Prayer for Persecution

Dear God Almighty,

I come before your Throne in humble adoration. My heart is yours. My words are Yours. Father God, this very time in prayer is yours. Lord, pour out the words You would have our hearts pray for today. Selah

God, persecution is real. This heartache is happening throughout your created world. Brothers and sisters being imprisoned and abused and murdered for believing in Jesus Christ. Just for believing on Jesus. This concept is heartbreaking. Yet, it is the purest display of the evidential proof that Jesus truly is the name above all names. For if it were not true then why is there such hated and fear when others demonstrate love and adoration to His Name?

Why is Your Name so despised?

Jesus, the same name that causes my heart to catch its breath each time I hear it is the same name that causes a human to cring and deflect pain upon another human. How is that possible? Why is the emotion of Your Name so great? What is it about your name?


Scripture is flooding my soul with the written answers of old. From Old Testament prophecies to written events throughout the New Testament to historical records that coincide with news headlines around the world.


The sweetest name I know.

A stumbling block to some. A cornerstone to others.

Resurrected Son of God. Threat to a broken society.

King of kings and Lord of lords. Compitition to religion.

A light in the darkness! A light to the dark.

A healer of wounds. A reveler of truth.

A comfort to sorrow. A promised vengence.

A narrow road.

A promised path.



Life worth living.

Life worth dying for.

Jesus, your name is powerfully intimidating to the soul who desires power and authority. Your name gets in their way. Your name alone causes their quieted heart to question themselves. Your name pricks their inner core. Your name offers something that they can not attain on their own. Therefore, your name causes them to feel weak and powerless.

But Your Name is mighty to save. Your Name lifts up and strengthens. Your Name allows your church to be a light on the hill. Your Name shines! It shines through the very creation that calls upon Your Name. That Shine cannot be hidden, it cannot be erased. It cannot be quenched or silenced or darkened or lost.

Jesus Christ, I am your follower. I stand on that cornerstone. And I walk with my brothers and sisters. And I pray, God Almighty, for protection upon those who are being persecuted for Your name this very minute. Stop, I pray, the hands that harm your children right now, I pray this in the power of Your Most Powerful Name, Jesus! Silence the words of hatred that are spilling out upon your followers this day!

And Father God save the soul of the one who hates your Son’s name.


Freedom From Slavery

Freedom From Slavery ~ Week Five

Simple Truth

Chains only have an effect on us when we give them permission to remain.

We think of those bound in slavery and our hearts break. We pray, we give, we stand, we walk, we subscribe, we fight for the freedom of children and men and women that are forced to succumb to the reality of living in the existence of chains and slavery.

We think of our loved ones who have chosen the chains of bondage. Their chain being the substance that confines them to their own demise. We see “how easy” it is to receive freedom, but all we can do is sit and watch and wait.

Then we sit in our own thoughts. We see our own chains. We acknowledge that we have allowed ourselves to become enslaved by our chain. And we sit. And we hide. And we hurt ourselves -physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. We pray without words and without depth and without faith and without hope. For we know that this chain is comfortable. This chain fits. There is security in this slavery.

Freedom from this slavery is out of your grasp; it is not out of His.

Consider: Chains of slavery are much like the weight discussed in Hebrews 12. These chains pull us down. They keep us from pressing forward to Life. They cause us to simply “remain” in our slavery. This week’s study ties these last four week’s together. How can you compare/contrast Psalm 139 (Free to be You study below) with your experience of slavery?

Challenge: Can you give your chain a name? Once you name it, will you share its name with one person? Often times, if we can name it and pronounce its name aloud, the bondage of that chain begins to set you free. Are you ready to receive this freedom?

Video Lesson

Watch Freedom From Slavery video lesson here:


~ Mark 5:1-20

He lived among the tombs. And no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain, for he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he wrenched the chains apart, and he broke the shackles in pieces. No one had the strength to subdue him. (V. 3-4)

Final Thought

Freedom from Slavery -from that sin that is craving your future- is an unwrapped present sitting on your lap. It is there. It is given freely to you. It is attainably yours. Will you receive it? Will you live in it? Will you give your sin permission to leave? 

We talked today about naming our sin.
We talked today about claiming the power of Jesus over your sin.
We talked about finding freedom from that sin.
We talked very openly about sin this week.

May we acknowledge our place in this personal battle with sin. May we see the effect it has on us within and without. Friend, you are not alone in this valley. It is brave to run and fall on your knees before Jesus (Mark 5:6). It is healing and freeing to give your sin a name. Verbally express the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust (Mark 5:9-10). I testify, there is healing and freedom in expressing the name of your sin in the presence of someone you trust.


Prayer For Our Nation

Almighty Creator,

Do you hear my stomach as faithfully as you hear my words?! I wonder this as I fast alongside a nation of prayer warriors. I wonder if you smile at our sounds and at our random food thoughts. I wonder if you sit in contemplation over the thoughts and battles and determination that resides within us during our times of prayer and of fasting. I wonder, God, how precious we are in your sight as we fight on our knees.

Lord, how I love to use my words to magnify Your Name! What a cherished gift You have given to us. The gift of words. The sound of our voice. The proclamation of praise. Yes, such sweet gifts!

Dear Lord, I pray for hope to set ablaze in each of our hearts.

Father God, I have a request to lay at your feet.

Will you revive our American soil? Lord, as I say that, my heart smiles knowing that You already are. Revival is spreading across our nation! We hear the song, we see the baptism, we testify of Salvation! Coast to coast, you are setting a revival in our land.

So, Lord, my question is deeper still.

Will you Drain the Swamp that has rooted itself so deeply in our soil? Yes, I think that is the pinpoint of my prayer. Yet, even as I cast this request at your feet, I see the fruit of your handiwork in this too. Lord, as dark as the infestation is, Your light is shining powerfully upon the darkness! I feel like “it” got too big for their own good. As if they think they are unstoppable. As if they are in full control. As if they won.

Lord, my heart almost giggled at those last sentences. As if I know the full story. As if I know the Truth. For I do, I know You, the infinite Way, the Almighty Truth, the everlasting Life.

Father, I pray in all my boldness before Your Throne, please stop the ones who think they are unstoppable. Right now, lay your right hand upon their heads. Speak Your decree upon them today. That each and every one of them will have no choice but to declare You as the Victor! That they may taste and see Your goodness! That they may know that You alone are God! {Psalm 85}

Jesus, may I pray so boldly and specifically, perhaps selfishly? Lord God, will you lead the path for President Trump’s return as President of our United States of America?! Will You keep him in the White House without him having to miss a beat? Lord, our nation has witnessed You doing SO much for the integrity and character of our foundation through Trump’s leadership.

You have built a wall of defense around this man as he daily stood for our nation’s protection, both within and without our border. The world is remembering who we are. We were remembering who we are. We are the land of the free. We are the home of the brave. We are Americans. And we are proud to be! For in our American pride, we kneel humbly in Your Sovereignty.

God, this is my pointed prayer. Pave our path quickly and powerfully back under the leadership of President Trump, of Vice President Pence, of the people, and of Your Mighty Name!

Before Your Throne and at Your feet,



Prayer for 2020

Prayer for Children

Prayer for Pastors