A Letter to The Creator of You and Me

Dear Creator,

You woke me this morning flooding my soul with thoughts of the intricacies of the human body. How collectively the body functions with no help from us! The heart that beats, that pumps our blood, that sustains our very ability to stay alive.

And all we have to do … is breathe.

~ Selah – Psalm 139 ~

May I ask for you to speak truth within our individual souls today.

As our Creator and as your created, will you guide us in what we need to do, so our individual bodies will function as perfectly as you designed each of them to function.

Will you even give us a glimpse of the power that is called The Human Body.

From our mind to our lungs, our hands to our feet, our sight to our lips, You are worthy of irrevocable praise!

Thank You, Father God, for being the Creator of the human body. Thank you for gifting us with a natural ability to live day by day. Thank you for entrusting us with what we do for and with these bodies.

This day, I pray we will offer to You these bodies as living, breathing offerings of praise!

Forever and Always,

Your Creation.

It’s On Our Cue Card

Don’t you love singing classic “Lord, I need You” and new lyrics like “I hear your song of victory ring over me?”

Lord, sitting here with these two songs overwhelming my heart, I see it.

I see our cry of hourly need, and I hear your song of victory, and, in that, I see the meticulously stitched fabric of comfort and protection.

Oh, my God, how great thou art! That each hour we call, your presence is there! And, and the devil flees!

It’s one grand play in which the stage is set, the lines are rehearsed, the end is known. It’s at the ready; it’s always a standing ovation.

If (Lord, if) the cue is heard.

The cry that starts the scene.

The plea that notifies the cast that “It’s Time.”

The cue. Lord, that’s our cue.

Father, why do we, your children, forget our lines? Why do we forget our voice? Oh, Father, why do we forget your presence?

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that we will speak our need boldly before the throne of Grace this moment. I pray that your song of victory will ring over the heart in prayer. I pray, Lord Jesus, that in your Name satan will flee from the presence of your child this very minute. I pray victory, Lord, your standing, ever-present victory will reign!

Designed Identity

We live in a day of self identity, do we not? Self identity in the broadest sense and in regards to what our roles are supposed to be in today’s society. We are trained that there are no rules or expectations in who we are. In this training, we forget that there is a clear difference between a woman and a man.

It is good. – God

Man and Woman are designed with natural limitations and natural abilities. It is up to us to know them and use them. Be the man you are designed to be. Be the woman you are designed to be. And, most beautifully, use your design to compliment one another as is designed to be.

Here it is: Work with your design; don’t fight around it. Woman, be woman. Man, be man. It is a beautiful piece of art when a woman shines in her image. It is equally breathtaking when a man stands in his.

Furthermore, our children need to hear our words of praise regarding their design. Boys need to hear how great it is to be a boy! Girls need to hear how wonderful it is to be a girl! I will tell you this, the more they are being programmed the more we need to offer our words of love and encouragement and truth teaching.