Prayer For Our Nation

Almighty Creator,

Do you hear my stomach as faithfully as you hear my words?! I wonder this as I fast alongside a nation of prayer warriors. I wonder if you smile at our sounds and at our random food thoughts. I wonder if you sit in contemplation over the thoughts and battles and determination that resides within us during our times of prayer and of fasting. I wonder, God, how precious we are in your sight as we fight on our knees.

Lord, how I love to use my words to magnify Your Name! What a cherished gift You have given to us. The gift of words. The sound of our voice. The proclamation of praise. Yes, such sweet gifts!

Dear Lord, I pray for hope to set ablaze in each of our hearts.

Father God, I have a request to lay at your feet.

Will you revive our American soil? Lord, as I say that, my heart smiles knowing that You already are. Revival is spreading across our nation! We hear the song, we see the baptism, we testify of Salvation! Coast to coast, you are setting a revival in our land.

So, Lord, my question is deeper still.

Will you Drain the Swamp that has rooted itself so deeply in our soil? Yes, I think that is the pinpoint of my prayer. Yet, even as I cast this request at your feet, I see the fruit of your handiwork in this too. Lord, as dark as the infestation is, Your light is shining powerfully upon the darkness! I feel like “it” got too big for their own good. As if they think they are unstoppable. As if they are in full control. As if they won.

Lord, my heart almost giggled at those last sentences. As if I know the full story. As if I know the Truth. For I do, I know You, the infinite Way, the Almighty Truth, the everlasting Life.

Father, I pray in all my boldness before Your Throne, please stop the ones who think they are unstoppable. Right now, lay your right hand upon their heads. Speak Your decree upon them today. That each and every one of them will have no choice but to declare You as the Victor! That they may taste and see Your goodness! That they may know that You alone are God! {Psalm 85}

Jesus, may I pray so boldly and specifically, perhaps selfishly? Lord God, will you lead the path for President Trump’s return as President of our United States of America?! Will You keep him in the White House without him having to miss a beat? Lord, our nation has witnessed You doing SO much for the integrity and character of our foundation through Trump’s leadership.

You have built a wall of defense around this man as he daily stood for our nation’s protection, both within and without our border. The world is remembering who we are. We were remembering who we are. We are the land of the free. We are the home of the brave. We are Americans. And we are proud to be! For in our American pride, we kneel humbly in Your Sovereignty.

God, this is my pointed prayer. Pave our path quickly and powerfully back under the leadership of President Trump, of Vice President Pence, of the people, and of Your Mighty Name!

Before Your Throne and at Your feet,



Prayer for 2020

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Pastors

Prayer for Covid

Heavenly Father, I pray for Covid. Selah. Lord, the simplicity of that statement seeps into deep roots of emotions. Lord, there are more levels to this virus than ever before. Even now as I sit with you in prayer, I do not know where to start.

Lord, may I begin by praying for those who are struggling with the physical pains of this virus. Lord, I pray for comfort from the struggle. I pray for full healing and recovery. I pray for those caring for family members who are sick with this virus. Protect them from it and strengthen them as they nurse their loved ones back to health.

Father God, I pray for those who are struggling with the emotional pains of this virus. Lord, truly, there are emotional roots of confusion, frustration, uncertainty, fear, anxiety, exhaustion, doubt, anger, irritation, loss, and on and on. Those emotional pains are binding at times. They come and go in waves. They affect our days, our nights, our relationships, our testimony, our kindness, our rational, our decisions, our finances, our reality… Father God, I pray for healing and recovery from these pains. Father, I pray the Sword of the Word will uproot these emotional woes, so we can stand and conquer the fight that is before us.

Lord God, I pray for the Spiritual warfare of this virus. Father, I pray with apprehension here… Lord, there are layers so deep behind the game of this disease. These layers are dark and disrespectful to those who are ill. There are those in position who are using the emotional pangs of Covid as a platform. Oh, Father God, I pray your light will shine on the indecency of this behavior! Remove these game players from their seat in office. Replace them with honesty and character. Rise up a generation that will take a stand for justice and truth.

Lord, I pray for the confrontations that are rising because of this virus. Sweet Father, please open our eyes to what is most important in this struggle of 2020. It is the same importance as any other year, Jesus. Lord, that Your Name will be on our hearts, in our minds, and in our speech. I pray we will remember whose side we are on regardless of our position with the struggle of Covid/2020. Remind us that we are children and siblings within the family of God. Remind us that our battle is not ours to fight. That it is not a fight among ourselves. That this is a battle fought in united prayer and fasting.

Oh, Lord Jesus, that we will stand side by side in declaring the name of Jesus! That we will see and hear and feel Your Victory over darkness, over sin, over the gross display that is dripping throughout our cities. Blind the army of darkness with Your Light! And, Lord, use us as a unified front! Hear our united prayers! Listen to our united worship!

May your name be magnified and lifted high!!

Together, Lord God, we pray for Covid.

Amen & Amen!


How to Fast

United We Pray

Prayer for America

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Jesus is coming again. Did you hear this? Jesus is coming again. I do not proclaim this as a prophet to the nations. I proclaim this as a sister in Christ to comfort and strengthen you in truth. (1 Thessalonians 4:18)

Divisions are pulling us apart just as they did in the first century. Corinth was entangled in divisions. Paul aptly pointed the eyes of Corinthian Christians upward. He informed them of the crowned jewel. He opened their eyes to the end reward. He set their gaze on the One that always remains, Jesus.

Friend, Jesus is coming again.

John penned the conclusion to The Book with this same reminder. He testified of the Lord’s promise then prayerfully concluded, “Come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20)

We are not the first society, the first generation, or the first people to wonder when and if. Rather, we are standing in a generational line wondering and declaring the prayer of His promise.

So, what if He does?

What if the Lord does come soon? Tonight? Tomorrow? As a thief in the night? In the appearance of the bright and shining star?

If He does come, are you ready for His promised return?

  • If yes, testify of His love! Proclaim His resurrection! And remember, Jesus is coming again!
  • If no, may I introduce you to Jesus? Will you take a minute to open a Bible and compare the verses written HERE with what you see on those pages or on that YouVersion app held in your hands?

Jesus knows you and He loves you. Are you ready to know Him and love Him too?

Sweet friend, we are living in a day of extreme division. The idea of truth has been reworked and refined time and again. What is truth to me in some areas is extremely wrong to you and vice-versa.

This is happening because we firmly believe that our solid opinion on a matter is therefore truth. May we stop in the Light of the Author of defined truth and declare in unison that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. May we unite our voices over the One who was and is and is to come. And may we stand together with eyes lifted high awaiting the promise that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming again?!

Jesus. He is coming.

1 Corinthians 1,

Jaclyn 😘


Always and Never

Speak Truth

Jesus. There is no other name.