
This is why raising kids is so hard. Not only are we meeting them where they are in the season of life they are in and being constantly aware of the daily growing, changing, and becoming they are going through.

Pause and breathe…

But we are battling generational DNA. Emotional behaviors, mental processes, physical realities, and personal sin are all strung in their DNA.

Biblically, God directs attention to this throughout the Old Testament. Thankfully, God gave us the answer in the New Testament by way of Jesus Christ.

The reality: We are related. That parent, grandparent, relative of some kind is blood. Nothing we can do can change that. And when we grow a baby that blood line is inherently passed down.

The Good News: We are individuals. We, as adults, may see the similarities that can lead us down the wrong path, but we have learned to make a change. To use the hereditary nuisance as a standing foundation to all things new. We, as parents, get to train our kid(s) to do the same. Even if that means seeing something in their parents that could lead them down a wrong path.

Pause and breathe…

Our children are individually unique although they are born into our family. Through the personal gift of salvation they are/can be individually saved and, therefore, reborn into a new family.

The Simple Truth: Our child has DNA passed to them, AND they are washed in the DNA of God Almighty through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. They are us, they are their grandparents, they are generational, AND they are individually loved, uniquely created, and personally washed anew.

It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. And God chose you and I to be the mother’s of our children. That’s cool.

Photo by @groverst

Nine Years Later


Dear Heavenly Father,

I just want to take a moment to thank you for who you are. You are faithful, true, and real to me, and I thank you for being so caring to me. Thoughts were pondered yesterday:

  • What are my weights?
  • What is my sin?
  • What am I living for?

I liked these evaluation questions. Father, I want to give them to you.



I sit here thinking about about my past answers and thinking about your faithfulness in my life. My weights that were so heavy then, Lord, have become a fragrant offering of pure awe at their absence. The sin I battled with such secrecy has been shared and Lightened by dear friends framing it with Scripture, understanding, normalcy, and freedom from its chain.

Lastly, I think of what I lived for then and I smile. Oh, God, my heart bursts at the thought that what I lived for Nine years ago has not changed to what I live for today. Oh, sweet Lord, how I thank you for your faithful love for me that draws me to love you today as I did then as I have since I was three years old. You are my Father, my Savior, my Comforter, my world.

Thoughts were pondered nine years ago…

Praises are proclaimed today!

David vs Me


God, I’ve been thinking a lot about David. He was so wrong. He was secretly destructive and detrimentally selfish. If I were a friend of Bathsheba, You know how badly I would condemned David. The sight of him would have sickened me.

Lord, you loved him so dearly. You treasured him as a friend. You stood by his side.

God, I sit here today in comparison to David looking quite like a Georgia Peach -but in Idaho- which I suppose would make me an Idaho Potato, but I’d rather not claim that mental reality, although there’s truth, I digress…

Lord Jesus, David’s strength as a friend of yours was found in his understanding. “I’ve sinned against the Lord,” was his declaration. Yes, he did cyclical evil, yet when that cloud of sin lifted he saw his behavior as ill against You.

Oh, Lord, as the Potato-Peach that I am, I ask your forgiveness for ill my mind contrived against You.

Father, I thank you for loving your children so dearly. I thank you for treasuring us as your friend. And I thank you for standing by our side both in ill and in good-will.

Ah! You are ever faithful. Father, to breathe in your grace is the longing of our hearts.