
To have a mother in law is not a right of passage. It is an “aftermath,” if you will, of marriage.

My MIL is a step above the rest! You may want to arm wrestle me on this, you may envy me, or you may fall on your knees begging God for such a gift as a “step above the rest MIL.”

I highly suggest the last, pray! For when you have a mother in law like Judy Palmer, what you get is nothing short of LOVE.

About Judy

Judy Learned who her son grew to be and she learned who he married. What’s more, she continues to learn who we are as the years and seasons of life change. Growth, change, and maturity are a progression in each of our lives. Behaviors will change. Opinions and convictions will change. Maturity will mature.🤞🏻😉 She is always a student of her people! This attribute blows my mind. How many relationships would be healed if we simply became a student of our person!?

She graciously Offers her hands, her heart, and her help without the air of “momma knows best.” I am certain I have broken her heart in declining her offer when I was a newlywed and again as a new mom. I didn’t know how to be a daughter in law. Gracious, I’m still learning. Yet, Judy has never ceased in offering her hands in service, her heart of love, and her eager ability to help.

This woman Validates my decisions as the mom of her grandson. That’s an underline and highlight statement! She validates my decisions as the mom of her grandson. Although I live the truth of these words, I feel the humility and self control and patience this must take for her. Just at the thought, I sit here in respectful awe. She hasn’t agreed with all our decisions (Ha! We haven’t agreed with all of our choices!), but she always validates them, in turn, respecting our parenting decisions. Priceless!

Above all these things, my absolute favorite is her Eagerness to BE with us. She wants to be part of her son’s family. She desires to be a fluid part of our laughter and heartaches, the vacation days and the mundane days. My photo albums can testify of the many vacations we have gone on together. And our memories can testify of the utterly immense, lazily fruitless days experienced at my house. Regardless, she is Present in whatever we do and soaks it in, participating in the reality known as The Palmer Home.

Such simple things when written in word, but powerfully dynamic when expressed with actionable love.

To be a Mother-in-Law has to be a hard season of life, but to be a Judy Palmer is nothing short of the best gift ever!!!

I love you, Judy Palmer. Thank you for being You!!



This Supplement is a Gift from God Intended for Use!

Prayer for the Beautifully Designed

Of Prayer and Praise

Dear Father, may I seek your face this very moment. May I boldly approach your throne. Cast down, knees bent. Prostrate before you now.

Not my will, Sweet Father, not my own.

May I whisper a name, a prayer upon my heart. May I call out a situation, a pressed moment in time. Written out, laid down. Open before you now.

Not my words, Sweet Father, not my own.

Jesus, you walked before me. Jesus, you set the course. Our Father who art in Heaven, proclaimed from your voice. Heard by your Father. Connected Three in One.

Sweet Jesus, cause me to follow.

You sought God’s face before the crowds. You cried to God in the quiet of the night. High or low, for you or for others. Conversation with God sat ready upon your tongue.

Sweet Jesus, allow me to follow.

As a friend, a wife, a mom. As a writer and for those with whom I write. As a daughter, a loved one, Yours. Boldly, I have entrance because of Jesus who bled and rose again.

Thank you, Oh Jesus, I thank you.

Who am I to deserve such access? I am chosen. I am forgiven. I am clothed in Righteousness. You first loved me; therefore, I have access always to your throne.

Bless you, Oh my God, bless Your Holy Name!


Jesus, may I simply thank you for hearing my little prayers?

I Pray We Will Pause and Worship (Selah)

Who You Are ~ a proclamation to God

Jesus, may I simply thank you for hearing my little prayers?

Jesus, may I simply thank you for hearing my little prayers? November seemed to abound in heavy prayers. Lord, from my sweet friend’s health to cancer to salvation to life lived in abundance. God, deep prayers are ever before your throne.

To this, we magnify your Name!

Oh, that you hear and hold and answer our deep prayers prayed one for the other. It is simply an indescribable gift!!

Then last week happened.

Jesus, you know what those prayers sounded like. Oh gracious!! You heard each and every time I repeated and repeated those little, little prayers. What amazes me is how you heard them and held them and answered them just as you did my big prayers.

To this, Jesus, I magnify your name!!

Father, my sweet Leah is healthy and getting stronger. Her words are powerful and her laughter is abundant. And my turkey didn’t die twice!

~ How you care about our prayers both big and small!

~ How you love the things that we love!

~ How you see what matters to us!

~ How you understand and clarify our confusions!

~ How you love our smile!

Your love as our Father makes me what to put on a frilly dress and bobby socks and twirl. Instead, I will sit here in my yoga pants and giggle at my mental image. 🙂

How sweet you are, Father. Ever so sweet.

And I will ever love you!!

Father God, I pray you will remind your daughters how much you care for them. I pray boldness upon my sisters to ask you about those little things on their hearts. The things they think are too silly to bother “God Above” about. Father, those things produce such awe when they are visibly answered by You. Oh, Father God, radiate your awe-factor around her little prayers today.



Prayer for Leah

We Sing Thank You to the King of kings

Prayer for the Swirls on Our Hearts

Father, Take My Absence and Fill it With Your Glory