David vs Me


God, I’ve been thinking a lot about David. He was so wrong. He was secretly destructive and detrimentally selfish. If I were a friend of Bathsheba, You know how badly I would condemned David. The sight of him would have sickened me.

Lord, you loved him so dearly. You treasured him as a friend. You stood by his side.

God, I sit here today in comparison to David looking quite like a Georgia Peach -but in Idaho- which I suppose would make me an Idaho Potato, but I’d rather not claim that mental reality, although there’s truth, I digress…

Lord Jesus, David’s strength as a friend of yours was found in his understanding. “I’ve sinned against the Lord,” was his declaration. Yes, he did cyclical evil, yet when that cloud of sin lifted he saw his behavior as ill against You.

Oh, Lord, as the Potato-Peach that I am, I ask your forgiveness for ill my mind contrived against You.

Father, I thank you for loving your children so dearly. I thank you for treasuring us as your friend. And I thank you for standing by our side both in ill and in good-will.

Ah! You are ever faithful. Father, to breathe in your grace is the longing of our hearts.

2 thoughts on “David vs Me

  1. I just finished a study on David, girl, it was tough. And a few times I was tempted to question a God that would have such a deep love for a man that showed so little love to women. Can God love me, as a woman? Does God really have a love for women, if His chosen ones are so unloving to my gender, and still favorable in His eyes? But God is good, I, like David, am not, and He loves me anyway. He sees me as His child, not just a woman, as he saw David, not just a man that had too much of the wrong kind of love for women.

    1. Shalene, your dialogue always fills me. I love that we are together in our ever-growing journey.
      God did such a miraculous thing when he designed a woman. Who we are and what we do is incomparable. He abundantly reigned blessings and callings upon women throughout the Scripture (and throughout time). He LOVES us. You and I stand in that category.
      Men (as we are) are faulty. Sin creeps in. Harm is done. Hearts are broken. Homes are destroyed. But God. Period.
      I love the conclusion to your thought, He sees me…as He saw David, as His child.
      And suddenly condemnation is slowly replaced with understanding. Xo

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