Some Things Are Still The Same

The Holy Spirit has not changed.

The body of Christ is still the family of God.

Jesus Christ still loves you and me.

The New Testament church is still alive.

Nations are still vast and varied.

Satan is still roaming like a lion.

Our flesh is still craving its desires.

The world still contains unsaved souls.

Daily struggles are still affecting our day to day existence.

Life is still real.

In a world where things are not what they were yesterday, these things remain the same.

And Friend, you and I are still the outlet created to be used as the connector of all these dots by the blood of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Yes, today is different than yesterday. But we still have a job to do. We still have a smile to share. And we still have the Name above all names to proclaim! Oh, that we will occupy our time with prayer, with studying the Scripture, and with worship!

Because, you see, the more time you invest in the life of Jesus Christ, the more Jesus Christ will spill from your very core.


Father God, our days are so new and unknown

Todayโ€™s Prayer List

But God

Answered Prayers From The Christmas Event in Vale Oregon

There were many prayer requests shared on Facebook for last Sunday’s “The King Has Come” Christmas event in Vale, Oregon.

Consider this a special Thank You for your prayers!!

We prayed for no snow as my Entourage of six Amazing Friends drove the hour distance with me, there and back. Friends, there was NO snow. In fact, the sun was shining ever so beautifully the entire drive there, and the moon shone radiantly as it directed us home. Well, GPS did the directing, but the moon was much more Lovely!!

We prayed for the Spirit to fill His house, to touch our hearts, to speak His truth.

Oh! How He answered ever so sweetly.

The house was beaming with the kindest of women who filled the gym with laughter.

Cups were filled to the brim! Tri-tip beckoned our names. Dishes made with love filled us with joy. And desserts . . . Iโ€™m still trying to remember what was said about graham crackers and layered chocolate chips and butter. . .

And the Lord proved faithful as He touched our hearts and spoke His truth regardless as to what the speaker/I had intended to say. He does that, doesnโ€™t He. His words win every time! For, His words are the words that can soothe our souls, fill our empty spaces, and heal our broken hearts.

Lastly, may I be open about my inner giggle for a moment?!

It’s been a few years since I have had the opportunity to engage as an author and speaker. These last few years have been about my family. Nothing big. Nothing major. Just needful. Like we all tend to say as we look back at passing seasons of life, “I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

Over these past few years, my book has sold steadily on Amazon. It’s been studied at churches and coffeeshops from the Pacific Northwest to Canada. And I have been teaching His Truth weekly throughout the years.

But. Seeing The Beautiful Reward displayed by dear friends for His Glory made my heart skip a beat. I just wanted to sit there and look at it. I just wanted to drop to my knees and take a moment. I just wanted to cry and laugh and . . . and Twirl. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I didn’t.

I was reserved.

Right here with you, may I verbally twirl and just say Thank You. Thank you for joining me in prayer. Thank you for giggling with me today. And Thank you for being my readers, my friends.


A special thanks list…

To Grace for drawing such beautiful artwork of our Precious Savior!

To Jessica and Sherry and Lisa and Jenn and Rhiannon for driving up, setting up the display, for selling books, for mic proofing, for photos, for prayer, for worship, for support, for laughter and for being the most fabulous entourage a girl could ask for! ๐Ÿ˜‰

To Karen and Clair for loving our Lord, for having a vision, for making it happen, for serving with a smile and praying with tears of admiration for The King who has come.

To Julionna for singing the most breath-taking song. Your voice and talent drew me closer to Jesus. FYI… I want backstage passes for your next concert, please. ๐Ÿ˜‰ โ™ฅ๏ธ


Welcome to ๐Ÿ™‚

The Beautiful Reward


Prayer for The Evidential Presence of the Light of Jesus