Speak Truth

What do I say? How do I respond? Silence. Speak. Smile. Serious. Serve. Sit. Our head is spinning. Something big is going on. Something bigger than we can see. Bigger than our homes, our neighborhoods, and our individual states. This issue is bigger than one country.

This darkness of division is spreading worldwide.

Many of us are asking ourselves what we are supposed to do. Are you with me, looking for the answer to something that you can’t even wrap your head around? Although we understand that there is not one answer* to this world-spread heartache, we desire something to say or do to rectify the disputes that are dividing the closest of relationships.

Here’s a simple suggestion – Speak Truth. To speak truth you need to know truth. So, know truth. Research Historical truth and relish in HIS truth.

Research Historical Truth:

Remember the details of the Civil War. The fight that is raging today is based on pre-war. As if suddenly the death of 1 in 10 American men over the course of four years means nothing. The blood shed for the freedom of others has been disremembered and counted as nothing.

Relish HIS Truth:

Jesus. Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty conquered sin and the grave for you and for me. Once. That once in a lifetime resurrection from death and the grave freed each of us from the chains of our personal sin of unbelief in Him. It freed us from each sin that bound us within ourselves. And it set us free, completing our perfect design of body, soul and spirit, making us alive in Him. The price of our individual sin and shame has been paid for the blood of One.

When deciphering our words or actions, I pray that we will choose truth.

Regardless of the situation, I pray our direction will lead our audience closer to the truth of Jesus Christ. Whether your audience is your child or perhaps it is on a larger platform, let truth be the heart of love behind your proclamation.

May Colossians 4:6 shed light on our words of truth,


*Disclaimer: His name is Jesus! Jesus is the one answer to any question. With that said, there are times we need to build up to sharing that answer. Sometimes we need to begin with a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a simple dialogue. Be careful not to scream the name of Jesus so loudly that no one will listen.


God knows the heart of our work.

The Holy Spirit Comes With Fruit

Cast Your Words at the Foot of the Cross

Prayer for Syria

Prayer for Syria

Heavenly Father, I pray you will hear this prayer for Syria and will pour this prayer upon the hearts of your children throughout the region of Syria.

Lord Jesus, you walked in Syria. You performed miracles in Syria. You, in the flesh, healed the sick in Syria. You cast out demons and cured seizures and paralysis with just the touch of your hand.

Lord, your fame spread throughout All of Syria. Crowds followed you as you began your ministry here on earth near and in Syria.

You, Oh Jesus, sat down on a mountain top with your disciples and with those who believed and desired to follow you. It was there you proclaimed, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

Then, you declared these words, “You are the salt of the earth.” 

Oh, Lord, thank you for the first century Syrian’s who heard your voice, who spread your word, who told your story, who believed that You were and are Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 

Salt when it is applied adds a savor.

Therefore, he who is seasoned with Salt proceeds to season another. Person upon person. Soul upon soul. Generation upon generation. And when that salt ceases to season another person, soul or generation “It is from then on good for nothing.”

Lord, I pray your Salt will season each and every Syrian heart this very moment. Pour your strength upon your Children in Syria. Fill them with the Truth of Your Word. Strengthen their pastors, their churches, their families, their voices. Father, lead them to security, safety and to Your Sovereign Hands! 

Thank you, God, for this pondering of Salt, thank you for your gift of Salvation, and thank you for shining your Light upon your children in Syria.

God, build up this nation to what it once was as seen in Mt 4:24!! I pray all these things with permission of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus Christ!


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how shall it be made salty?” -Mt 5:13