A Morning Praise for the Love of Jesus


You are good. All morning I have been anxious to come to your feet to simply tell you exactly that. It’s funny because my heart has been expressing this truth to you throughout my morning, but there’s something grand about sitting at your feet telling you {in word} how good you are.

You are so faithful. You are mine. You wake me in the morning and whisper truth upon my heart. Lord, what a precious way to wake up. You sing over me as I kickstart my day with my little routine. All the while I hear your worship flood my soul. I postpone my time with you due to “this or that” and you join me in the This and in the That. Reminding me always that you are with me. You are here. You are in the mundane and in the schedule and in the busy and in the calm. Oh, how ever faithful you are! Oh, that you are mine!

You are my Father and I love your faithful love, your strong arms.

You are my God and I love your voice, your words, your truth.

You are my Lord and I cling to your law; I desire to behold your beauty and to obey your commandments of love.

Jesus, that Your love over me will pour out of me. I pray I will not be selfish with your love. I pray I will not be “choosy” with your love. Jesus, I pray your love will fall back at your feet – with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind.

Father, what a big command given to us by our Savior! Oh, that my heart, my soul, and my mind will comprehend the beauty of this command!

And, Jesus, I pray your love will lift up the brother and the sister I get to do life with today. Go before my day. Set my heart to speak your words upon them. And open my ears to receive your love from them.

You have given us a family in God. Thank you for this sweet gift of opportune love!


You, my precious Lord, are good.


*Matthew 22:36-40 💞


Lord, I Come to You for Love

Because Jesus

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Let’s Pray for Structure

Good morning Lord God,

How I smile here in your presence.

Such quiet to my soul.

I breathe in your peace.

I breathe out your song of victory.


Lord, my prayer this morning, this day, is for the structure you are building upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. Lord, I am a part of that structure. Therefore, Lord God, I pray for me. Father, help me to stand. Help me not to me moved or shaken or weakened by the weight I fain to carry. Remind me of my position as a part of your structure and remind me of all you need/want/desire/plan for me to do -nothing more.

Lord, I pray for those with whom I stand among. The walls, if you will, of this structure. Lord, there is strength in number. May we, as your structure, see your strength among and within us. I pray the same words I prayed for me above upon each individual member of your structure. I pray these words of surety and contentment in who they are -where they are/as they are. Lord, this is my prayer!


Quiet my soul.

I stand upon the Rock.

I sit in your arms.


Jesus, May we set our feet on your sure foundation. May we remember who we are and why we are building.

Lord, that one more soul may know your love for them.

Always, this is the truth.

Forever, Jesus is the answer.


Father, my heart desires to spill out so much more. Thankfully your heart knows my thought-prayers and I know you are holding them. May I simply conclude by thanking you for using us as your house?! Help us to be loving and inviting and real and true. Help us to be us as we are clothed in your Righteousness. Help us to breathe in your peace, to breathe out your song of victory. Help us to remain on the Rock, to rest in your arms. Remind us always and forever that Jesus is our reason and our answer.

Lord Jesus, together, as your structure, we declare our admiration and love.


💞 Photography by @macijoyphotography


Because Jesus

Prayer for Churches

Prayer For Our Nation

Rise Above the Fog

In the midst of today we rise higher than we thought we could. Each day ending in confusion, defeat, frustration. Yet a new day begins, and we get up and we go. We get things accomplished, we assign tasks to others, we communicate, we achieve. Repeat.

Well done.

Truly, in the midst of today you are rising higher simply by your determination and character. You know you can quit. All the things. We always have the choice to leave. Leave home. Leave work. Leave life.

I’m proud of us.

In the midst of today we are here. We are standing with a determination to do another day. We may not express it with our words, but our faithful, redundant, familiar motions are screaming forth our determination.

Stand tall on that accomplishment.

And breathe.

Friend, you are not alone. Do you know this truth? Sure, there are times (days/seasons) that the feeling of being alone overwhelms our soul. But I ask you to rise above. In the smallest way, rise above. There is a person outside your home that needs your smile.

We think, “the people in my home need my smile.” And the overwhelmed loneliness washes over us once again.

This is why I am asking you to rise above. In the midst of your motions will you seek out a person outside your home? Share your smile with a person and when a smile is returned, receive it. There’s medicine there! A smile shared and received is medicine for our minds, for our emotions, and for our bodies.

Smile with a person.

Allow that smile to grow into a conversation. *be careful not to dump all your cards 😉 But lay down one statement and see if you can trust that friend with your truth. If you cannot then congratulations on your discernment and strength. Be proud of that. And smile.

Move forward.

Your end goal: find that person -that in their smile and conversation- will remind you of truths. Truths about that person/those people at home who need your smile. Allow this person to help you stand in the fog. Allow this person to walk with you as the fog lifts slowly, day by day. Allow this person to remind you of who you are and what Today is all about.


A friend is a powerhouse of strength and laughter. She is medicine for your soul.

There is truth to stand on and a smile waiting for your soul. Are you willing to rise above the fog and seek it out? I pray that you are.


Truth to stand on: Jesus



Because Jesus

What is the Connection in Prayer?

Freedom In His Love