Don’t throw a stone at a preacher

This happens. I wrote about it in my next book. This excerpt was cut from my sample chapter nine. My prayer is that this little snippet will cause you to bend a knee in prayer for preachers, their wives, and their children.

1 Corinthians 9 records the powerful message that stirred my simple words of truth.

” Can you believe this is an issue? Preachers of the Word being judged for the shoe they wear or the car they drive. They must be so careful in the price tag on their clothes, of their house, and in the appearance of their children. My question is, Why? Why can’t a preacher look as if he gets paid for what he does? Is it because he gets paid from our checkbooks. Do we take his purchases personally?

Could it be that we cut a 10% check, put it in the basket, cover it in prayer and the Lord turns our sack lunch into the feeding of the five thousand? Could it be that it is not about our tithe, but about his obedience to preach the word in season and out of season? Could it be that he has a job and he gets paid for working? Furthermore, could it be that his shoes are not about us at all?


I know some of us hold images in our memories from the eighties. Memories of Preachers behaving ungodly in their finances. Memories of preachers hurting the name of Christ with their love for one more dollar. May I say, that will always happen regardless of occupation.

Let us not put the behaviors of another pastor or preacher on the shoulders of the one providing our Spiritual meal today. Rather, that we hold our pastors and their families up in prayer. Pray they will be strong enough to withstand the judgmental stones thrown at them, yet soft enough to demonstrate compassion upon the heart of the stone thrower.”

Pastors are monumental in the family of God. We need them, truly. My heart smiles when I get to talk with a pastor. It truly fills my heart. Not because they are on a pedestal, but because they choose to do what they were called to do.

That behavior is qualifications of a hero in my book.

Happy Friday! I hope this little post unites us in prayer and frees our grip from any possible stones.



A Prayer for Truth & Salvation

How to Give the Gift of Negative Perspective

One Time I Judged Another Woman

Prayer for the Man Created in God’s Image

Our bounty from you is an overflowing cup. It warms our heart. It fills our minds. It floods our soul. Your giving to us is impartial, in that, we all receive your all. Yet, your love is beyond personal to each one of us.

In this, we say Thank You!

Lord, one of the areas in which your gift is universal yet personal is with the gift of man. Father, you created man and called him good. Here I stand in reference to your acknowledgement of your creation. Here I declare what you designed in your image is altogether Good.

Dear Father, I pray for the man represented by the woman knit together with me in prayer.

~ Speak encouragement in him to be the man you have designed him to be.

~ Stand him tall and confident in his calling.

~ Fill him with knowledge in his workplace that he may shine your testimony to all who work with him.

~ Pour out of him an understanding heart that he may relate to the needs of those who lean on him.

~ Father, above all else, give him wisdom to decide what is good and what is right and what is holy for his family.

Oh, that he will lead his home with surety and strength. Remove any evil from his heart. Set religious demonstrations aside for real love and laughter. Free him from chains that are holding him back from Becoming more like you.

And, Father, if salvation is the cry on my Sister’s heart. Oh, sweet Father, I pray you will surround this man with your evidence today. I pray you will send someone to plant a seed, to water that seed, to shed light on that seed, and/or to meet him where he is without judgment or condemnation. Father, salvation for this man’s soul is the desired outcome this very day. In the name of Jesus we pray for this man in need of You.

~ I pray that we will see our husband as a gift from you.

~ I pray we will fill them with love and respect.

~ I pray we will see ourselves as a gift to them.

~ Stop our lips when they need to be stopped.

~ Adjust our eyes when they need to see clearly.

~ Help us to wife and not to mom our men.

Father, Thank you for the bounty that is called Man.


The Hope of the Godless is You

Filled Up and Spilled Out

Designed Identity

Father, Take My Absence and Fill it With Your Glory

Know it. Recognize it. Feel it. Claim it.

Friend, no matter what your heart is processing, the answer lies within His Voice.

Listen to His Voice. How?

Know it.

Know it in its written presence. Read His Voice in the book of Matthew. Then read His Voice in Mark. Continue your pursuit throughout the pages of Luke. How grand His words are in Luke! Then conclude your journey in the book of John. Become familiar with his speech, his heart, his desire, his passion, and his love for his followers.

Know it. Recognize it. Feel it. Claim it.

♥️ Notice how personal he is per conversation, per heart:

  • To one he says, Go; to another he says, To sit is the greater good.
  • One he tells to proclaim; another he requests silence.

♥️ See the specific words given to specific hearts:

  • Take up your bed and walk,
  • Cast your nets once again despite your exhaustion and defeat,
  • Fetch a coin out of the mouth of a fish,
  • Follow that man with a pitcher on his head,
  • Get out and overtake the herd of swine.

Specific instructions spoken to specific hearers with full expectations of full obedience. From a born paralytic to various disciples to hell-bound demons, his voice is known and obeyed.

Friend, the answer is found in His Voice. Ask the Lord, seek his answer and obey his command. His desired outcome for each of us is our intimate decision to Follow His specific words.

Seek to know His Voice today. 

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. -John 10:27-28