Prayer for Virtual Academics

Father God,

School starts today for many kids in my valley. That sentence alone is filled with a bucket full of emotions and truths. Lord, you know them all. You are hearing and seeing the emotions and truths spilling forth from city to city as Virtual Academics start for kids day by day.

Lord Jesus, my words are falling short as I lift up these sweet kids. From Preschool to College, these kids are sitting alone in front of a screen, learning. Oh, Lord, you hear the unspoken words of our hearts, you hear the verbal cries from our lips, you see the posture of our children. Selah

In my perception, I fall on my knees asking that school can press forward with children engaged with one another, growing together in knowledge and life. Learning how to walk together through trials and smiles. Learning how to conquer the hardships of life united together, stronger. Father, this is my perception. You see a scene too grand for my eyes to behold. You know the intricate part of our society that we cannot attain. You have declared the end story, for Jesus will return.

~ May we set our eyes on this truth as we live today with our children.

~ May we keep before us the promises of Scripture as we purpose to raise our children today.

~ May we breathe in your presence and breathe out your love upon our sons and daughters.

Encourage our hearts, Father, so we can encourage our kids in sincerity and truth.

And Father may I pray for the sincere sound of laughter to ring from each of our kid’s hearts today. Laughter, I feel, is being set aside as we stress about our “Adulting”. We need laughter. Our kids need laughter. You designed this sweet sound of a joy filled heart and called it medicine. Remedy our sorrows and stress and weight of 2020 with your healing.

Father, we love you and we thank you for loving our children as you love us. Shine your love within our homes/their schools today!

In the power of the Name of Jesus we pray,


*** Psalm 126:2 “Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”

*** Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful (merry, cheerful) heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”


Prayer for School

Prayer for Children

Prayer for America

Prayer for School

Lord, I’m just me. But I am just me with knees and a voice. And I come boldly before your throne seeking help in this national time of need. I pray that I will use my knees to do my part for this sweet, vulnerable, young generation! And, Lord, I pray if and when you can use my voice to speak up for them – I will be ready. Ready in heart, in mind, in your Power, and filled with your Word!

Be with schools this fall. Protect hearts, give attention to ears, guard minds, and fill our children with wisdom, your wisdom. That promised wisdom from above given to all who ask as stated in James. Lord, I pray not these words for my son alone, but for the children in his school, for the children of my friends, and for the children who desire to learn and attain true academic knowledge.

Father, thank you for giving us the sweet gift of children. Thank you for loving them more than we ever could, and thank you for equipping us with wisdom and with the sense to protect them and pray for them in order to train each of them for your glory and your honor.

I pray you will work in the hearts and minds of every principal, teacher and parent nation wide. I pray that you will open the door and pave the way for the out pouring of truth from their daily lessons to every child’s ear. Truth is what these children need. Truth is what you said will prevail and set free. Truth is what You are! You are truth, you are life, you are the way! Be Truth, I pray, to this generation! And I heartily pray that you will speak Truth to classrooms, schools, homes, Colleges and Universities today!

Ah, how Ever Faithful You are!

Thank you for hearing the prayers of this mom’s heart. Unite them with the prayers of parents and teachers world wide and pour them out upon the hearts of this precious generation!



Prayer for Children

Prayer for Covid

Prayer for Decisions

Prayer for Confidence