Lord, How Wise She Is!


There are days when a cloud carries us through the path You lead us down.

Today was that day. Although, my words are minimal in Your presence this very moment. My heart is singing Your praise for calling me to do what I do – to proclaim the name of Jesus.

How full is my soul.

Father, I pray for the ears of the women I spent this day with. I pray your truth will hold their hearts. I pray they will walk in the footsteps of wisdom as they leave their prints behind for others. Oh, how beautiful is your path of wisdom.

How free is my soul.

Spirit, You speak. You always speak. Just as You promise. Thank you for speaking through me for the hearts in need of a sweet, simple truth. I pray your voice will ring in their hearts throughout each opportunity to proclaim the wisdom you have filled within them.

Oh, that we will stand as women of wisdom.

Hear us when we pray for wisdom (James 1:5), see us as we study your Word (Proverbs 4:7), and shine Your light upon us as we pour out Your wisdom with confidence and surety (Proverbs 31:26). How spoiled we are to be Yours, to be filled by Your wisdom, and to proclaim the name of Jesus.

Oh, how spoiled we are.

Amen & Amen

Thank you to the women of Eagle Christian Church for your open arms this morning.


Jesus, thank you for words that connect & encourage

What Are You Waiting For?

It always begins with God

The veil was beautiful but it’s no more

Father God, I woke up thinking about that veil, the one you tore in two. Then I sat with my Bible and read from Exodus about that veil, the one you designed so beautifully.

Father God, such detail went into the design of the tabernacle. Your Old Testament temple was so meticulous. My mind’s eye loves reading through its design from the curtains to the frame work, from the table to the lamp-stand, from the altar to the veil. There was such stunning detail in its design.

Then, You sent your Son to be the Savior of the world. (1 John 4:14)

Then, “Behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” (Mt. 27:51)

Father God, your perfect design was fulfilled by your perfect gift.

Jesus, you removed the veil that separated us from the holiness of God. You stood in its place. you claimed its purpose and turned it into an open door. Jesus, you removed the veil, so that we could behold the righteousness of God through you.

Then, you clothed us in your righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)

Then, you called us to be the image of the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Father God, This truth humbles our core and causes us to desire to shine according to your glory and grace. Lord, I pray we will shine for you in our individual design.

Father God, I think of this veil that you designed, and I think of its end as Jesus Christ submitted to be your perfect gift for us. I think about the responsibility we have to proclaim the light of Jesus by simply being a Child of God.

Then, I think of brothers and sisters who twist your Scripture. (2 John 1:7)

Then, I think of the man made veils that are created to block the truth of your Word. (2 Peter 2:10-15)

Holy Spirit,

~ I pray you will shine the light of Your Love brighter than the verbal veil of man.

~ I pray you will remove the blinders from those who are in need of discernment.

~ I pray you will speak to the heart of those who are knowingly or unknowingly leading others further from the truth of the Word of God.

And Father, I pray you will forever guide my words to be glorifying to you. I pray they will never be twisted for man’s promotion but for your eternal purpose.

These things are on my heart this day. These things I cast at your feet. These things are yours. I pray you will do what you do and press me to do what I am called to do.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray,



It always begins with God

A Prayer for Truth & Salvation

Don’t throw a stone at a preacher

Open Your Mouth ~ Proverbs 31

Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

Open your mouth.

How refreshing is this turn of events? Sometimes our lips fail us. Sometimes words fly to another’s heart and much heartache ensues. Sometimes we judge, we put down, we compare, we lift ourselves high. Sometimes.

But, here we are given full permission to utilize the sweet gift of words and use them with a purpose. How refreshing.

Open your mouth for the mute.

There is a person out there that is in need of a defender; not as a lawyer but as a friend. I can think of a child who was sinking in a classroom with a heavy heart.

Every day his parents were fighting. Every day was a day closer to their divorce. Every day he was dropped off at school. Every day he was getting in trouble in class. This poor child had not one outlet. He had no voice. This amazingly bright and happy child was suffering a “normalcy” in today’s society. This breaks my heart. Open your mouth for the speechless.

Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the poor and needy.

I love how God connected this verse as He did. Judge righteously then defend the rights. In that order. This is what my ears here…

  1. Open your mouth
  2. Ask questions
  3. Hear the cry
  4. Gather the details
  5. THEN judge the situation with wisdom.
  6. And THEN proceed to help in the manner that you can.

It’s sad that we need to judge before we proceed, but the fact of the matter is, not all who cry ‘poor and needy’ are in fact poor and needy. However, this should not stop us from hearing the cries of those in need.

There are memories of my story that I pray I will never forget. Memories of Cabbage Patch dolls and food and wrapped presents randomly at our door. I never had the chance to thank the Stranger who cared for us, the poor and needy.

But, I can do my part in passing on the sweet blessings that come by obeying a beautiful command given by a loving God.

The season of giving is upon us. I pray we will hold this verse dear to our hearts. I pray that our hearts will see, our hands will provide, our feet will go and our smile will radiate!

Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9