To Separate Light

Good morning, Father 🙂

It is amazing the smile that seeps from my heart to my lips each time I pen those three little words, “Good morning, Father”.

It’s as if the realization of your presence trumps any emotion or thought or worry or To Do list. It’s a new day -and in it- I get to talk to you, easily and sweetly. A settling clears my head, resets my mind, makes my heart skip a beat, and my lips form a smile. Ultimately, I melt into your arms simply by sitting with you proclaiming your promise to love me always and forever.

Yes. Good morning, Father.

Lord, I heard the other day that each new day is now titled “Satherblurbsday”. Mygosh, that cracks me up! But, God, the truth is it is Monday. It is the first day of the week. It is the day to celebrate your separating the light from the darkness. (Exit dispute of ancient calendar here😉)

It is this mentality (right or wrong) that stirs a love within me to love Mondays. I love the idea of starting something new. A blank canvas hungry for beauty and truth to be displayed on it. Desperately wanting to show off the artist’s personal touch.

Lord, you started a new work by separating light from darkness. Lord, in my life you did the same. I see the works of your hand. I see how you separated the presence of darkness and overshadowed it with the brightness of your light.

And here I get to sit with you and call you Father. The connection between Creator God and Father God seems too easy to be true. But you, Heavenly Father, sent your Son to be the Savior of the world. Allowing your creation the opportunity to be called your children.

Oh, how I sit on this beautiful Monday in awe of your creative work.

God, on a personal goal side note… Will you help me separate light from darkness today? When I think things, help me see the truth of what is Light and what is darkness. In what I see, will you open my eyes to what’s true and what is a lie. In what I hear and in what I feel, Lord, help me separate light from darkness. May this day be a celebration and a victory over your example of separating light from darkness.

I love you, Father.



Father God, our days are so new and unknown

Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

What Are You Waiting For?


Lord, I’m so pressed for this prayer. Process my thoughts for your direction…

I’m sitting here looking at my back fence. A couple hundred fence boards. Most are old and overcome with holes. Like, overcome with holes. Like, during little league games held on the other side of my fence, small children “fill the holes” with rocks. Lol. They have no idea they are adding to my landscape with free product from the park. Ha!

Thirty-two of these fence boards are brand new. They look beautiful, and the sweet smell of cedar is intoxicating. I love the start of my new fence. It stands so tall and brilliant and hole free.

But as I sit here, I realize the new fence (once complete) is going to prohibit me from knowing who is passing by.

It’s a silly thought, I know. But my neighborhood park is on the other side. My neighborhood “family” strolls passed me on the other side. I smile when I see my girlfriend and her son pass by on her way to pick up her daughter from school. I pray for the eighty year old war hero as he walks his Boston terrier each morning. My dog is thrilled each time one of his friends pause by our fence in hopes Tuck can come out to play.

I see my community through my holes. Im laughing at myself as I express this mixed, unsettled realization. A fifth of my fence blocks my accustomed view. Eventually those stupid holes (that I’ve dutifully complained of for five years) are going to be overtaken by fresh, beautiful … community blockers.

Lord, this is where I need you to lead the direction of my prayer… Those holes formed a strong place in my little world. They became a constant of complaint and curiosity. They gave me a connection to the community without having to fully participate. And now I am seeing your direction…


The holes that remain alter our full view of the present.

***not necessarily a bad thing. Consider Joseph’s perception recorded in the conclusion of Genesis.

Green Pen and a Credit Card

My grandma read her Bible. She Read her Bible. Cover to cover every year of my life. It lay open on her glass coffee table. A green pen and a credit card lay beside it. Yes, a credit card. Every morning she brewed her pot of deep, black coffee and sat on her floral couch in a beautiful polyester summer dress that tied perfectly below her bosom. White, one-inch summer sandal buckled around the ankles of her tanned legs found their place on the floor between the couch skirt and the metal base of the afore mentioned glass top coffee table.

Picking up her Bible and laying it on her lap, she would sit back and begin her days journey. Green pen and credit card waiting eagerly to be used. And used they would be, for despite the familiar journey through the chapters recorded in the books of the Bible, my sweet grandma would inevitably find a word that brought tears to her eyes, a side smile to her beautifully accomplished face, and cause her softened hand to reach for her pen and her credit card. Careful to underline God’s written word with precision, she would steady that card below the verse that touched her heart and she would underline it with that green pen.

One particular Wednesday as I sat for our weekly dinner, her face sparkled as she said, “You are not going to believe what I found today! Look at this…” Setting our homemade microwaved dinner aside, she retrieved her Bible and read these words, “and the evening and the morning were the first day.” Then she laughed.

Amazed how she never noticed God’s design for what a day was supposed to look like, “Evening and morning equaled the first day and the second and the third…We’ve got it all wrong!” she concluded with a laugh as she shook her head with a sigh of awe at the Living Scripture that was food enough for her soul.

I miss my grandmother every day.  I miss the truths she poured into me throughout the 27 years I had with her. She was my rock, my jewel. Today, as I sit with my Bible, my black pen and not my credit card, I feel her love within me and hear her awed giggle as I read and reread these precious Living Words of Scripture. 

What was the last verse you underlined? What color pen did you utilize? Credit card or no credit card?    



My Sister

A Prayer for Friends