Praise for God

Father God, may I pour blessings upon Your Name this morning?

Lord, You are the King of kings who washed us in Your love. Your love cleansed us from our sin of unbelief, renewed us from our guilt and shame, and clothed us in Your righteousness.

Spirit, You steadfastly set us apart from such things as our past, our failures, our temptations, our flesh, our battles, and our sorrows. Daily drawing us closer to God through Christ Jesus by Your mighty presence.

Father, pure are we. Clean are our hands. Washed are our lives. Just as if we had never sinned, this is who we are today because of Your great sacrificial love for us. We are Yours. Daughters. Heirs to Your throne. Jesus followers. Yours. Safe within your hands, held in your arms, heard by your ears, and loved by your heart. Selah

Father God, I pray my heart will be in tuned with Yours throughout this day. I pray my heart will ponder Your Name with each beat. Truly Your Name is great. As Jesus proclaimed, “Hallowed be your Name.” Oh, that I will not forget the depth of Your Name! That I will not refrain from speaking highly of Your Name. That my speech and my life will bring honor and glory to Your Name.

Father God, we love you.

Thank you for loving us as You do.

**Psalm 107 proclaims the mighty works of God. Read it. Add your personal story to it. Praise God for who He is. For He is God.


{Your} Offering of Praise

Jesus. There is no other name.

Wednesday, Sweet Father, It’s Wednesday

But God.

I am just a woman.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I was born.

I will die.


I am given the mind of Christ.

I am filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am able to understand His written Word.

I am forever and always a daughter of the King of kings.

These truths are equally my truths and YOUR truths.

Don’t these truths blow you away?!


Oh, He is the very creator of Time!

The very designer of wisdom!

The very giver of Life!

The very One who pours out His kindness and love on you.

The very One who holds your heart in His hands.

These truths are equally Eternal and Present.

Don’t these truths open your eyes to all things HIM?!


Rest in His presence. (Psalm 100:2)

Exercise His power. (Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 12:9)

See His purpose in your day. (Ephesians 2:10)

Trust in His providential wisdom. (Colossians 3:16)


***Philippians 2:1-11. Such a beautiful passage to cling to today. Write it out and pin it up on your wall/fridge/mirror/headboard. Read it. See its truth. Claim it. And walk in it today!

*** 1 Corinthians 2:5, 13b “So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God…But we have the mind of Christ.”

Much love and prayers,



Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

Lord, How Wise She Is!

Simple Prayer for Moms

Father God, our days are so new and unknown

Father God, I love you and I thank you for being my God. How spoiled I am to talk to you right now and to know that you are hearing my words, listening to my prayer and holding my heart.

I could write a book of words before you and you would sit with interest the whole time. I could pour a bucket of tears before you and you would treasure each drop, storing them in a bottle. I could sit with you not uttering a single syllable and you, O my God, would understand the depth of my silence.

Father God, I do love you and thank you for being my God.

May I enter your presence hand in hand with my sisters?

May we gather our words, tears and silence and cast them before You?

Will you hold us?

Father God, our days are weird. Each day feels so new, unknown, and unsettled. Our emotions are rollercoastering (for sure my word) with each new announcement, closure, statistic, and regulation.

Lord, we are so accustomed to doing life together and now we are advised to separate ourselves from each other. This is the reality that crushes my heart the most. I think of the women I engage with every Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and for spontaneous coffee dates throughout each week.

I think of the prayer requests that are shared and prayed over while we are united together. I think of the tears that are held. I think of the laughter that spreads. I think of the rejuvenating breath that occurs for women as they pause in one another’s presence. I think of the joy that spills from Your Scripture and the giggles that erupt from inevitable rabbit trails.

Father God, you gifted us with girlfriends and sisters in Christ. Being socially separated from each other is going to open doors for discouragement, defeat, and depression. Oh God, I pray You will shut those doors! Lord, that they will not even crack open. I pray Your mighty hand will separate Your daughters from any tactic of the devil. Fight for each of Your daughters during these days.

Lord, You promise that Your Word will be evident in our hearts and minds.

~ I pray your grace will abound. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

~ I pray your peace will surpass. (Philippians 4:7)

~ I pray your happiness will overcome. (Psalm 144:15)

~ I pray we will not feel alone for You are ever present for you are our God. (Psalm 46:1)

Father God, we love you and we thank you for being our God.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:16


A Prayer for Peace ~ by Denise Pass

Simple Prayer for Moms

Father God, Unify My House

What Are You Waiting For?