Prayer for Unity

Hi Sweet Father,

Life is a beautiful gift. I can only imagine what it looked like in its purest form according to your perfect design. I think of being created without a twist in mentality, an urge to defile, a longing for joy and happiness at all times.

~ Peace. Always peace within my soul and in the world around me.

~ Love. Always love spilling from my soul and receiving it fully from others.

~ Life. Always life being experienced at its fullest, purest and sweetest.

Father, your created design is precious to ponder. Yet, here we are living together in a broken world. Greater still, you offer us a way to live the life you created by giving us the filling of the Holy Spirit. His presence welcoming in an abundance of peace and love and life. Father, what a sweet gift. So thoughtful and giving you are!

May I right now before Your throne set my eyes on you and the greater purpose of living, to bring glory to Your Name? May the presence of the Spirit in me spill forth the evidence of peace and love and life!

Father, I pray this for myself and for my prayer sisters/warriors. I pray this for our Christian family worldwide. I pray, Father God, that we will allow the Spirit to shine forth for the sake of unity.

Oh, that we, Your children will live in unity for the sake of the lost world around us! May we gather up our Swords and stand at the ready. May our words be seasoned with Your Words that our responses encourage one another and love the ones in need of a Saviour.

Forgive our family fight. Such permission we give to Satan when we set our words against one another. It’s unattractive and gross. Forgive us, we pray. Selah.

Lord, strengthen us this very moment in unity. Position us side by side. Ready us with Your responses and Your actions and Your timing. Prepare us in Your armor and on Your foundation and as Your soldiers. Lead the Name of Jesus Christ to victory throughout all nations and tongues. Use us as Your children, Your representatives, Your light!

Father God, we love you. Help us to remember that we are on the Lord’s side, together.

Psalm 133,



Speak Truth

God knows the heart of our work.

The Key Difference in Prayer

Cast Your Words at the Foot of the Cross


My heart is silent before you. I crave words to spill at the foot of my Savior, but silence is my only sound. Selah

Father, how sweetly you display your words of love over us. How intimately you meet our individual needs. Father, from the beginning, you sacrificed your Dearest for us. Your only Son. I cannot even fathom the depth of that love. How does a heart begin to process such divine love!

  • We are yours.
  • You call us to yourself.
  • You desire our love.
  • You listen to our cries.
  • You hear our prayers.
  • You heal our wounds.
  • You love us.

Father, here we are at your feet. United through the blood. Knit together in your love. Lord, for some of us our words are easily vocalized. Our thoughts, feelings, opinions, and emotions are verbalized in variant tones for you to hear. We thank you for hearing and holding our truths. Some of us are struggling with our statements. Not knowing how to gather our thoughts. Not knowing how to pour out our struggles, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Lord Jesus, the images on our screens and in our city streets throughout our nation stirs our hearts to spill out words at the foot of the cross. Thank you for hearing our words before they are even expressed.

Our Father, our God. We pray today in trust that you know our truths. And we know that we can trust you with our words just as we have trusted you with our eternity. I pray you will carry the weight of our prayers as a people, as a nation, as a family. Lord, if we cast judgment stones as we pray in honesty to you, will you catch our stones? Lord, catch them, forgive them, erase them, and call them “no more.”

Our nation, our people, our family, our friends, our cities, our jobs, our words, Father, are yours. We trust you to hear, heal and hold them all in your mighty hands.

We love you,


**Ephesians 6:18


Prayer for America

The Key Difference in Prayer

Today’s Prayer List

What’s Your Word

You fill my heart with such joy. To walk life with you is my favorite blessing. How spoiled am I to call you friend! You are my smile, my world, my everything. I love you.

Don’t you love how the power of words can stir your heart with abundant joy and happiness?!

Here’s my challenge for us this day.

  • Grab a paper and pen or open your notes app.
  • Pen your words. Not the ones you want to say or that you plan on saying, but the ones you just said. Write it down.
  • Learn to hear yourself when you talk.

You know, you won’t be the only one who is listening to what you say today. Your words are being heard all day and by various ears. My challenge is that you add yourself to the list of individuals who are listening to you.

At the end of the day, sit with your list. Reread your words. Note how your heart feels. Consider the emotion that flows through you with each statement. And then decide how built up you feel from your own words.

This will be a great exercise to see how well we build up our people by our words. There are times we speak without consequence. There are times we unknowingly break a heart. There are times we purposely build up another. And there are times our words fly farther and wider than we ever thought possible, good or bad. Do you see how beneficial it would be to become a student of our own word habits? 

The Question is: What’s your word?

The Challenge: Write your words.

The Goal: to learn a little more about your speech habits and about your hearer’s heart.

For some this this will be fun. For some it will be difficult. For all it will be an opportunity to grow in love.

Here’s Our Strength for the Day

Ephesians 4:29-32. This passage is our Sword for the day. Let us not simply know the Word of God. Let us use His Word! Perhaps you want to write these verses on the top of your Homework Assignment page. Perhaps you want to memorize a portion of this passage. Or perhaps you want to take these verses to God in prayer before, during and/or after this challenge. 

Good luck, have fun, and Happy Word Day to you and yours!

Your Sister,


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