My Sister

***Please allow me a moment to honor my sister on behalf of her birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

My Sister

Such things abound when my life contains this gift of a sister; a forever friend, an always smile, a shoulder, a counselor, a truth teller, a strong hold.

Her strength beckons me to stand stronger against the winds that scream out my name. Her strength is the stone equipped in killing the Goliaths that threaten the hearts of whom she loves.

Everything she is sustains the very core of whom she stands beside. She stands by my side. Her presence, despite the miles that separate, encourages me to press on in all that I am.

Right or left, she is still there – never speaking a word of abandonment, never shaking her head in disgust, never washing her hands at my decisions. There. She is there.

It is as if all negativity crumbles like a cooled coffee cake. As if, simple and sure, her words of truth set a foundation to build upon. As if, tough and true, her words of love brighten the display in which you were designed to me.

Lovely is what she is called; love is what she does. Our love was given to us as a gift from God, but desired with us by our own delight.

Year by year, moment by moment, our roots knit together as a beautiful masterpiece of the Father’s handiwork. Differences shine light upon each other’s strengths while similarities enrich hysterically stunning continuity.

Nothing can stand the test of time that is called my sister. Spoiled are they who call her wife, mom, and friend. And, oh, how spoiled I am to call her My Sister.

Happy Birthday๐Ÿ˜˜