My Son

Oh, God, how I love my son. I tell him all the time that he is my favorite gift from God, and there is no other way to word it. You trusted me with his upbringing, and I love my “job!”

His day today is huge! Lord, I pray you will cover him in confidence and fill him with knowledge and wisdom and understanding. God, I pray these four things will build a sure foundation on which he functions today.

Lord, you know what is best for his academic future, and you know what is needed to sharpen him into the spiritual man you have created him to be. So, Lord, I pray your will be done regarding next school year. His 8th grade, Lord, is in Your Hands!

From my earthly mom view, I pray he will test beautifully today. I pray he will easily be accepted into this school of choice. I pray his confidence will abound. I pray, oh I pray, that his prayers will be answered.

Thank you again for my son, my favorite Gift.

Circle of Prayer (4/30/19)

Oh, Father Above! How great is your name and of great power! How magnificently you created all things and called all things Good! Lord, your creation brings you joy and gladness! Thank you for finding joy and gladness in us, your Day 6 creation!

Father, united in prayer, a circle of friends knit these words together for one creation specifically. I pray that you will heap these words into your cup and pour them out upon this mother and upon all mothers of the unborn. Father, creator and giver of life, I pray You will cast the heartache of abortion into the pit of hell. Free this world, this country, this city, this heart from the entanglement of this most dreadful lie.

This is our Circle of Prayer.

Oh, Dear Lord, please change ____________’s heart today! Intervene in a miraculous way! Dear Lord, bring words of life and dispel any fears that she may have. Have friends speak life and hope to her. Please protect this life and pour out your Holy Spirit! We are beseeching you for a miracle! Father, we pray hope for _________! And a supernatural sense of peace that can only come from You! Open her eyes and heart to the precious life growing inside her! Please, Jesus, move mountains in this situation! Show ____________ her options besides termination. Please sustain this life, in Jesus’ name! Lord, how I pray that this thread of prayer will pour from Your Hands upon ____________’s mind and upon ______________’s heart and into the life of this unborn child! Knit, I pray, these prayers together for your glory in the Name of Jesus Christ!!

Together we say, Amen and Amen!!

… And Pray.

He who is void of wisdom despises his neighbor: but a man of understanding holds his peace. Proverbs 11:12 (MEV)

Here we learn a definition we ought to have define our personal lives.

What we learn from this verse is a simple solution to many questions thrown at us day after day. The answer is this: Pray for wisdom and shut your mouth! Living a peaceful lifestyle truly takes time and practice, but if there is one thing we need to practice, time and again, it is the art of binding unnecessary words that quickly stir up strife, destroy relationships, and ruin the sweet testimony of Jesus Christ. Read more