Let’s Pray for Structure

Good morning Lord God,

How I smile here in your presence.

Such quiet to my soul.

I breathe in your peace.

I breathe out your song of victory.


Lord, my prayer this morning, this day, is for the structure you are building upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. Lord, I am a part of that structure. Therefore, Lord God, I pray for me. Father, help me to stand. Help me not to me moved or shaken or weakened by the weight I fain to carry. Remind me of my position as a part of your structure and remind me of all you need/want/desire/plan for me to do -nothing more.

Lord, I pray for those with whom I stand among. The walls, if you will, of this structure. Lord, there is strength in number. May we, as your structure, see your strength among and within us. I pray the same words I prayed for me above upon each individual member of your structure. I pray these words of surety and contentment in who they are -where they are/as they are. Lord, this is my prayer!


Quiet my soul.

I stand upon the Rock.

I sit in your arms.


Jesus, May we set our feet on your sure foundation. May we remember who we are and why we are building.

Lord, that one more soul may know your love for them.

Always, this is the truth.

Forever, Jesus is the answer.


Father, my heart desires to spill out so much more. Thankfully your heart knows my thought-prayers and I know you are holding them. May I simply conclude by thanking you for using us as your house?! Help us to be loving and inviting and real and true. Help us to be us as we are clothed in your Righteousness. Help us to breathe in your peace, to breathe out your song of victory. Help us to remain on the Rock, to rest in your arms. Remind us always and forever that Jesus is our reason and our answer.

Lord Jesus, together, as your structure, we declare our admiration and love.


💞 Photography by @macijoyphotography


Because Jesus

Prayer for Churches

Prayer For Our Nation

But God.

I am just a woman.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I was born.

I will die.


I am given the mind of Christ.

I am filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am able to understand His written Word.

I am forever and always a daughter of the King of kings.

These truths are equally my truths and YOUR truths.

Don’t these truths blow you away?!


Oh, He is the very creator of Time!

The very designer of wisdom!

The very giver of Life!

The very One who pours out His kindness and love on you.

The very One who holds your heart in His hands.

These truths are equally Eternal and Present.

Don’t these truths open your eyes to all things HIM?!


Rest in His presence. (Psalm 100:2)

Exercise His power. (Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 12:9)

See His purpose in your day. (Ephesians 2:10)

Trust in His providential wisdom. (Colossians 3:16)


***Philippians 2:1-11. Such a beautiful passage to cling to today. Write it out and pin it up on your wall/fridge/mirror/headboard. Read it. See its truth. Claim it. And walk in it today!

*** 1 Corinthians 2:5, 13b “So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God…But we have the mind of Christ.”

Much love and prayers,



Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

Lord, How Wise She Is!

Simple Prayer for Moms

Lord, I Pray Your Rest Upon Those Who Call You Lord

Lord, Your rest is given to those who call You Lord.


I pray for rest.

I pray for Your rest to wrap its arms around the faces that are flooding my soul with such love and joy.

Lord, there are friends who are working so faithfully for you, who pour out their all for You. Father, give them rest. Give them Your rest. Not from their work, for their work is not done. But, Father God, I pray You will flood their souls with Your rest in the midst of their work.

I think of the mountains that surround my home town. I think of the solitude and peace and rest that welcomes each hiker as they reach the height of each mountainous trail.

All that effort.

All that work.

All to sit in the beauty of Your creation.

All to breathe in Your wonder.

All to rest in the palm of Your handiwork.

All to gear up for the path that leads back down into the valley.

Lord Jesus, Your rest finds us in the midst of our efforts. It is felt in the midst of our work. It is a freedom that pushes us forward to our next step.

God, the mountains are breathtaking and the valley within is beautiful. Father, whether Your children (my friends) are on the mountain or in the valley, I pray Your rest will meet them where they are.

Thank you, Sweet Father, for the hands and the feet and the hearts of my friends who serve You with such faithfulness and love and determination.

It is for them I pray this prayer this morning.

In and for the Name of Jesus Christ I pray,


** Matthew 11:28


What Are You Waiting For?

Father, I lay this place at your feet

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