The veil was beautiful but it’s no more

Father God, I woke up thinking about that veil, the one you tore in two. Then I sat with my Bible and read from Exodus about that veil, the one you designed so beautifully.

Father God, such detail went into the design of the tabernacle. Your Old Testament temple was so meticulous. My mind’s eye loves reading through its design from the curtains to the frame work, from the table to the lamp-stand, from the altar to the veil. There was such stunning detail in its design.

Then, You sent your Son to be the Savior of the world. (1 John 4:14)

Then, “Behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” (Mt. 27:51)

Father God, your perfect design was fulfilled by your perfect gift.

Jesus, you removed the veil that separated us from the holiness of God. You stood in its place. you claimed its purpose and turned it into an open door. Jesus, you removed the veil, so that we could behold the righteousness of God through you.

Then, you clothed us in your righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10)

Then, you called us to be the image of the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Father God, This truth humbles our core and causes us to desire to shine according to your glory and grace. Lord, I pray we will shine for you in our individual design.

Father God, I think of this veil that you designed, and I think of its end as Jesus Christ submitted to be your perfect gift for us. I think about the responsibility we have to proclaim the light of Jesus by simply being a Child of God.

Then, I think of brothers and sisters who twist your Scripture. (2 John 1:7)

Then, I think of the man made veils that are created to block the truth of your Word. (2 Peter 2:10-15)

Holy Spirit,

~ I pray you will shine the light of Your Love brighter than the verbal veil of man.

~ I pray you will remove the blinders from those who are in need of discernment.

~ I pray you will speak to the heart of those who are knowingly or unknowingly leading others further from the truth of the Word of God.

And Father, I pray you will forever guide my words to be glorifying to you. I pray they will never be twisted for man’s promotion but for your eternal purpose.

These things are on my heart this day. These things I cast at your feet. These things are yours. I pray you will do what you do and press me to do what I am called to do.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray,



It always begins with God

A Prayer for Truth & Salvation

Don’t throw a stone at a preacher

One time, I learned to trust His voice

God will speak to each of us in different ways and in different seasons for His purpose. “One time” I learned to trust His voice. Here are a few of those stories. Our stories will be beautifully unique. And the more we learn to hear and listen to His voice the more our stories are going to be endless.

The Single Guy

One time, I approached a single guy in a bookstore with a smile and a hello. Approaching single guys with a smile and a hello ended after I got married. It had been a couple of years; I was out of my game.  But this man stood there, alone and visibly hopeless. As I got closer, I noticed he was staring at the Religious section. “I don’t know what your question is, but I know the answer is Jesus,” spilled from my nervous smile. Starting up conversations with single guys may not be my normal, but it is God’s. God touched that man’s heart that day; I was just simply there. Often this man crosses my heart. Often this man is laid at the foot of the cross.


One time, the Lord asked me to approach a stranger after a church event and to call her Linda. Not knowing her face or name, I confidently proclaimed a heartfelt, “Hey, Linda!” This stranger looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I needed to know that someone knew who I was.” I had never seen this woman before. Confidently calling women by name may not be my comfort zone, but it is God’s. Such a small, nerve-wracking moment in my life touched the heart of this woman in a way God knew she needed at that very moment.

Patiently Listening

One time, I learned about a tv show called, Dr. Who, for a solid hour. This girl sitting before me talked eagerly all about her infatuation with this show. I had nothing to add to the conversation, for I had no clue as to who Dr. Who may be. However, once she trickled her excitement to a close, she thanked me for just listening to her. When she thanked me for simply listening to her talk about a tv show, God nudged my heart.

When this girl said to me that it was my turn to talk and hers to listen. I knew what God was nudging. She introduced me to Dr. Who, then I got to introduce her to Jesus Christ. I may not enjoy long, television show conversations, but God does. For in those long moments of listening, someone feels like their words matter. And they do. They matter to Jesus.

Then there was the first time.

I was 16 years old, flying from Las Vegas to New York by myself. I was sitting in the middle seat. Doing what I do when I got scared, I pulled out my Bible and buried myself in the comforts of my favorite words. Sitting between me and the window, sat a man named Bart. Bart raised his glass of whiskey at me with a kind smile and nod of acknowledgment. I didn’t know Bart, nor did I know Jack. But God did.

This man asked me questions throughout our flight together. And I answered each one. Some of his answers I could answer out of my love and knowledge of the Scripture. Some of his questions were answered with statements bigger than me. You see, as soon as Bart asked a question, an answer rang within me that made sense, so I said it out loud to a stranger as a 16-year-old. Jesus was the topic of conversation throughout this flight. One day, I will see Bart again because God met him where he was through the innocence of a 16-year-old girl.

It’s About Jesus!

Each of these moments were a one-time snapshot in my life. They grew me in my willingness to trust the Lord’s voice without changing my habits or my opinions or altering my personal convictions. Because none of these moments were about me. They were not about wine or single men or tv shows or calling strangers by their name or whiskey. These moments were about individual people that matter to Jesus.

~ This is an excerpt pulled from chapter nine of Judged Not: Living your Life in the Freedom of Judgment.


One Time I Judged Another Woman

Don’t throw a stone at a preacher

How to Give the Gift of Negative Perspective

Don’t throw a stone at a preacher

This happens. I wrote about it in my next book. This excerpt was cut from my sample chapter nine. My prayer is that this little snippet will cause you to bend a knee in prayer for preachers, their wives, and their children.

1 Corinthians 9 records the powerful message that stirred my simple words of truth.

” Can you believe this is an issue? Preachers of the Word being judged for the shoe they wear or the car they drive. They must be so careful in the price tag on their clothes, of their house, and in the appearance of their children. My question is, Why? Why can’t a preacher look as if he gets paid for what he does? Is it because he gets paid from our checkbooks. Do we take his purchases personally?

Could it be that we cut a 10% check, put it in the basket, cover it in prayer and the Lord turns our sack lunch into the feeding of the five thousand? Could it be that it is not about our tithe, but about his obedience to preach the word in season and out of season? Could it be that he has a job and he gets paid for working? Furthermore, could it be that his shoes are not about us at all?


I know some of us hold images in our memories from the eighties. Memories of Preachers behaving ungodly in their finances. Memories of preachers hurting the name of Christ with their love for one more dollar. May I say, that will always happen regardless of occupation.

Let us not put the behaviors of another pastor or preacher on the shoulders of the one providing our Spiritual meal today. Rather, that we hold our pastors and their families up in prayer. Pray they will be strong enough to withstand the judgmental stones thrown at them, yet soft enough to demonstrate compassion upon the heart of the stone thrower.”

Pastors are monumental in the family of God. We need them, truly. My heart smiles when I get to talk with a pastor. It truly fills my heart. Not because they are on a pedestal, but because they choose to do what they were called to do.

That behavior is qualifications of a hero in my book.

Happy Friday! I hope this little post unites us in prayer and frees our grip from any possible stones.



A Prayer for Truth & Salvation

How to Give the Gift of Negative Perspective

One Time I Judged Another Woman