Hello 😘 I am praying for you.

Hello, It’s been five months since I sat and penned a prayer. Five beautiful months of study and summertime. I’ll tell you a bit about that study soon enough. First let me simply say, I prayed for you today.

This morning, before engaging in a fresh fall that sits before us, I prayed over my email subscriber list. How precious that was! To see names of familiar faces and unknown sisters, childhood friends and next door neighbors, girls I haven’t seen in years and girls I saw yesterday, known and unknown prayer requests – How full is my heart!

I pray God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will bless you with all spiritual blessings this day. That He will fill you with the fullness of His wisdom and knowledge. That He will walk with you throughout your day in both grace and peace. I pray you will feel the presence of His Holy Spirit in you today. I pray His strength -to overcome whatever you are facing right now- will be the joy on your heart today.

Sweet friend, I pray you will boldly share that prayer on your heart with a friend today. Don’t walk alone in the weight that presses within your soul. There is a promised rest when we allow another person to carry our prayer to God in the name of Jesus Christ.

And that praise that causes your whole face to light up, share that with another today! May the joy upon your heart uplift and strengthen your friend today.

Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him (Peter), saying to him, “O you of little faith, why do you doubt?” And when they (Jesus & Peter) got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshipped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” –Matthew 14:31-33

Prayers and Praises happen in the midst! Be present. Pray. Praise!

Covering you in prayer,


A Morning Praise for the Love of Jesus


You are good. All morning I have been anxious to come to your feet to simply tell you exactly that. It’s funny because my heart has been expressing this truth to you throughout my morning, but there’s something grand about sitting at your feet telling you {in word} how good you are.

You are so faithful. You are mine. You wake me in the morning and whisper truth upon my heart. Lord, what a precious way to wake up. You sing over me as I kickstart my day with my little routine. All the while I hear your worship flood my soul. I postpone my time with you due to “this or that” and you join me in the This and in the That. Reminding me always that you are with me. You are here. You are in the mundane and in the schedule and in the busy and in the calm. Oh, how ever faithful you are! Oh, that you are mine!

You are my Father and I love your faithful love, your strong arms.

You are my God and I love your voice, your words, your truth.

You are my Lord and I cling to your law; I desire to behold your beauty and to obey your commandments of love.

Jesus, that Your love over me will pour out of me. I pray I will not be selfish with your love. I pray I will not be “choosy” with your love. Jesus, I pray your love will fall back at your feet – with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind.

Father, what a big command given to us by our Savior! Oh, that my heart, my soul, and my mind will comprehend the beauty of this command!

And, Jesus, I pray your love will lift up the brother and the sister I get to do life with today. Go before my day. Set my heart to speak your words upon them. And open my ears to receive your love from them.

You have given us a family in God. Thank you for this sweet gift of opportune love!


You, my precious Lord, are good.


*Matthew 22:36-40 💞


Lord, I Come to You for Love

Because Jesus

Say It Again, Jesus is Coming Again!

Lord, I Come to You for Love

(This prayer was originally posted on Set In Silver)

Lord, I come to you for Love.

What more is there to say?

What more is there to express?

For you and you alone are Love.


I long for my marriage to thrive.

I seek after the joys and the happiness.

I grasp for the smiles and the victories.

I lose my sight and then return.

Lord, I come to you for Love.


My child is in your hands.

In Your arms you embrace both my child and me

In Your heart you hold our dreams, different as they may be

In Your will and for your purpose

In Your timing and for your glory

Lord, I come to you for Love



I come to you for Love

At the times of hurt, I come

On the days of sorrow, I come

In the midst of the water, I come

Filled with joy and happiness, I come


You are always there, for your word declares

You are forever here, for your voice whispers

At your feet

Before your throne

Lord, I hear your call and I come.

Thank you for Your love.


There is always more to say!

There is always more to proclaim!

For you, Dear Lord, are Love, true and faithful.

Lord, Thank you for calling me to Your Love.


God Answers Prayers

Rise Above the Fog

Always and Never