Let’s Pray against Fear

My Sweet Lord,

Father, I knew fear was bound to slip into my thought life as I prepare to teach on fear versus Your Love later this week. And it did. My dreams last night shook me to waking tears. My thoughts naturally settle in an old, familiar place as the nausea of things past sit with me in the present.

Father, I do not miss this old, familiar place.

In my fight, my head hurts.

In my fight, Scripture rages.

In my fight, I equally crave sleep all the while I disdain the thought of returning to ill dreams.

Lord, may I just sit here with you? Selah

Father, I knew fear would slip into my thought life. Yet, Lord God, I knew you would too! How faithful you are to restore your Words hidden on my heart. How true you are to capture my thoughts and sing songs of victory over it. How beautiful you are to gift girlfriends who rise up in prayer and understanding.

Father, I do love this new, familiar place.

In your presence, I rest.

In your presence, I find strength and resolve.

In you presence, I joy once again.

Lord, in you I am free.

Father, I pray for those who are battling fear right now. Lord, fear is born in many situations. Yet, it haunts us all the same. Will you, I pray, rehearse truth and purity, goodness and gentleness, Scripture and songs of victory, laughter and love upon her heart and in her thoughts this very moment.

Father, teach her a new cycle from old patterns to newness in You.

In you, may she remember who she is. (1 Cor. 3)

In you, help her fight to win. (Rom. 4)

In you, teach her to stand beside her friends, Sword in hand, claiming victory. (Eph.6)

Lord, shine your face upon her today. (Psalm 31)

Fear. Cast it out, we unite in prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ! Fear. You have no place. No right. No reign.

Photography by @macijoyphotography


Rise Above the Fog

Prayer for Innocence (Girls)

Always and Never

Rise Above the Fog

In the midst of today we rise higher than we thought we could. Each day ending in confusion, defeat, frustration. Yet a new day begins, and we get up and we go. We get things accomplished, we assign tasks to others, we communicate, we achieve. Repeat.

Well done.

Truly, in the midst of today you are rising higher simply by your determination and character. You know you can quit. All the things. We always have the choice to leave. Leave home. Leave work. Leave life.

I’m proud of us.

In the midst of today we are here. We are standing with a determination to do another day. We may not express it with our words, but our faithful, redundant, familiar motions are screaming forth our determination.

Stand tall on that accomplishment.

And breathe.

Friend, you are not alone. Do you know this truth? Sure, there are times (days/seasons) that the feeling of being alone overwhelms our soul. But I ask you to rise above. In the smallest way, rise above. There is a person outside your home that needs your smile.

We think, “the people in my home need my smile.” And the overwhelmed loneliness washes over us once again.

This is why I am asking you to rise above. In the midst of your motions will you seek out a person outside your home? Share your smile with a person and when a smile is returned, receive it. There’s medicine there! A smile shared and received is medicine for our minds, for our emotions, and for our bodies.

Smile with a person.

Allow that smile to grow into a conversation. *be careful not to dump all your cards 😉 But lay down one statement and see if you can trust that friend with your truth. If you cannot then congratulations on your discernment and strength. Be proud of that. And smile.

Move forward.

Your end goal: find that person -that in their smile and conversation- will remind you of truths. Truths about that person/those people at home who need your smile. Allow this person to help you stand in the fog. Allow this person to walk with you as the fog lifts slowly, day by day. Allow this person to remind you of who you are and what Today is all about.


A friend is a powerhouse of strength and laughter. She is medicine for your soul.

There is truth to stand on and a smile waiting for your soul. Are you willing to rise above the fog and seek it out? I pray that you are.


Truth to stand on: Jesus



Because Jesus

What is the Connection in Prayer?

Freedom In His Love

Let’s Pray for Our Prayer Life

Have you ever thought about praying for your prayer life? Will you consider asking God to help you grow in the areas you feel weak or insecure or doubtful when you pray? Will you join me in praying for your conversation with God Almighty…

Lord God, our prayer life seems so daunting at times. Other times it feels void, empty. God, there are times we dance on the mountain top in your presence then we turn around and feel like we are sitting in the mire in the midst of the valley. Why?

Why is prayer so hard at times? Lord God, may we ask you to help us to pray? Will you so graciously meet us, each of us, where we are and teach us to pray. Lord, we know The Lord’s Prayer. We know the Scriptures that draw us to pray without ceasing and to couple our prayers with Thanksgiving. But God, in all our knowing, we are missing something. What?

Holy Spirit?. Selah.

Spirit, will you pray with me today? Guide my heart to the words swarming in my head this very moment. Cause my thoughts to express the fullness of my heart’s cry. Selah.

Help me to be real.

Help me to pray in the emotion that is circling within this very moment.

Help me to carry my questions and my requests to the Father.

I struggle with finding the right words. Will you please silence my desire to pray “properly” or “correctly” and simply help me to talk to you, my God? Oh, that I will talk with familiarity and ease! That I may express my truths with trust that my Father is holding every word of mine in His heart. Selah.

Remind me that God cherishes me.

That He favors my vulnerability.

And that He promises to hear me.

Father God, thank you for hearing our words. You hear us when we speak. This amazes me. This draws my heart to songs of worship that You, the God of the mountain and the God of the valley, is purposing to be ever faithfully by my side in sweet, sweet conversation.

God, Three in One, how spoiled we are to be known by You! Oh, that we will begin our personal prayer time with You, remembering how connected we are in You! Thank you for pouring your love on us. Thank you for filling us with Your Spirit. Thank you for giving us the mind of Christ. Lord God, thank you.


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