Just in Case You Forgot

I think human love taints our perception of what true, faithful love really is. Do you agree? We know love to fade, to irritate, or even to leave. Then we hear “God loves Me,” and we smile and nod and appreciate those three little words without fully grasping the entirety of his love.

Newlyweds sparkle in the light of their new diamond shaped love. New mom’s glow in the radiant warmth of her heart snuggled safely in her embrace.

Love radiates a light within us. That’s the power of love. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ€πŸŽΆπŸ˜‚

In some cases, the sparkle of a diamond fades. Newborn bundles become toddlers. Deep love transforms into … work.

And then, again, we hear that “God loves me,” and we tally that love with the same love that is wringing our hearts and/or our nerves.

Heavenly Father, if there is one thing we can understand today, I pray, that one thing is the brightness of your love. Lord, you see it on us. You see it. Oh, Lord, open our eyes to see your light upon us! How brightly your love radiates within us! Down to the tips of our toes. Permeating a glow that cannot hide from your sight. God, you love us. You fill us with your love. And you shine the light of your love upon us. Inside and out, we are covered in the light of your love.

Oh, Heavenly Father, cause us to understand.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. – James 1:17 (CSB)

Understanding your word brings light to the minds of ordinary people. -Psalm 119:130 (CEV)

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD shines over you. -Isaiah 60:1 (CSB)

Designed Identity

We live in a day of self identity, do we not? Self identity in the broadest sense and in regards to what our roles are supposed to be in today’s society. We are trained that there are no rules or expectations in who we are. In this training, we forget that there is a clear difference between a woman and a man.

It is good. – God

Man and Woman are designed with natural limitations and natural abilities. It is up to us to know them and use them. Be the man you are designed to be. Be the woman you are designed to be. And, most beautifully, use your design to compliment one another as is designed to be.

Here it is: Work with your design; don’t fight around it. Woman, be woman. Man, be man. It is a beautiful piece of art when a woman shines in her image. It is equally breathtaking when a man stands in his.

Furthermore, our children need to hear our words of praise regarding their design. Boys need to hear how great it is to be a boy! Girls need to hear how wonderful it is to be a girl! I will tell you this, the more they are being programmed the more we need to offer our words of love and encouragement and truth teaching.

Crazy how it’s been five days

Lord, not five days since I prayed, but five days since I have written my prayers. These last five days have been amazing. Much celebration of the life you have given me to raise and instruct and grow and nurture.

Thank you for giving me a greater ability to do that than I have in nurturing a house plant. Those poor things die. Fast. But my son is still rooting and blooming.

Now, Lord, I sit here dressed in pink, with my pink purse next to me, sitting on a pink towel, seeing the reflection of my pink lipstick on my iPad – clearly needing a minute of girl time after all that boy stuff.

Lol. Will I always be the girly girl? My thought is, yes. Yes, I will. It’s who I am. My question for you is this, Can you use my authentic girliness, mix it all up with your will, and pour our combination (you and me) out all over the desires and plans of my heart?

In five days, our schedule switches from these lazy, sunny days to school routine. With that switch comes hours a day for me to write, to work, to turn the swirls within my heart into a reality.

God, reading through Nehemiah this week I see his devotion to you. So sincerely devoted that when taunts and doubts arose around him he saw them as what they were, taunts and doubts.

  • He remained in communion with you.
  • He remained in your hand.
  • He remained kick-buttedly focused on the hard work set before him.
  • He remained steadfast on the desire you placed on his heart.

Oh, Lord, that We may be Nehem-ettes. Authentic and ready! May we enjoy these last few days. May be begin internally preparing our hearts for the work set before us.

Thank you that we do not have to build a wall with a sword in one hand, but, Lord, I pray that we will ___________________________ with Your Sword in our hand.

All that we do, Sweet Father, we do for You.