A Morning Praise for the Love of Jesus


You are good. All morning I have been anxious to come to your feet to simply tell you exactly that. It’s funny because my heart has been expressing this truth to you throughout my morning, but there’s something grand about sitting at your feet telling you {in word} how good you are.

You are so faithful. You are mine. You wake me in the morning and whisper truth upon my heart. Lord, what a precious way to wake up. You sing over me as I kickstart my day with my little routine. All the while I hear your worship flood my soul. I postpone my time with you due to “this or that” and you join me in the This and in the That. Reminding me always that you are with me. You are here. You are in the mundane and in the schedule and in the busy and in the calm. Oh, how ever faithful you are! Oh, that you are mine!

You are my Father and I love your faithful love, your strong arms.

You are my God and I love your voice, your words, your truth.

You are my Lord and I cling to your law; I desire to behold your beauty and to obey your commandments of love.

Jesus, that Your love over me will pour out of me. I pray I will not be selfish with your love. I pray I will not be “choosy” with your love. Jesus, I pray your love will fall back at your feet – with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind.

Father, what a big command given to us by our Savior! Oh, that my heart, my soul, and my mind will comprehend the beauty of this command!

And, Jesus, I pray your love will lift up the brother and the sister I get to do life with today. Go before my day. Set my heart to speak your words upon them. And open my ears to receive your love from them.

You have given us a family in God. Thank you for this sweet gift of opportune love!


You, my precious Lord, are good.


*Matthew 22:36-40 💞


Lord, I Come to You for Love

Because Jesus

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

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