April 15, 2019

Accept it. Lord, these words sit steadily on my heart. After a week of pondering ‘Wait vs wait,’ I sit before you under a verbal blanket of Acceptance. God, I’m not certain how easy it is to accept “It.”

I pray for the heart that is under this blanket of acceptance. Questions of the unknown still stifling her air, thoughts still jumping from her dream to reality. I pray you will give your desire to her heart. I pray she will see the reality before her as a Dream, a dream in which she can Shine your Love to the world around her!

Lord, I don’t need to ask if you are with us, for you are ever faithful, ever present, ever YOU!

Smile. There is power in such an easy thing

It’s amazing what happens when a person shares a smile. Who would have guessed the power behind such an easy thing to offer? It’s not always easy. Yesterday, at Albertsons, I couldn’t get one person to return a smile. It was so strange. Even my produce guy was deep in concentration over stacking those onions just so.

I hate when a place has an “unsmiley” vibe. It shouldn’t be this way. It’s unsettling when a mundane task, a fun adventure, or even a church visit is accompanied by an unfriendly vibe. We are mankind. We are Alive. We can Smile. We can Shine – even when we shop! I love shopping! Obviously. But more than my “Just Buy It!” mantra, I love chatting with employees. I love complimenting a woman on her hair, shoes, bag, smile. I love winking at “Littles” sitting in their carts staring at me from behind their moms. I love making small talk with women who (actually) know what to do with something called a Leek.

You know what I love most? I love watching a woman walk away with a smile, a head held high, and a sweet skip to her step. There is power in a shared smile, in a simple statement of praise, and in an unexpected, little one-liner.

In the end, it’s not always hard.

  • God created us with the ability to smile. To share one is free and physically easy.
  • Simple compliments make us float in the midst of a trying day, to pass on that balloon ride simply requires us to look past ourselves.
  • As for the little quips, well, not all of us can be funny on a dime. But I’m sure we could figure out something to say, like, “Hey, it’s not snowing. That’s a good thing!” Or something else that all humans like to talk about like politics or religion… I joke. See? That was my quip.  

Here’s what I’m thinking. If a smile creates a friendship and a simple word uplifts a soul, then what would happen if we practiced sharing these two gifts wherever we go? I’m thinking masks would slip. Perfection may dive off a cliff. Tears might shed. Laughter could most certainly ensue. Deep, sincere, #IcantbelieveIjustadmittedthatoutloud laughter might just about explode. And friendships, ah, friendships are bound to deepen to a most treasured level of love.

I love that we can Smile. I love that we can Shine. Don’t pass another human without acknowledging their existence, whether you know that person or not. What an empty, “Unsmiley” world that would be. Let’s share our God-created ability with someone today. 

Thank you for sharing your smile with me. Deeper still, your simple words gave me access into your heart. I value your smile, and I treasure your heart!

~ Psalm 96

~ Scripture verses regarding your smile


Father, I lay this place at your feet

Our United Voice of Prayer

One Time I Judged Another Woman

My Personal Writing Journey

If Great Writers are Great Readers then I must be phenomenal, but I’m not. I am simply a great reader.

I have a 3rd grade education, yet I am a Bible college graduate. Connect those dots. Being pulled out of public school at the age of 8, I was fully unaware of the death of my furthering education. But I had books. So, I read. I read everything from the King James Bible to Roots with Kunta Kinte. I claimed to be smart. I claimed to have read Shakespeare and Dickens until I got convicted of lying. My options from there were to step up and claim my true, uneducated ignorance or read what I was claiming. So, I read. The humor and intelligence found within the pages of Much Ado About Nothing lured me into my claim in such a way that I simply could not escape. Shakespeare and Dickens became my educators alongside Alcott, Austen, and the very depth of all things Books.

If Great Writers are Great Observers of Life then I must be brilliant, but not quite. I am merely overly observant.

I am a statistic, yet I grew up in a Christian home. Connect those dots. Being lost in the pages of someone else’s words, I was able to disengage from the reality that entrapped me. As much as I dreamed a dream more than once in hopes that it would come true, my mother’s husband never left, died, or got flushed down a toilet. Hey, a child’s dream goes without explanation or rationalization at times. So, I observed my life within my glass box of “Christian home” without ever saying a word of truth to anyone. It is said that, “If you want to say a lot you have to have a lot to say.” For me, I had a lot to say, but I trusted no one with the words I was forbade to say. My newlywed husband listened to me before I even uttered a word. He stood beside me and fought for my verbal freedom in order to heal. Girlfriends unlocked little by little throughout the years. One friend knows one bit, and another knows another and all in all my girlfriends hold the dots that connect.

If Great Writers are Wrestlers with their own Struggles then it must be time to call the fight, but not yet. I am only just beginning.

Uneducated and unhealed, yet I published a Bible study on the book of Matthew. Dots that beautifully connected; my grammar was grade level, my sentence structure painful, but in the end, I found myself perfectly free. Where I was saved by His Grace at a young age, I was now healed by the Words of His human existence. I was the target reader of my own written observation. For me, my book was great, and I will forever be humbled and amazed at the journey that grew me to be the healed and set free woman I am today. I may have fought victoriously within my heart and mind, but I have abundant battles before me; grammar, structure, commas, clauses, etc… Even as I write this I giggle, cringe, and shrug, for all I can do is write according to what I know. Oh, how I desire to grow!