Two Words: Home Work :)

With all the brilliance out there encouraging us to Stay Safe and Stay Connected I want to offer a different thought. Something a tad outside the bubble we are all living in.

Two words: Home Work

Now, don’t roll your eyes at me because we have plenty to study.

1. That Man

Things are real right now for some of us. 24 hours together tends to prove there may be a load of knowledge welled up in the proclamation of love growing in absence thing. So, what happens when social distancing disallows for your heart to abound in separation? Lol. We study.

Take today as a brand new opportunity to study this man. Who is he today? Yes, we know what he was like when we were dating. We know what he is like after a hard day at work. And we know the simple ways that make him smile. But some things may have turned upside down. Let’s not lose this opportunity to grow in knowledge. Let’s abound in understanding. And let’s be strong enough to enjoy right now with him.

According to Scripture, that’s wisdom. According to me, that’s fun wisdom! πŸ˜‰ I say, let’s have fun!

Here’s your passage:

~ Proverbs 24:3-4

Here’s your challenge:

– Fresh sheets in a clean, candlelit room.

– Lingerie

– You know, shave.

– Be nice. πŸ™‚

– Listen and hear what he is saying (FYI – I failed this one this week)

– Share your emotions. Maybe less demonstrating and more sharing. Unless your demonstrating resorts back to the fresh sheets, then by all means … demonstrate. πŸ˜‰

– Send those “under agers” to their rooms, put on some music or a full concert of your favorite singer/band on YouTube, grab something delicious and get lost in conversation.

– Fall in love.

Let me tell you, a girlfriend of mine is a stay at home mom of one year old twins. πŸ™‚ Did you feel her reality?? She ordered dinner from a favorite restaurant, slipped on a dress and stilettos, put on makeup and shaved, and surprised her husband with a date night.

That takes a lot of work and planning and preparation and energy. I say, we learn from her and seize today for what it is, a time for Home work.

2. That Child

…. yes, but, number one is too much fun to group into anything else. Kids will come later. Let’s stick with number one. Like, let’s jump online and order some things…




Six Ways to See Your Value

Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

How to Give the Gift of Negative Perspective

But God.

I am just a woman.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I was born.

I will die.


I am given the mind of Christ.

I am filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am able to understand His written Word.

I am forever and always a daughter of the King of kings.

These truths are equally my truths and YOUR truths.

Don’t these truths blow you away?!


Oh, He is the very creator of Time!

The very designer of wisdom!

The very giver of Life!

The very One who pours out His kindness and love on you.

The very One who holds your heart in His hands.

These truths are equally Eternal and Present.

Don’t these truths open your eyes to all things HIM?!


Rest in His presence. (Psalm 100:2)

Exercise His power. (Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 12:9)

See His purpose in your day. (Ephesians 2:10)

Trust in His providential wisdom. (Colossians 3:16)


***Philippians 2:1-11. Such a beautiful passage to cling to today. Write it out and pin it up on your wall/fridge/mirror/headboard. Read it. See its truth. Claim it. And walk in it today!

*** 1 Corinthians 2:5, 13b “So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God…But we have the mind of Christ.”

Much love and prayers,



Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

Lord, How Wise She Is!

Simple Prayer for Moms

Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

Wisdom is an attainable thing. Often a thing we all desire. Most definitely a thing learned. As a human, we attain some level of wisdom simply by living. Wisdom is the discerning or judging of a matter to see if it is right or true or a lasting idea. Life teaches us wisdom. Paul wants to place a sharp contrast between the wisdom that we attain in our humanity from the wisdom we receive from the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.

He also wants to place a sharp contrast between wisdom that we learn from men and/or religious teachings from that of the wisdom from God. Separating one wisdom from the other is difficult. Especially for those of us who can relate to being raised to live under the wisdom of man via religious teachings. For wisdom of man seeps into our very being, so that, when we hear of a contrasting concept we battle guilt and uncertainty. For some, fear and insecurity overwhelm.

Paul models a brilliant suggestion in siding this contrast. Use a two-edged sword. Look again at what he said in 1 Corinthians 2:2, “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” Paul studied Jesus Christ.

He knew God growing up. He met Jesus along the way. He was filled with the Spirit. He was following Jesus. Yet, he studied Jesus Christ and Jesus’ heart of love. This is the mighty power of the wisdom of God. His wisdom cuts to the heart of all wisdom. It discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart of the wisdom offered before you. And Paul chose to neglect all of his Biblical teaching as he studied Jesus Christ. This is brilliant. And slightly nerve-wracking. For knowledge brings confidence and drive. Paul had both. But he chose rather to start over. All confidence in his knowledge and wisdom were set aside. All drive to accomplish what mattered above all else were diminished to a mere nothing.

Everything was new and frightfully uncomfortable. Paul was scared, shaking in his boots, and stumbling over his words. Certainly not the Paul we compare ourselves to or desire to hold a match next to. You know who he was? He was a follower of Jesus who was learning how to follow Jesus by studying Jesus through the gift of wisdom that was in him since the moment he chose to follow Jesus.

This is you and me. This is our truth. We have knowledge and wisdom that have naturally settled its place in our heads. Then we met Jesus. We too have the wisdom of God in us. We too have the choice to make as to which form of wisdom we cling to, utilize, and grow.

Oh, that we follow Paul in his example and become students of Jesus Christ.

If you are engaged in an internal religious battle, I pray you will set your battle aside. Perhaps write each of those war-zone statements on a piece of paper, then read the story of Jesus and his heart of love. You will find His words written within the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew-John). You will read of his heart, his actions, his manners, his responses, and his purpose. As you read through these books, I truly believe you will find truths to write over the statements on your paper. Over time, and through his truth, you will silence the war within. You will grow in wisdom of God. You will experience a whole new feeling of freedom to be the child of God you were destined to be. Not in man’s wisdom but in God’s.

EXCERPT from Judged Not: Living your life in the Freedom of Judgment

SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5


One time, I learned to trust His voice

Lord, How Wise She Is!

When you don’t know what to pray