My Personal Writing Journey

If Great Writers are Great Readers then I must be phenomenal, but I’m not. I am simply a great reader.

I have a 3rd grade education, yet I am a Bible college graduate. Connect those dots. Being pulled out of public school at the age of 8, I was fully unaware of the death of my furthering education. But I had books. So, I read. I read everything from the King James Bible to Roots with Kunta Kinte. I claimed to be smart. I claimed to have read Shakespeare and Dickens until I got convicted of lying. My options from there were to step up and claim my true, uneducated ignorance or read what I was claiming. So, I read. The humor and intelligence found within the pages of Much Ado About Nothing lured me into my claim in such a way that I simply could not escape. Shakespeare and Dickens became my educators alongside Alcott, Austen, and the very depth of all things Books.

If Great Writers are Great Observers of Life then I must be brilliant, but not quite. I am merely overly observant.

I am a statistic, yet I grew up in a Christian home. Connect those dots. Being lost in the pages of someone else’s words, I was able to disengage from the reality that entrapped me. As much as I dreamed a dream more than once in hopes that it would come true, my mother’s husband never left, died, or got flushed down a toilet. Hey, a child’s dream goes without explanation or rationalization at times. So, I observed my life within my glass box of “Christian home” without ever saying a word of truth to anyone. It is said that, “If you want to say a lot you have to have a lot to say.” For me, I had a lot to say, but I trusted no one with the words I was forbade to say. My newlywed husband listened to me before I even uttered a word. He stood beside me and fought for my verbal freedom in order to heal. Girlfriends unlocked little by little throughout the years. One friend knows one bit, and another knows another and all in all my girlfriends hold the dots that connect.

If Great Writers are Wrestlers with their own Struggles then it must be time to call the fight, but not yet. I am only just beginning.

Uneducated and unhealed, yet I published a Bible study on the book of Matthew. Dots that beautifully connected; my grammar was grade level, my sentence structure painful, but in the end, I found myself perfectly free. Where I was saved by His Grace at a young age, I was now healed by the Words of His human existence. I was the target reader of my own written observation. For me, my book was great, and I will forever be humbled and amazed at the journey that grew me to be the healed and set free woman I am today. I may have fought victoriously within my heart and mind, but I have abundant battles before me; grammar, structure, commas, clauses, etc… Even as I write this I giggle, cringe, and shrug, for all I can do is write according to what I know. Oh, how I desire to grow!


13 thoughts on “My Personal Writing Journey

  1. What a remarkable story you have to tell, Jaclyn. This was so real and reflects your heart so beautifully. Thank you for sharing with us–and giving us a chance to rejoice in the amazing ways God is using you and reminding us He can use any of us for His glory, no matter our circumstances. He’s sure using you, my friend.

    1. How I have valued knowing you as an author, friend, mentor, and sister in Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness to our Father and to our Continuous text thread of prayer, praises, Bible study and encouragements! I love walking this Journey of Words with you! Xoxo

  2. WOW Jaclyn!!! You really are an author to me. This writing could be found in textbooks on writing— thats if people still used books. You poured out your heart and I could feel your pain as I read what wasn’t said since I know almost all your story. Ireally did gain a daughter when my son married you. Satan tested you many times and you never wavered from God. You have grown from an insecure young woman to a strong wife and mother, You are not making your parents mistakes. I love spending time with you and love the way you treat me like a queen when I visit, Keep up the great writing. I will be waiting for your next masterpiece!!

    1. Ohmygosh, Mom. You have silenced my words and poured life into my heart. Thank you for your acceptance and patience and love.

  3. How I {{LOVE}} to read the words you pen…type….whatever!! It SOUNDS like you (I can hear it in my pea brain), doing what you do best, pouring the balm of your own healing into the lives of others and ministering in a way that only you can! Thanks for grammatically incorrect sentences (just like mine), it’s the only way I would understand that it’s really YOU talking!

    1. Dawn, I love your beautifully stated comment. Thank you for reading my words, sharing your words, and encouraging my little heart! XO

  4. You are such an inspiration to me! And I am so blessed to know your seeet spirit. Thank you for all of your brave sharing! Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Marianna! How spoiled I am to have studied and grown with you these last few years. I love you!

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