A Jewel of a Friend

Friends come and go.

This statement makes me smile, then turns around and makes me ponder. Such light and love and laughter enter into our lives. Sometimes for years. Sometimes for a season. Rather than walking the path of ponder, I pray we will see each friend as a Jewel that graciously shone her radiance in our lives.

How beautiful to wear a crown lit up by the hearts of friends!

A friend came.

There. 🙂 That’s better. 😉

7 thoughts on “A Jewel of a Friend

  1. A real friend is someone you can count on for anything. You may not see each other for months and then a geeeting and its like where you left off. I am Blessed to have several of those friends.However with a heavy heart I decided it was too hard to be with a ‘friend’ who was always so negative about everything and thought if you went to church every Sunday —- can’t miss it—- and be kind to everyone that is all God wants from us. Unfortunately she picked and choose who she was nice too. She had to controll every situation and I had to be very careful how I chose my words so I wouldn’t offend her. She told me my church was using me— I sing in the choir, teach Sunday School and bake for anything they neede. Bible study is my biggest joy . Helping my sister-in-law dealing with mental illness was a waste of time and her remarks when seeing me there were really mean. Sorry but this is not a friend. Negative people are not happy but always felt sorry for her but I had to end it. Now I have peace. She never was my friend but I pray for her each day

  2. Ahhh I thank God for friends that still allow pop-ins, feeds me a delicious glycemic balanced snack and listens and loves when God so knew I needed it! You are a precious jewel that RADIATES like a spotlight! Thank you for being such a dear friend!

    1. Lol! I love you “Someone”! You can pop in ANY time! I love radiating God’s love together💫💃🏼

    1. I love you, Marianna😘 thank you for your sweet words and for being such a Beautiful piece of my crown!

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