Wednesday, Sweet Father, It’s Wednesday

Lord, these days! How comical they are. So very uneventful and redundant and normal. As if each day is simply a day to wake up and live a day. To see the sky, to feel the temperature on our skin, to smile at nature, to listen to the song of a bird.

Lord, the garbage man comes today. I pray for him. I pray protection over his people as he comes home from work each night. Lord, thank you for his essential job. We all are thankful for his continued work. Perhaps we’ll leave him some cookies today.

Lord, I have a pick up at Albertsons today. How excited I am to drive a mile to grab my pickup. Hm. Perhaps, we will take our bikes. It’s not a large order. My son and I can pull up in a pick up spot. That would be fun. Ha. Lord, I pray for my favorite Albertsons employees. Oh, how I love them all. Bless each one of them. Keep them safe as they continue faithful in their work and in the giving of their smiles.

Lord, my son has a day of school with his teachers from Cole. Oh, how thankful we are for his teachers! Lord, I know they miss being with their students as much as these kids miss being with them. Thank you for their daily availability and love.

Lord, my prayer sisters have a day before them. I pray for the schedule that sits before them. Whether their schedule involves a normal day working in their essential occupation or whether it includes staying at home with their people. I pray a smile, Your light, and Your presence deep within their souls. Guide their hands and feet to serve the ones around them. Lead their heart to hold and help the ones in need of their care. Father, open their eyes to the beauty of this day.

Wednesday, sweet Father, it’s Wednesday. Help us to embrace the uneventful, redundant and normal day that sits before us.

Thank you for this Wednesday,



Two Words: Home Work 🙂

The Blanket of Peace

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