. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

~ I pray your peace will surpass. (Philippians 4:7)

~ I pray your happiness will overcome. (Psalm 144:15)

~ I pray we will not feel alone for You are ever present for you are our God. (Psalm 46:1)

Father God, we love you and we thank you for being our God.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:16


A Prayer for Peace ~ by Denise Pass

Simple Prayer for Moms

Father God, Unify My House

What Are You Waiting For?