Simply This

I sat to write my Friday blog, and my son’s plans changed. My options from here are these:

1. Write.

2. Watch God move the Mountain of mundane that I have been praying over throughout this week. Join that prayer HERE.

I choose option 2. For I have seen him move mountains and I do believe, :)!, I will see Him do it again!!

Place your face over mine 😉 and claim this Simple prayer for today!

Lord, use me.

Happy Friday, my Friends!

A Jewel of a Friend

Friends come and go.

This statement makes me smile, then turns around and makes me ponder. Such light and love and laughter enter into our lives. Sometimes for years. Sometimes for a season. Rather than walking the path of ponder, I pray we will see each friend as a Jewel that graciously shone her radiance in our lives.

How beautiful to wear a crown lit up by the hearts of friends!

A friend came.

There. 🙂 That’s better. 😉

Beauty and Strength


I usually wake up on Fridays with a Simple Truth that I am pressed to blog about. Today, nothing. Today, I am greeted with a husband who stayed home from work, which means my brain turns tail from function and enters dream life in a split second.

When this man is home, all I want to do is doll up and twirl. You would think after all these years I would get over the “heart skipping a beat” phase, but nope.

Cloud nine. It calls my name and I go running right into its strong embrace.

I’m pretty for sure there is no greater Smile in all the world then that of a wife treasured by her husband.

You did a great work when you designed marriage, breathed life into the strength of a husband, and brought life through the beauty of a wife.

Thank you, beyond measure, for marriage.

I pray for the marriage that impacted each of us to press on, to enjoy, to fight for, and to live out the blessings you give through the unity of true love.

I think of the advice given to me before I walked down the aisle. I think of the marriages I watched and learned from. I pray you will pour your abundant hand of blessing upon the wives and husbands that spoke truth into us.

Such a journey marriage turns out to be. Such a beautiful, beautiful journey.

Oh, dear Father, I pray we will determine to see our marriages (and dreams thereof) as a journey where beauty and strength Shine.

Roses by @groverst