Prayer for Children


Allow me just a quick minute to thank you for these children you have given us. Father, these days (at times) feel long, but the years, Sweet Father, are too short. I pray we will pour into them the love You faithfully pour into us. Help us to model Your love and kindness freely.

Father, I pray for wisdom and direction over their next steps. Every age comes with a newness of uncertainty. I pray we will know (per child) how to point them, lead them, guide them, and walk with them. Help us to know with full certainty how to light their next step. For that to happen, we need such confident wisdom. Father, pour knowledge into us as we make these decisions.

Father, as I sit here with you this very moment, I think of girlfriends who are at Your feet on behalf of their adult children. Prayer requests that have been shared with me regarding diagnoses, divorce, deployment, direction and addiction. God, You know the names, the hearts, the stories and the path of each of these prayers. And many more. Father, we gather together now to ask that You make their paths straight! Be the light that guides their every step!

Father, there are those of us who are still in the process of raising these blessed gifts. My heart pauses before You. Selah. Lord God, to train up our child to become the man or woman You designed them to be without allowing them to be scarred by the chaos that is overtaking our world seems too big for me to process right now. Oh Lord, here is my prayer, Lord God, guide me in creating within my son a heart for You and Your Word. Amen!

Father, lastly, I think of my girlfriends whose bellies, hearts and arms are full of new life. Lord God, thank you for the beautiful and miraculous gift of new life! I pray an abundance of joy and laughter upon these new mommas. Hear their quiet pondering, settle their internal dialogue, rest their fears or anxieties, and set their eyes on the Little one who is setting their eyes on the one thing they know, their mom. Connect their two hearts toward one another. And again, explode such joy and laughter all around them!

Sweet Father, thank you for these children that You have trusted us to love and raise for Your glory, for Your honor, for Your purpose and for our enjoyment. What a sweet gift You have created.

And thank you for calling me Your child,



A Prayer for Friends

Prayer for America

Jesus. There is no other name.

Praise for Presents ;) turned Prayer for Children

Jesus, two little phrases keep circling my heart and mind. Almost to the point that I can’t hold a conversation that does not involve these two little phrases. I wonder at what point will I grow up?

I love Jesus!

I love presents!

Ohmygoodness. They are running marathons all around me. Not in competition, mind you, but they are certainly demanding all my mental and emotional space.

It’s crazy really. I partly wish I could say that I am mature and that my “i love presents” is about giving them to others, but Lord, you know my truth. Lol!

Father, my son just came downstairs with a high fever. Amazing how quickly our kid’s health can silence our inner giggles. Well, set it aside at the very least. I’m still sitting here smiling… ๐Ÿ˜‰

With all seriousness, Father, there are moms all over this Valley playing nurse to their sick children. Many of my friends have shared prayer requests for a child and/or children. Father, please bestow grace upon each mom. I pray health for her as she tends to the kids. I also pray the illness will not spread to any other family member.

God, seeing our kids sick is heartbreaking every time. Ugh. I hate it. Father, please heal these little humans you have graciously given us to love, protect, train, and throughly enjoy!

We love these little humans. Thank you for each and very one of them!

Talk about gifts! Oh, is there a sweeter gift than the gift of a child?!??

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being The sweetest of all gifts. Thank you for willingly taking on the form of humanity. Thank you for being the baby prophesied of old offering the gift of eternity to all who believe in you.

Jesus. Yes, I love you Jesus!


Jesus, You Are Good

Who You Are ~ a proclamation to God

My Gift From God

Praise for This Crazy Thing Called Motherhood

God, I cannot keep a plant alive. I cannot grow a garden. My daisies are a massive curiosity. Yet, you trusted me to keep a gift alive, to grow a 7 pound miracle into a functional human, and to plant him in your richness surrounded by your light.

I don’t know why you trusted me with this gift of my son. Furthermore, I don’t know how you conquered my health so I could receive this gift. But God, you did.

On my knees and spilled out, I whisper a thank you.

Motherhood is the most challenging concept to figure out. I think of the intricate design that allows motherhood to exist, and my mind is blown. Frankly, my ears are closed. Lol. I cannot handle hearing or talking about the intricacies of a woman’s internal design. It is mind blowing!!

Then, this child escapes its womb and finds its place nestled against the very heart that has held it from its conception. Again, my mind and my heart are blown.

And Then …. the “motherhood challenge” begins.

God Above, your gift of motherhood has not changed through the ages. It is a universal gift. It is a beautiful design yet a normal function. It has happened throughout time and It will continue to happen.

Yet, this gift of motherhood is beyond individually unique. It is personal and special. Each entrance into motherhood is one of a kind. There is no other story that compares to our story. For our story is a gift like no other. And vice-versa.

How you design gifts to be simultaneously universal yet powerfully individual is proof of your love! And I say, Thank you.

Father, may I speak a moment from the emptiness of a womb? Father, you know the weight of that emptiness. You know how much it physically hurts. You know the hole that silences emotions deep within. I know you know. For Lord you have heard my words on this matter since 2007.

Dear Father God, I think of the woman who knows this level of emptiness too well. Will you please hold her. Let her feel your arms around her. Confirm in her the value you see in her. Strengthen her heart. Mend her soul. Touch her tears. Speak truth to her heart. And Father, oh Father . . . (Psalm 66:19) . . . Selah.

God, I consider this concept of motherhood and whisper Thank You.


Prayer for the Beautifully Designed

Father, Take My Absence and Fill it With Your Glory

The Fatherโ€™s DNA

A Letter to The Creator of You and Me