Prayer For Our Nation

Almighty Creator,

Do you hear my stomach as faithfully as you hear my words?! I wonder this as I fast alongside a nation of prayer warriors. I wonder if you smile at our sounds and at our random food thoughts. I wonder if you sit in contemplation over the thoughts and battles and determination that resides within us during our times of prayer and of fasting. I wonder, God, how precious we are in your sight as we fight on our knees.

Lord, how I love to use my words to magnify Your Name! What a cherished gift You have given to us. The gift of words. The sound of our voice. The proclamation of praise. Yes, such sweet gifts!

Dear Lord, I pray for hope to set ablaze in each of our hearts.

Father God, I have a request to lay at your feet.

Will you revive our American soil? Lord, as I say that, my heart smiles knowing that You already are. Revival is spreading across our nation! We hear the song, we see the baptism, we testify of Salvation! Coast to coast, you are setting a revival in our land.

So, Lord, my question is deeper still.

Will you Drain the Swamp that has rooted itself so deeply in our soil? Yes, I think that is the pinpoint of my prayer. Yet, even as I cast this request at your feet, I see the fruit of your handiwork in this too. Lord, as dark as the infestation is, Your light is shining powerfully upon the darkness! I feel like “it” got too big for their own good. As if they think they are unstoppable. As if they are in full control. As if they won.

Lord, my heart almost giggled at those last sentences. As if I know the full story. As if I know the Truth. For I do, I know You, the infinite Way, the Almighty Truth, the everlasting Life.

Father, I pray in all my boldness before Your Throne, please stop the ones who think they are unstoppable. Right now, lay your right hand upon their heads. Speak Your decree upon them today. That each and every one of them will have no choice but to declare You as the Victor! That they may taste and see Your goodness! That they may know that You alone are God! {Psalm 85}

Jesus, may I pray so boldly and specifically, perhaps selfishly? Lord God, will you lead the path for President Trump’s return as President of our United States of America?! Will You keep him in the White House without him having to miss a beat? Lord, our nation has witnessed You doing SO much for the integrity and character of our foundation through Trump’s leadership.

You have built a wall of defense around this man as he daily stood for our nation’s protection, both within and without our border. The world is remembering who we are. We were remembering who we are. We are the land of the free. We are the home of the brave. We are Americans. And we are proud to be! For in our American pride, we kneel humbly in Your Sovereignty.

God, this is my pointed prayer. Pave our path quickly and powerfully back under the leadership of President Trump, of Vice President Pence, of the people, and of Your Mighty Name!

Before Your Throne and at Your feet,



Prayer for 2020

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Pastors

Prayer for President Trump

Heavenly Father,

I know we are not alone at your feet in prayer for President Trump. I know we are all kneeling before you with hearts full of words that are jumbled at your feet. I know that You, Sweet God, hear our every word in perfect clarity and in perfect wisdom.

Father, hear these words right now, I beseech you.

Spiritually. God, fill him and surround him with wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Set his feet on a sure foundation. That his foundation will be the Rock on which we stand, the Rock on which we kneel, the Rock that causes the dark to stumble. The Rock that Hell cannot prevail against.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen.

Physically. God, thank you that he is home so swiftly from his Covid diagnoses. God Almighty, keep his body strong. Regulate his temperature day by day. That your life will sustain his. I pray this over Melania as well. Heal them both through and through. Strengthen them inside and out. Protect, Dear God, their bodies and minds day by day.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen

Socially. God, I pray you will go before his every step. Secure his way in your directive plan for him as he leads our Great Nation. Guide him with surety. Protect his way from encounters that may steer him off course. Keep him upright. I pray his words will be true to who he is. Lord, a “social game” has been played for far too long. In this game, lies and corruption and political appearance have all become the expected mask. I pray that in the light of Your Truth and American truth and in his personal truth of character that this deeply rooted facade will crumble. I pray, Father God, that truth will seep from President Trump’s heart. That his words will speak truth to all who hear. I pray You will go before his steps, before his words.

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen

Politically. Father God, the politics of this nation are ever-heated. From the founding of our nation and of our nation’s political parties, it is ever-heated. Passion is good. Differing is good. Learning to listen and grow in unity through our differences can be beneficial to the next generations. However, God is our nation’s foundation. Lord, I pray we as a nation will not step off that foundation. I pray we will not unite with a party that denounces Your name, that refutes Your existence, that defies Your law. God, I pray all politics will be set aside during the uniting of our prayers this very minute as we seek your face in this election for the benefit of our nation’s future on and in You. That our nation will remain One Nation Under God!

Unite our prayers over President Trump. Amen



Prayer for America

Prayer for Covid

Prayer for Police Officers

Prayer for America

Father God,

America is at a crossroads. This is not the first time our nation has seen a divide, nor is it the first time it has seen extreme hardship. Such is life as a nation. History tells us this.

But God, history also tells us that prayer can heal a nation. That prayer can rescue a people. And that prayer can cause the enemy to fall at the sound of a trumpet. This is what a nation can see if a nation prays.

Oh, God Above, that we will pray! Selah

I ask that you will gather our united prayers and pour them out upon the paved path of America. Lord, I pray destruction upon the path that is trying to destroy the value of who we are, we are Free.

Free. Freedom. America. United together under God. Built upon the principles of Scripture. Fought for by the blood of our brothers. Knit together by words of our forefathers. Survived by the next generation.

Dear God,

We pray for our nation to see You. Open our eyes to your light, your truth, your way. Open our ears to your salvation, to your promises, and to your song of victory. For you have already risen again. You have already won the war. You have already silenced sin and death and the grave.

Father God, we pray that in this battle of darkness and sin and death that you will reign victorious and that our eyes will behold and that our ears will hear and that our feet will follow You down the path of freedom.

Lord, remove politics from this prayer. Remove opinions from this prayer. Remove evil intentions from this prayer. And simply be magnified!

Be magnified in our hearts. And be magnified in our nation once again. Be magnified and lifted up from our leaders.

Father, we pray for President Trump. We pray for Vice President Pence. We pray for our governors by name, Lord, we pray for them. As a resident of Idaho, I pray for Governor Little. Lord, hear the names on each of our hearts as we pray for the governors of our states. Selah

Lord God, may I pray for Nancy Pelosi? May I pray for purity and truth upon her? May I pray for salvation within her heart? Lord God, I pray for Nancy’s heart. I pray that she will know the eternal love of the Father, that she will believe in the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that a pure heart and an open mind to truth will radiate through her.

Father, your light is so bright. Your hand is steady and strong. Your name is power. May we, as your children, walk in your light, find protection in your hand, and stand tall in the power of your Name. For you are God. You are I AM.

And we are Yours.

Hear our prayers as we press forward in constant prayer for the leading of our nation to who we are, Free and Yours.



Today’s Prayer List

To Separate Light

Prayer for China