Prayer for Salvation

Lord God,

How marvelous are the works of Your hand. How lovingly You hold us in the same mighty hand that moves mountains, that silences strongholds, that comforts the broken hearted. Oh, Father, how marvelous You are!

Lord, may I sit before Your Throne, gathered together with my prayer warriors, in request for truth? Lord, You are Truth. Your words are truth. Your very presence as the Great I AM is truth. Father God, will You reveal Your truth today?

Lord, may it seem right in Your eyes to use our lips to proclaim Your truth. Will You fill us with the abundance of Your greatness? Will your words of power and of love and of truth spill upon all whose ears are open? Will You use us this very day to proclaim the evidence of Jesus, the risen Son of God?

Oh, that our world needs to hear!

Jesus, Your love for our eternal soul sets You apart from all others. You showed us the depth of Your love for us in a way that has never been seen before or duplicated. Your love is beyond belief. Yet, belief is all you ask for in return.

I pray for those who have placed their faith in your death on the cross.

Father, I pray they, Your children, will stand on their faith in You. I pray they will find victory in who they are, for they are Yours! I pray for their eyes to be set on You, their heart to be full of you, their soul to be overcome by you, and that they will proclaim the everlasting steadfast love of Jesus Christ! Father, strengthen your sweet child this very moment. In the name of Jesus I pray this for my brothers and my sisters in Christ.

I pray for those who are searching for truth.

Oh, that they will connect truth with You! That they will see Your word as undeniable. That there is concrete evidence of God’s love for mankind. Demonstrated by Christ in the flesh. Alive in those who believe by the filling of Your Spirit. You are Truth. And You are trustworthy. In a day when truth is debatable and faulty and unknown, You are trustworthy.

God, I pray salvation (belief in Jesus) in the heart of the one reading this prayer right now. Speak truth to their heart right now. I pray they hear the truth of Jesus’ love, that they will believe in the name of Jesus Christ, and that -in their belief in Your evidential truth- they will be set free. Free from doubt and fear and uncertainty.

Marvelous. Yes, how deeply marvelous are your ways.

Amen & Amen

**Romans 10

Learn more about the love of Jesus here: Jesus is Truth


Freedom in Christ Bible Study

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

God Answers Prayers

Freedom From Slavery

Freedom From Slavery ~ Week Five

Simple Truth

Chains only have an effect on us when we give them permission to remain.

We think of those bound in slavery and our hearts break. We pray, we give, we stand, we walk, we subscribe, we fight for the freedom of children and men and women that are forced to succumb to the reality of living in the existence of chains and slavery.

We think of our loved ones who have chosen the chains of bondage. Their chain being the substance that confines them to their own demise. We see “how easy” it is to receive freedom, but all we can do is sit and watch and wait.

Then we sit in our own thoughts. We see our own chains. We acknowledge that we have allowed ourselves to become enslaved by our chain. And we sit. And we hide. And we hurt ourselves -physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. We pray without words and without depth and without faith and without hope. For we know that this chain is comfortable. This chain fits. There is security in this slavery.

Freedom from this slavery is out of your grasp; it is not out of His.

Consider: Chains of slavery are much like the weight discussed in Hebrews 12. These chains pull us down. They keep us from pressing forward to Life. They cause us to simply “remain” in our slavery. This week’s study ties these last four week’s together. How can you compare/contrast Psalm 139 (Free to be You study below) with your experience of slavery?

Challenge: Can you give your chain a name? Once you name it, will you share its name with one person? Often times, if we can name it and pronounce its name aloud, the bondage of that chain begins to set you free. Are you ready to receive this freedom?

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Slavery video lesson here:


~ Mark 5:1-20

He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. (V. 3-4)

Final Thought

Freedom from Slavery -from that sin that is craving your future- is an unwrapped present sitting on your lap. It is there. It is given freely to you. It is attainably yours. Will you receive it? Will you live in it? Will you give your sin permission to leave? 

We talked today about naming our sin.
We talked today about claiming the power of Jesus over your sin.
We talked about finding freedom from that sin.
We talked very openly about sin this week.

May we acknowledge our place in this personal battle with sin. May we see the effect it has on us within and without. Friend, you are not alone in this valley. It is brave to run and fall on your knees before Jesus (Mark 5:6). It is healing and freeing to give your sin a name. Verbally express the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust (Mark 5:9-10). I testify, there is healing and freedom in expressing the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust.


Prayer for President Trump

Heavenly Father,

I know we are not alone at your feet in prayer for President Trump. I know we are all kneeling before you with hearts full of words that are jumbled at your feet. I know that You, Sweet God, hear our every word in perfect clarity and in perfect wisdom.

Father, hear these words right now, I beseech you.

Spiritually. God, fill him and surround him with wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Set his feet on a sure foundation. That his foundation will be the Rock on which we stand, the Rock on which we kneel, the Rock that causes the dark to stumble. The Rock that Hell cannot prevail against.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen.

Physically. God, thank you that he is home so swiftly from his Covid diagnoses. God Almighty, keep his body strong. Regulate his temperature day by day. That your life will sustain his. I pray this over Melania as well. Heal them both through and through. Strengthen them inside and out. Protect, Dear God, their bodies and minds day by day.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen

Socially. God, I pray you will go before his every step. Secure his way in your directive plan for him as he leads our Great Nation. Guide him with surety. Protect his way from encounters that may steer him off course. Keep him upright. I pray his words will be true to who he is. Lord, a “social game” has been played for far too long. In this game, lies and corruption and political appearance have all become the expected mask. I pray that in the light of Your Truth and American truth and in his personal truth of character that this deeply rooted facade will crumble. I pray, Father God, that truth will seep from President Trump’s heart. That his words will speak truth to all who hear. I pray You will go before his steps, before his words.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen

Politically. Father God, the politics of this nation are ever-heated. From the founding of our nation and of our nation’s political parties, it is ever-heated. Passion is good. Differing is good. Learning to listen and grow in unity through our differences can be beneficial to the next generations. However, God is our nation’s foundation. Lord, I pray we as a nation will not step off that foundation. I pray we will not unite with a party that denounces Your name, that refutes Your existence, that defies Your law. God, I pray all politics will be set aside during the uniting of our prayers this very minute as we seek your face in this election for the benefit of our nation’s future on and in You. That our nation will remain One Nation Under God!

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen



Prayer for America

Prayer for Covid

Prayer for Police Officers