Prayer for School

Lord, I’m just me. But I am just me with knees and a voice. And I come boldly before your throne seeking help in this national time of need. I pray that I will use my knees to do my part for this sweet, vulnerable, young generation! And, Lord, I pray if and when you can use my voice to speak up for them – I will be ready. Ready in heart, in mind, in your Power, and filled with your Word!

Be with schools this fall. Protect hearts, give attention to ears, guard minds, and fill our children with wisdom, your wisdom. That promised wisdom from above given to all who ask as stated in James. Lord, I pray not these words for my son alone, but for the children in his school, for the children of my friends, and for the children who desire to learn and attain true academic knowledge.

Father, thank you for giving us the sweet gift of children. Thank you for loving them more than we ever could, and thank you for equipping us with wisdom and with the sense to protect them and pray for them in order to train each of them for your glory and your honor.

I pray you will work in the hearts and minds of every principal, teacher and parent nation wide. I pray that you will open the door and pave the way for the out pouring of truth from their daily lessons to every child’s ear. Truth is what these children need. Truth is what you said will prevail and set free. Truth is what You are! You are truth, you are life, you are the way! Be Truth, I pray, to this generation! And I heartily pray that you will speak Truth to classrooms, schools, homes, Colleges and Universities today!

Ah, how Ever Faithful You are!

Thank you for hearing the prayers of this mom’s heart. Unite them with the prayers of parents and teachers world wide and pour them out upon the hearts of this precious generation!



Prayer for Children

Prayer for Covid

Prayer for Decisions

Prayer for Confidence

Prayer for Children


Allow me just a quick minute to thank you for these children you have given us. Father, these days (at times) feel long, but the years, Sweet Father, are too short. I pray we will pour into them the love You faithfully pour into us. Help us to model Your love and kindness freely.

Father, I pray for wisdom and direction over their next steps. Every age comes with a newness of uncertainty. I pray we will know (per child) how to point them, lead them, guide them, and walk with them. Help us to know with full certainty how to light their next step. For that to happen, we need such confident wisdom. Father, pour knowledge into us as we make these decisions.

Father, as I sit here with you this very moment, I think of girlfriends who are at Your feet on behalf of their adult children. Prayer requests that have been shared with me regarding diagnoses, divorce, deployment, direction and addiction. God, You know the names, the hearts, the stories and the path of each of these prayers. And many more. Father, we gather together now to ask that You make their paths straight! Be the light that guides their every step!

Father, there are those of us who are still in the process of raising these blessed gifts. My heart pauses before You. Selah. Lord God, to train up our child to become the man or woman You designed them to be without allowing them to be scarred by the chaos that is overtaking our world seems too big for me to process right now. Oh Lord, here is my prayer, Lord God, guide me in creating within my son a heart for You and Your Word. Amen!

Father, lastly, I think of my girlfriends whose bellies, hearts and arms are full of new life. Lord God, thank you for the beautiful and miraculous gift of new life! I pray an abundance of joy and laughter upon these new mommas. Hear their quiet pondering, settle their internal dialogue, rest their fears or anxieties, and set their eyes on the Little one who is setting their eyes on the one thing they know, their mom. Connect their two hearts toward one another. And again, explode such joy and laughter all around them!

Sweet Father, thank you for these children that You have trusted us to love and raise for Your glory, for Your honor, for Your purpose and for our enjoyment. What a sweet gift You have created.

And thank you for calling me Your child,



A Prayer for Friends

Prayer for America

Jesus. There is no other name.

Simple Prayer for Moms

Lord God, there is much to pray for. And as I sit before You so do the multitude of prayers. No need for words, for they are already held in your hands, heard by your heart, and prepared for your answers. Selah

This morning I woke in prayer for moms. Moms who are facing a new week of homeschooling and nursing and survival in an unexpected way. There are many moms who are ready for this and there are many who are not.

Together we are upside down needing to remain right side up on behalf of these children who are looking to us for strength and laughter, for direction and relief, for education and dinner.

Father God, may I simply pray for Your grace to be poured out abundantly upon your daughters and their children? Father, Your daughters are spread throughout this world. Each of us facing the same pandemic. Each of us shaking our heads, shrugging our shoulders, and gearing up for the next unknown.

Oh, that Your hand will lead us each step of each day. And that Your grace will be evidentially seen in our lives and felt in our hearts as we press on in this gift of life.

“”Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children—” -Deuteronomy‬ ‭4:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Moms, have a beautiful day today. Purpose to remember who you are as a Child of God and as the mom to your child(ren). Let’s take advantage of this day for His Truth. Mark it on your heart and pour it out over your people.




Six Ways to See Your Value

Wisdom is an Attainable Thing. Get Wisdom.

When you don’t know what to pray