United We Pray

Sweet Father,

My prayers have been so heavy lately. Prayers for my country, for our police officers, for the movement that is destroying our nation, for “countries” that are staking claim within our land.

Father, I am tired. My eyes are tired of seeing constant destruction. My ears are tired of hearing vulgarities regarding President Trump. My heart is tired of turning upside down each time a monument falls. Oh, Lord, it hurts. Every time, my heart aches at the loss of our history.

I think of the Israelite nation and the continuous cycle of kings following God and building up alters to the Lord that are knocked down by the following kings who do not follow God. These events were cyclical in the history of Your people. I have never felt the blow of the knocking down of monuments, temples and wells of our forefathers until these last two weeks.

It’s as if this behavior is expected with the disrespect and absence of You and Your holy name.

Father God. I know Your Name! And I pray to You through the blood of the Lamb. And, Father God Almighty, I am not the only believer of Jesus Christ that is praying to You on behalf of America. I know I am joined by thousands.

And I, we, know You hear our prayers. And we will pray again. Lord God, we trust You and You alone to gather up our united prayers and pour them out where and when they are needed. We may pray for our desired outcome and direction, but we trust You to do with our prayers of faith as You see best.

Lord, see best.

Jesus . . .

Jesus. At the sound of Your name my body relaxed. At the breath of Your name my heart skipped a renewed beat. At the sight of Your name, I smile.


I will magnify and praise the name of Jesus.

Oh, how greatly I love you! That our eyes are set on Your name. That we will pray in Your name. That we will stand on Your name. For we know that we will not be shaken or torn down as we are founded upon the foundation that is called Jesus.



Prayer for America

Prayer for Police Officers

Prayer for Seattle

Prayer for Lives

Prayer for Unity

Always and Never


Always. Sin is present.

Always. The ground is cursed.

Always the flesh is raging.

Always Satan is lurking.

Always the Lord Jesus is in love with you, His treasured creation.

Always the heart of the Father resides within your soul, His treasured child.

Always the Holy Spirit is filling you with His fruit, His presence, His counsel.


Never will He walk away.

Never will He turn His back

Never will He empty you of His presence.

Never will He hold sin above your head.

Never will He ignore the cries of His creation.

Never will He close the door of escape.

Never will satan sing victory over the King of kings.

God declares ALWAYS

God declares, I am with you always even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20)

God hath declared that we ought to love the Lord our God always (Deuteronomy 11:1)

God’s word declares a blessing upon the one who fears the Lord always (Proverbs 28:14)

God’s parable spoken through Christ reminds us to always pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1)

God’s word promises that Christ always leads us in triumphal procession and spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere (2 Corinthians 2:14)

God’s word tells us to Always graciously season our speech with salt (Colossians 4:6)

God’s Son always lives to make intercession for those who draw near to God through Jesus (Hebrews 7:25)

God promises NEVER

Never will I leave you (Hebrews 13:5)

Never will I forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

Never will I permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22)

Never does His steadfast love cease (Lamentations 3:22)

Never will His mercies come to an end (Lamentations 3:22)

Never, he says, avenge yourself for your vengeance is His (Romans 12:19)

Never will the face of those who look to Him be ashamed (Psalm 34:5)

I know we are told to avoid the words always and never.

But with God we ought Always stand on His Never-ending promises!

Psalm 34,



God knows the heart of our work.

The Holy Spirit Comes With Fruit

Cast Your Words at the Foot of the Cross

Prayer for Seattle

Oh, Lord! You know Your children by name. You know the thoughts of their hearts. You know the stress in which they battle. You know the fear that haunts their reality. Father God, You know their tears and You treasure them.

God, I ask that You will reign down these collective prayers over Your children scattered throughout the city of Seattle. My heart hurts for the residents and store owners of that town. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to have my city up in flames. To have my local park taken over and destroyed. To have my neighborhood police station vacated and boarded up and gone. Lord, my heart hurts for the city of Seattle.

Father God, move in.

Father God, stir in the hearts of the saved and the unsaved alike.

Father God, allow salvation to spread like wildfire. Open the mouths of Christians as You open the hearts of the lost. Connect these two on the streets and in the stores and in churches throughout this city. Save souls, we pray.

Father, I do pray for the local pastors. I pray You will benefit each of them with wisdom above measure. Protect their minds, their hearts and their words. Cloth them in Your righteousness and in Your armor! Lead them down the path needed for the spiritual health of their flock and of their city.

Father God, Three in One, we come to You with the unspoken words of prayer regarding CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest). My first prayer of urgency falls upon the blinded individual who stepped in and is now caught up in something too big for their understanding. Jesus love this person. Holy Spirit whisper purpose and strength and clarity within this soul. Father, protect them from the damage of narcotics and group-think. Bring freedom, Lord God.

And then I think of the leadership with the country of CHOP and my words fall short. Rather, they tornado. Will You please gather our spoken prayers with our silent prayers and our tornado-like prayers and do according to Your will, Father God!

It’s easy to pray Your will be done as my city is far from CHOP. So, I circle back to the hearts of our Christian family who is experiencing and witnessing the events in Seattle. Lord Jesus, make it clear to them that they are loved world-wide. That they are covered in prayer. And that You, Lord God, are fully in control.

Psalm 77 ~ Take heart!



Prayer for Police Officers

Prayer for America

Prayer for Lives (BLM)