Today’s Prayer List

Good morning Father, You are good. What more can I say? To sit in Your presence, to breathe in Your peace, to breathe out Your sustenance, to walk by Your side, to hold Your hand… oh, Father, you are good.

Lord, there are prayer requests falling at your feet from all around this world. I pray You will hear our prayers today.

*Sister, pray with me.

Father, I pray for missionary _______________________ in ____________________. I pray for their physical health. I pray for their housing situation. I pray for their churches, their people, their ministries. I pray for Your Light to radiate from them despite any and all social distancing. And I pray for their families here in the states. I pray for comfort and peace to wash over them as they are worried for the well being of their family.

Father, I pray for our military. I pray specifically for ____________________. Lord, thank you for their courage and devotion to our nation’s freedom. Lord, I pray for a hedge of protection around them, physically and spiritually. Keep their minds sharp and the hearts pure. Keep them, Lord, in perfect peace.

Father, I pray for the medical staff who are fighting front and center. Father God, my heart prays specifically for _________________________. Lord, go before their every step. Protect their immune system, guard their bodies, strengthen their focus. Lord, I pray you will heap an abundance of Your fruit in and through them as they center their days around healing and comforting during these days. Lord, I pray you will wash them clean before they walk through the doors of their home. Lord, protect their spouse and children and parents and grandparents and roommates. Give them, I pray, a smile each day.

Sweet Father, I pray for pastors. Oh, how my heart yearns to pray for pastors. Lord, I pray for my pastor __________________________. Father God, speak Your truth upon their hearts this very day! Father, I pray defeat and depression will be far removed from him. I pray focus and certainty will guard his every move. Lord, that You will be the light of his eyes. That You will be the desire of his day. That You will be the strength and the foundation on which he stands. Oh, God, how difficult it is for a pastor to be without his people. Lord, let him know that we are still here. That we are praying for him. That we are lifting him up to You.

Lastly, Lord, I pray for us and for our people.

I pray for our spouse _____________,

our child(ren) ____________________,

our parents _____________________,

our family ______________________,

our bf’s _____________________.

And I pray for

our President ____________________,

and our nation _______________________,

Lord, all these people we lay at Your feet in prayer and trust.


*Share your prayer list in the comments below and continue to pray for one another. 💞

Praying for you,



Father God, our days are so new and unknown

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