Simply She

She had no idea how big the world was on the other side. She stood there embraced in her feather trimmed pea coat pressing her face against the glass and saw.

An aged man strolling down the path holding the hand of his bride. His wrinkles settled in comfortably above his intent expression and around the corners of his mouth as he engaged in their private conversation.

A woman whose long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail ran past the aged couple. They smiled at the small human inside the stroller. Their gaze followed the carriage until the mom turned the corner out of sight. Their smiles faded away in a unified manner. Silence overtook their steps.

Watching from afar she wondered the depth of the story that unfolded on the other side. Life, she whispered to her own soul. If I passed before someone’s gaze, what would they see?

Beauty and Strength


I usually wake up on Fridays with a Simple Truth that I am pressed to blog about. Today, nothing. Today, I am greeted with a husband who stayed home from work, which means my brain turns tail from function and enters dream life in a split second.

When this man is home, all I want to do is doll up and twirl. You would think after all these years I would get over the “heart skipping a beat” phase, but nope.

Cloud nine. It calls my name and I go running right into its strong embrace.

I’m pretty for sure there is no greater Smile in all the world then that of a wife treasured by her husband.

You did a great work when you designed marriage, breathed life into the strength of a husband, and brought life through the beauty of a wife.

Thank you, beyond measure, for marriage.

I pray for the marriage that impacted each of us to press on, to enjoy, to fight for, and to live out the blessings you give through the unity of true love.

I think of the advice given to me before I walked down the aisle. I think of the marriages I watched and learned from. I pray you will pour your abundant hand of blessing upon the wives and husbands that spoke truth into us.

Such a journey marriage turns out to be. Such a beautiful, beautiful journey.

Oh, dear Father, I pray we will determine to see our marriages (and dreams thereof) as a journey where beauty and strength Shine.

Roses by @groverst