A Prayer for Strength

Sweet Heavenly Father,

Lord, I am on my knees seeking strength from you. I seek not just for myself but for so many friends etched on my heart, for those across our nation, and for Yours around Your beautifully created world.

Father, many of us are tired.

We are drained of our physical strength due to health and due to the fight that is happening, visible and invisible. We stand armed in your strength, then we fall before You weak and in need of Your strength yet again. Thank you for faithfully filling us when we need it. Thank you for holding us when we need that rest. Thank you for understanding our flesh and for giving us Your Spirit.

How spoiled we are by Your love!

Lord God, may I ask for Your Word to be imprinted on our minds right now. Lord, that the Truth, the Life, the Way that each of us need right now in our individual path will be imprinted on our minds. Father, that we will see, that we will hear, that we will breathe in the Word you speak over us right now.


Wherever she may be, I pray your daughter will find rest and healing and strength in You and in Your grounded and most faithful Truth this very moment.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Risen Savior, I pray these things over myself and over the sweet friend that is praying with me through these simple words.

Pour over us Your love, Your presence, Your strength!

1 John 4:8 slips so sweetly into my mind and causes my heart to skip a beat. Thank you, Lord God, for the concrete truth of Your love!

God, in light of 1 John 4:8, I do pray for the person that does not know Your love. I pray the knowledge of who You are will resonate within her. I pray she will grasp the love in which you freely gift her through the life and death of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

I pray her eyes will be opened to the power of Jesus Christ. That she will know and that she will believe that Jesus died on the cross for her sins, that He was buried in the grave, and that Jesus Christ rose again on the third day just as it was proclaimed in Scripture.

Father, I pray salvation upon her heart as she believes in Your Son and as she proclaims with her mouth that You alone are God, the very God who loves her so personally, so faithfully.

Friend, if you are hearing about Jesus for the first time today will you join me here. I would love to hear from you. ❤️


Let’s Pray in the Light

Heavenly Father,

You say whatever is brought into the light becomes light. Lord, as easy as that sounds, there is much vulnerability and honesty required. There is a feeling of insecurity that runs through our veins. There is a battle of readiness that we don’t even want to face. Yet, we long for the light in our area of darkness.

Back and forth we rage.

Lord God,

In Your presence

wrapped in Your love

I pray you will shine your light upon_______________. Father, just saying this truth cause my words to faulter, my heart to skip a beat of regret. I know you are not surprised but I am. I am not used to expressing my inner truths to anyone’s ears, let alone my God’s ears.

Lord, I pray you will settle my thoughts right now. I ask that you will speak truth over my words. Help me to listen to you right now.





Sweet Father, I pray for confidence in this time with you. I know me. I know the cycle that is going to come. I know. Please teach me a new cycle. Help me to rise above what I know and learn a response that is of You. May I grow to be stronger in this area.

Thank you for hearing my words. Thank you for trusting me with yours. And thank you for walking with me. Lord, I feel your forgiveness and confidence. May these two things light my heart, my soul, my day, my path.


**1 John


🌸 Photography by @macijoyphotography



Rise Above the Fog

Freedom From Slavery

Always and Never

May I Pray for Open Eyes?

Father God, May I pray for open eyes for my sisters, your daughters?

God, I had a dream about 1 John 5 last night. It was such a sweet dream about such a sweet passage. 1 John 5 is a passage My heart giggles over. It’s a passage I wish we could all fully understand and embrace.

Lord, you say that anyone who calls upon the Name of Jesus Christ is known of the Father. This is your promise. This is the promise we stand on as our sure foundation, our cornerstone on which we build.

Lord, this is the easy part to see. This is the birthplace statement of our faith.

Then, we avert our eyes. We look at those around us. We see ourselves for who we were. We give the evil one more credit than he deserves. Then, we read 1 John 5 with a tinge of doubt. We doubt that John’s description of life could be real.

God, we struggle with the simple truth of John’s written words. Why do we? Oh, how I wish we didn’t!

Father, if Christ is life, and love is your truth, then I pray that you will open our eyes to the way we need to go to fully understand and embrace this description as our reality.

~ Judgment free Love for one another

~ Confidence in our requests as a child before her Father.

~ Judgment free prayer for one another

~ Judgment free vision of ourselves

~ Protection from the evil one

~ Knowledge of who we are – we are God’s.

~ Knowledge that Jesus has come and has given us understanding!

~ Knowledge of Who God is – He is true.

~ Knowledge of who we are – we are in God who is true.

~ Knowledge of Who Jesus is – He is true.

~ Knowledge that our Almighty God is true, and He is eternal life!

Father, speak truth over the heart that is struggling with your judgment-free way of loving you, loving others and loving ourselves. Open her eyes to your gift of freedom. Your freedom from judgment is what is true. Lord, speak your truth over any lies that are attempting to reign. Father, you are true. And your truth is in her. Jesus Christ, I pray you will reign in her mind today.


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