One Time I Judged Another Woman

One time. Just once, I judged another woman. Have you? Yesterday was one of those days.

It happens, doesn’t it. Sometimes I would judge another woman because I was an insecure snob. Sometimes it was because I was overcome with righteous piety. Sometimes it happens because I am alive and human and female. Whatever the reason, past or present, it’s gross.

So, this woman … 🤦🏼‍♀️ … walks two dogs at the same park I walk my dog. It’s been a consistent routine over the past few months. She never comes near me. She Purposes to walk the other way. She Refuses to return smiles or hellos. Pretty self involved snob, says my inner thoughts about another human that I do not know.

So, yesterday … 🤦🏼‍♀️ … she slightly beelines to my direction and stops about ten feet away. Just stands there. I said hello. She said hello. Lines from Sleepless in Seattle crossed my mind, “all I could say was hello.” Then she apologized. She apologized To me.

She apologized for standing so close to me. There was a guy at the park that was making her nervous. She figured she would be safe if she stood near another woman.

From there we started to talk. I explained this man’s situation. I explained that he is not harmful in any way. He simply frequents repetitive laps around the park’s pond with hyper-excitement in his arms due to a slight disability. I smiled. “He really is a great guy,” I said.

Then, I heard her story. I heard why she stays by herself, why she doesn’t engage with others, and why she appears “rude.”

I walked away from our most enjoyable conversation ashamed of my ill-contrived perception.

Then the Lord whispered this thought to my heart…

What if you turned your perception into prayer rather than casting a stone?

As I thought about what that prayer would have looked like, I saw how much it would have connected with her story. I saw how I could have unknowingly carried another human to the Lord exactly as she needed.

If only I prayed in my perception rather than judged her selfish indifference.

If only.

*** The “Casting a stone” reference comes from a life moment beautifully captured in John 8:1-7


Friday Prayer Advice

May I Pray for Open Eyes?

In Your Presence in Our Humanity

May I Pray for Open Eyes?

Father God, May I pray for open eyes for my sisters, your daughters?

God, I had a dream about 1 John 5 last night. It was such a sweet dream about such a sweet passage. 1 John 5 is a passage My heart giggles over. It’s a passage I wish we could all fully understand and embrace.

Lord, you say that anyone who calls upon the Name of Jesus Christ is known of the Father. This is your promise. This is the promise we stand on as our sure foundation, our cornerstone on which we build.

Lord, this is the easy part to see. This is the birthplace statement of our faith.

Then, we avert our eyes. We look at those around us. We see ourselves for who we were. We give the evil one more credit than he deserves. Then, we read 1 John 5 with a tinge of doubt. We doubt that John’s description of life could be real.

God, we struggle with the simple truth of John’s written words. Why do we? Oh, how I wish we didn’t!

Father, if Christ is life, and love is your truth, then I pray that you will open our eyes to the way we need to go to fully understand and embrace this description as our reality.

~ Judgment free Love for one another

~ Confidence in our requests as a child before her Father.

~ Judgment free prayer for one another

~ Judgment free vision of ourselves

~ Protection from the evil one

~ Knowledge of who we are – we are God’s.

~ Knowledge that Jesus has come and has given us understanding!

~ Knowledge of Who God is – He is true.

~ Knowledge of who we are – we are in God who is true.

~ Knowledge of Who Jesus is – He is true.

~ Knowledge that our Almighty God is true, and He is eternal life!

Father, speak truth over the heart that is struggling with your judgment-free way of loving you, loving others and loving ourselves. Open her eyes to your gift of freedom. Your freedom from judgment is what is true. Lord, speak your truth over any lies that are attempting to reign. Father, you are true. And your truth is in her. Jesus Christ, I pray you will reign in her mind today.


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April 9, 2019

Do You Ever Feel Fake When You Pray?

3 questions to ask yourself that will help your communication with God: What is your Ultimate objection, What is your routine, and What is your favorite form of communication? The individual answers to these simply profound questions will become your foundation in building up your “ease of conversation” with the King of kings.

Some of us feel as if we “don’t pray like others do.” Good! Because we are not others.

If we prayed to the One who created us as if we were someone else, then God would be confused. Not that He gets confused, but you know what I mean. 😉

When my husband was a boy, he was banned from playing with a neighbor kid because the kid insisted on talking like Pee-Wee Herman. That’s annoying on too many levels. Lol! Side note: that was good parenting on my In-Laws part.

The fact is, we have a voice, a unique voice. Speak it that voice.

Also, we have our own level of vocabulary. Speak in those words.

Mr. Pickering, my youth pastor, would pray most splendidly in a King James manner. Honoring the King of kings with “thou’s” above measure. It was poetic, but when I attempted to mimic his style alone with God I felt like a little girl in her momma’s stilettos.

It was a no-go, for sure. I was, like, 12. 🙂 Today, as a 40 year old, I still do not sound right praying in King James. It’s not my manner of speech. I’m very simple when I talk. And I love adjectives. Mix those two factors together and there’s my prayer life. 🙂 That is me being who I am with the One who created me. 🙂

This question is, who are you with your Creator? Pray in that!

There are multiple answers to those 3 questions above. I want to spill some out, but God is pressing on my heart not to.

Rather, I pray you will hear your answers the next time you converse with God.

I pray peace will overwhelm your soul as your foundation of conversation is made evident.

Oh, Lord Jesus, I thank you for this most miraculous gift of Prayer! Thank you for hearing our heart and for allowing us to hear yours. Father, we love you!!